Crossposted from Town Called Dobson
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The carnival of the clueless continued at the White House this past weekend.
As more and more of the details of the escalation are discovered, the more this plan looks to be an unmitigated disaster.
From Mark Seibel:
President Bush and his aides, explaining their reasons for sending more American troops to Iraq, are offering an incomplete, oversimplified and possibly untrue version of events there that raises new questions about the accuracy of the administration’s statements about Iraq.
Oh this won’t be the first time Bush has lied to us… that started with the bullshit about WMD’s and then it was on to Yellowcake and so forth. And, those are just the lies about Iraq.
But the president’s account understates by at least 15 months when Shiite death squads began targeting Sunni politicians and clerics. It also ignores the role that Iranian-backed Shiite groups had in death squad activities prior to the Samarra bombing.
Blaming the start of sectarian violence in Iraq on the Golden Dome bombing risks policy errors because it underestimates the depth of sectarian hatred in Iraq and overlooks the conflict’s root causes. The Bush account also fails to acknowledge that Iranian-backed Iraqi Shiite groups stoked the conflict.
President Bush met at the White House in November with the head of one of those groups: Abdul Aziz al-Hakim of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq. SCIRI’s Badr Organization militia is widely reported to have infiltrated Iraq’s security forces and to be involved in death squad activities.
Bush’s account of everything is never the truth, it never even approaches the truth. Why should we believe him now? Why should we sacrifice more American lives for Bush’s credibility?
No one can save George W. Bush. But Congress can save America from him.
It is called impeachment.
Amen to that!
Now, if we could just get a word of prayer with Congress, then maybe my brother wouldn’t have to go back to that God Forsaken desert again.