It’s pretty good. Atrios has the link (and here’s another link to the speech which should open directly to the mp3 audio file) if you’d like to listen to it.
The speech is powerful. The main theme is that we must stop being silent about this war, and about all the other injustices in our country and our world, because “silence is betrayal”. He calls the escalation of the war wrong, apologizes for his own vote authorizing it back in 2002, and demands Congress to stop the escalation (“It is no longer okay to stay silent and keep your own counsel. Silence is betrayal”) by using the power of the purse.
More importantly, he asks all of us to speak out to our Congressional representatives demanding that they act to stop the Madness of King George (my phrase, not his).
One more quote: “Raw power alone will not make you a leader.” This said as he called for action in Iraq, Darfur, the AIDS crisis in Africa and building the Culture of Values in our society that Martin Luther King demanded. We have to take action.
Here is the main switchboard phone number of Congress — (202) 224-3121 — whose operators can direct your calls to your representatives. Make that call. Take action. Break the silence. Demand our Congress use their power to reign in this Imperial President, who, as Booman noted last night, simply does not believe there are any limits to his power.
Calls today to our Congressional members may go unanswered, but fill up their voicemail boxes, and then call again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next.
Last Edwards quote: “What are you doing for others? … What are you doing that once again America can exist in a fair and just world? … The world needs to see our better angels.”
Be an angel.
Off topic, but my Fred Kagan diary is now available in orange
Damn, this is priceless. Edwards’ speech and especially the King George madness stuff.
I’ve sent to whoever I know on my Buddhist listserve and to friends.
Happy MLK Day!
what a fabulous speech!!!!
Thanks for the link.
I love this line, especially:
It’s time to be patriotic about something other than war.
Ha…..I was just getting ready to quote that also Kid..wonderful wonderful statement isn’t it.
Edwards = yaaawwwnnnnnn.