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Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
It’s been awhile since we’ve had one of these. I’ve noticed alot of new user names in the comments as well as some oldies but goodies. Don’t be shy! As diane101 or shirl would say: Tell us about you!
I’ll even bribe you with some chocolate fudge cheesecake:
I’ll bet a picture of Bud is an even better one.
I’ll take both the cheesecake and Bud.
one is still my favorite.
Yup, it’s a classic.
Who could say no to those eyes?
and Bud … Can’t resist that double whammy! 😀
H5 g4ys,
5’0 ar64nd – b4t n6t *6st5ng 04ch.
The ask code. Love it. 🙂
Hi guys,
I’m around – but not xxxxing xxxx.
That’s my guess …
Sorry to see you’re still dealing w/ that keyboard problem.
Got it! 🙂
more chocolate in a user-friendly form.
That looks sooooooo good … 🙂
Hi Olivia.
Are you a new member? It’s so good to see new faces, so to speak. 🙂
Manny thanks for putting up the Welcome Wagon. I hope some people will come out and have some fun with us tonight.
It certainly feels like it … haven’t been ’round blogville much these last few days.
And for your blog — you do remember your blog, don’t you? — I think a post that has a flower that was growing in the garden 6 months ago would be nice.
lol … I’ll put one up later tonight from the archives or my ‘to post’ folder.
I do see that you did finally put up a new post so I guess you don’t have to rush to do another one.
though … although hay bales could be considered plant material, right? 🙂
Why is FM torn tonight?
I believe he can’t decide if this is an FBC or a welcome wagon — not sure why it can’t be both.
Andi has spoken. It’s both! Woo Hoo! 🙂
Just shows you how much we missed you.
I’m a little confused. I know this is a welcome wagon and I don’t think it’s a cafe. I’m so torn… 🙂
In a way I sort of feel like we’re hijacking a Welcome Wagon and I truly would like the lurkers and new people to introduce themselves, but I want to talk to ya’ll too, so I’m torn.
Not saying ya’ll are boring, but lurkers and new people, come on. 🙂
Than2s and y64 g6t 5t!
5t’s s6 we5rd – 5t 6n3y affects the r5ght ha3f 6f the 2eyb6ard.
Did you spill something on it or did it just start happening?
14st 352e that, when 36gg5ng 6n Sat4rday 06rn5ng – 14st 6ver a wee2 ag6.
To bad you aren’t close by. I have a couple of keyboards here at the house. Don’t know what to tell ya.
but that does make it easier to read … I had no problem w/ that comment at all … you tried the adware programs IIRC to try and remove it …
New 3a*t6* 5n Febr4ary 6r arch *aychec2 0ay be the 6n3y s634t56n.
It’s certainly a great excuse for buying a new goody.
one more idea — have you checked the keyboard properties (under control panel)? make sure it is set for english (us) …
D5d n6w!
“This device is working properly.
If you are having problems with this device, click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter.”
have you tried plugging an external keyboard in, and still have same problem?
G6t 6ne, b4t need an ada*ter – than2s And5.
Have you reformatted the computer to see of that worked?
Reformatting the computer is a little overboard isn’t it?
if nothing else works???? LOL
You have apoint there. 🙂
H5 rf,
5 w643dn’t dare!
LOL I understood the fear in that one immediately. My last computer I reformatted at least once a year if not more. Of course I was still running windows 98se until the computer died last winter.
I’ve got it. I know how to fix it. Go to the kitchen and get a glass of water. Go back to the keyboard and throw the water up in the air to where it will land on your head. Turn around three time while saying intel, intel, intel. If that doesn’t work, then buy a new one.
D5dn’t w6r2.
B4t the 2eyb6ard 5s c3eaner!
I maybe see a new keyboard in your future.
Dagnabit! Your Sens trounced my Habs on Hockey Day in Canada… ACCCK! I am not too worried about it, but the Habs have been on a major slide since I got the Center Ice package and can actually watch the frickin’ games. lol
Just a little hit and run commenting. 🙂 Haven’t seen one of these welcome wagon diaries in a while.
so you’re the reason, eh … 😉
Hello People,
I haven’t been very active in participation, other than diary recommendations. I have been grieving over the loss of a family friend and a family member.
BTW–stupid question–but I guess the question not asked would be more silly. How do I post pictures from my digital camera on this site?
Hi BGH. Hope you don’t mind me shortening your name.
I’m sorry to hear about your loss.
To post pictures you need to join one of the free photo hosting sites like flker (sp) or Photobucket. There are others, but those are the ones I’m most fimiliar with. Once you do that upload your pictures there and there will be html code you can copy for each picture and you post it here. That’s pretty simplified, but others here can explain it better.
It’s good to see you here.
sorry for your loss!!! Youc an upload images at photobucket(it’s fee) and the get html for it at that site. Use the clickable and remove the target and center instructions in the html.
Thanks FM (don’t mind shortening at all) and Thank you Refinish for condolences and photo advice.
No Problem. This is all one big family here!!!! We share our joys, our pains, our laughs, our tears and everything in between. That is what makes Booman Tribune and the Pond so wonderful!!!!
No problem. When you get it started come into the cafe and ask as many questions as you need. There’s always someone there willing to help, plus if you’ve noticed we like to talk. 🙂
I think I’ll call you “blue.” BGH will always make me think of Bovine Growth Hormone.
There’s a company in Hobart that I sometimes deal with called Print Mail Solutions (PMS). Aussies say Pre-menstrual Tension, so no one thinks their name is funny but me.
blue’s good too…I’ll respond to anything I recognize. 😉
As a new reader and commenter, I’ve felt quite welcomed already. I’m a scientist and teacher, and occasionally I’m joined by my son (an engineer) in commenting. Hopefully, now that my teaching load is a little lighter, I’ll contribute more to the group.
Welcome!!!! I hope you and your son both enjoy the site and become an integral part of the larger pond family!!!
Great picture michaelmt.
I’m retired and try to do as little as possible – slowly. It’s good to have you and your son here.
A minor barrier to the beach in the Galapagos…:)
Don’t know if I would want to walk around or just sit and look.
Wonderful picture keres. I forgot how fuzzy ducklings can be.
This is Molly’s first brood, which is why she’s giving me the evil eye. From the looks of the ducklings, I’d say that two were layed by Boogie, another two are Snert’s, and two are Molly’s – the remaining two could belong to any of the three girls.
I’ve got homes for them already, so they won’t be staying long.
not Albert-Cute but still cute.
not Albert cute
Nothing is.
His surgery on Monday was to remove two teeth that had grown back from the roots (that broke off during the original extractions). So he still has the same number of teeth.
Unfortunately, his remaining cheek teeth are so misaligned that they rub against his tongue and recently created an ulcer. I suspect, at some point, we’ll decide on removing them as well. Which will leave him pretty much toothless and eating a pureed diet.
I don’t think he’ll mind as long as he get what he likes.
Poor Albert. Soon he’ll be the George Washington of bunnies.
BTW, I give up. I’m not suggesting any more additions to the menagerie. (I’m just going to think nice thoughts about goats until the good vibes wear you down.)
If I could find a Nigerian Dwarf nanny goat in Tasmanina, I might have buy her. I used to make the most scrumptious French Vanilla ice cream with the excess goat milk and duck eggs, and real vanilla beans.
By original training, I’m a biologist. For a number of years, I was “temporarily insane” and took an administration job. Friends and family got into the habit of giving me frogs–glass and jeweled, rubber and stuffed–just to remind me of my roots and that I should not get “too big for my pond.” So this is familiar territory!
So you’re an old time frogger. How much better can it get. You know we’ll be wanting to see pictures of all the frogs.
Hi Michaelmt, welcome to Booman, interesting thing about the frogs, eh.
Temporarily insane, I am sure you will fit right in here, we are or have been or will be.
Good for you manee, for putting up a welcome wagon, nice to see it all polished and clean.
Hi michael, I’m an artist by training with biology as a hobby (really). I’m sure we’ll find plenty to talk about.
One of my best friends just retired from teaching (university) biology to become an artist. She took off to Italy and took a painting course! I love it.
As for me, I technically retired early to do a bunch of web work and to learn the violin.
Welcome michaelmt! I can’t stick around long – must be off to the big city early for a conference. Just wanted to say Hi.
From the Frog Fountain at Butchart Gardens…consider it a welcome gift… 🙂
I love this blog! I have just signed up, although I’ve been reading for a few months. I just posted my first diary tonight. Thanks for the welcome.
Welcome to BT. I just went and read your diary and I’m sure I won’t be arguing against your prediction.
Welcome from me too and what Andi said.
Wow. That was quick! Thanks so much for reading the post. More fearless prognostications to come.
Welcome to the pond, onealbear!
Hello all. Sorry about that keyboard, ask. If you take a quick trip up to Westchester, I can give you another one.
Welcome to all newcomers!
For those who are going through Parvum Opus withdrawal, I’m offering Olivia some competition over at my blog.
I agree Olivia has got some competition now. 🙂
You’ve taken some pretty nice photos yourself.
Nah not in your and Olivia’s league.
Welcome everybody!
I think you’ve got it. 🙂
:)I’m gonna try another…
Have been reading and posting for a few months, and I come by every day I can. I’m waiting for the frog-march myself, so am looking forward to the news from the Libby trial.
Congrats to whomever is responsible for Spellcheck!
I agree with books alive…
Welcome aboard to everyone.
I love it when we have more voices to be heard.
hugs to everyone…..
We’ve missed your coming by the FBC — and you’ve missed a bunch of dawn pics. 🙂
I missed them too. You need a photo blog, Andi. 😉
Posting the morning cafe is so much easier.
Hey, and I have missed coming by too. I hope that you know that my job change is more demanding than I thought it might be. Anyhow things are starting to slow down somewhat….maybe now I can get back to normal….;o)
Would it be improper to ask for a repeat showing of them?..:o) hugs and so good to see ya all again.
some links for you.
dawn 1
dawn 2
dawn 3
a little later than dawn
Thanks Andif. Those are so good. They are so pretty. You know me, I love those so much anyhow…hugs and thanks again…
Hate to run, but I just had relatives come in. I do wish they would call every now and then. Got to go and see how long they’ll be staying this time.
Welcome again to everyone. Oh and ask about the robo-rater.
when my dad’s relatives in Missouri would show up semi-unannounced.
By that I mean they’d send a letter (this was well back in the pre-Internets era) with all the family news, then in the last paragraph would mention, “Got to go — we’re driving out to see you in California! Be there in about a week!” and we’d get the letter maybe a couple of days before their intended arrival meaning a frenzy of housecleaning and grocery shopping. Drove Mom crazy…
Yeah. Go ahead. Ask. I dare ya. 🙂
Be sure to post your kitty pics at the Thursday Dog and Critter Blog.
That’s Thursday my time (I’m an American who was wisked away to Tasmania by a charming Australian), so it usually gets posted while it’s still Wednesday in the rest of the world.
I am so glad to see all the newbees around here tonight. The cat pixs are just terrrrific….I am an animal lover, BTW. So keep em coming….
I’ve just noticed that my humble first post has made it into the recommended diaries column. Needless to say, I am thrilled! Thanks to you all. What a great welcome.
actually, I sometimes wonder if newbies wouldn’t prefer to just start posting without fanfare?
maybe because I am a “difficult person”
at any rate, please know that Miss Devore is full of the skim milk of human kindness. I sometimes go to 2% fat.
I’m used to difficult people as my husband swears I am one too sometimes. Before my grandparents passed away my husband always thought my family fought but he could never understand why we kept showing up at each other’s houses every other day. I guess his family was very quiet. My family just discussed sometimes loudly with passion.
There are some things you should know about this place.
To give someone a 4 for a particularly noteworthy post, or just so you can hear them say “Is that a 4 in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”, go to the dropdown list just below their post, click on the button next to “none” and change it to “4-Excellent”, and hit “Rate all.”
Doing that for over 100 posts is hard work, though. George would not approve. (And by that I mean the George who is the occasional maitre d’ here. We don’t care what the George in the White House thinks.) So, to facilitate the process of giving everyone in the cafe a 4, I have created a little tool many others have used to great effect in making the cafe a much fourrier place.
(This was the actual point of my comment, by the way — to introduce all you newbies to Robo-Rater. It will save you from getting mouse finger from recommending everyone. You’ll love it. Trust me.)
Recently an old Indian chief sat in his hut on the reservation, smoking a ceremonial pipe and eyeing two U.S. Government officials sent by the President to interview him. “Chief Two Eagles,” asked one official, “you have observed the white man for 90 years. You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances. You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.”
The chief nodded in agreement.
The official continued, “Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?”
The Chief stared at the government officials for over a minute and then calmly replied, “When white man found the land, Indians were running it. No taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, women did all the work, medicine man free, Indian man spent all day hunting and fishing, all night having sex.” Then the chief leaned back and smiled. “Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.”
For the brightness of the new members of the tribe, here`s a welcome flower, a surprise bloom on one of my cactus groupings down in the field.
As we are first to hear from you, you are the first to see this bloom. May you smell as sweet.
Welcome to all the new members! Well you know, not really ‘new’, but recently introduced. I think I’ve seen most of you around at least once or twice before 🙂
Winter has finally set in here. We had ice storms the past couple of days, which has left everything looking like it is coated in glass.
I’m Steven D and I’m a BTholic.
Aren’t we all? 🙂
thanks for sharing
Hi, I’m the Jaded Prole — also known hereabouts as Al. I’m an activist, poet and publisher of the Blue Collar Review. I dig Jazz as well as Prine and other eclectic music. I tennd to hang out at Atrios. I’ve liked this place for some time but the system here won’t always post comments. I’m glad for the chance to hang out here, keep up the great work.
Welcome new members!
Well, like usual, I’m late to the party.
Hello, my name is Chris. What’s with all the green?