In her fine diary about the ongoing effort to depopulate and then Disnefy New Orleans, Bob Herbert nails it again regarding New Orleans, blksista asked this magic question about both Barack Obama and Ray Nagin.
Just what are these cats really doing?
In context:
As I saw that picture of him relaxing among other vacationers on the beach, I thought to myself, what the fuck is he doing there? From all reports, the emergency was still going on.
It’s the same thing I thought about seeing photos of Barack Obama frolicking barechested in the surf.
Just what are these cats really doing?
My extended answer to that question follows.
“What are these cats really doing?”
Nagin and Obama?
At the beach while the dispossessed of America suffer and Iraqis fry?
They are representing their people.
Their REAL people.
The rich, the powerful.
Integration HAS come. On all levels. It just doesn’t look like many people expected it to look.
Equal opportunity to be a slave, equal opportunity to be a master, equal opportunity to be an overseer.
Equal opportunity to deceive oneself while amassing a fortune.
I breathlessly await our first black Rockefeller.
The real essence of Malcolm’s message? The one that got him killed, no matter who did the killing?
Be careful what you wish for.
You may get it.
White people are not “bad”.
Nor are black people, nor any shade in between.
Skin color and race are just convenient markers, used in an ad hoc manner as suits the purposes of the powerful.
First, Jews were bad. (I can GUARANTEE that the fathers and grandfathers of the WASP elite who are presently caterwauling for support of Israel were Jew-hating motherfuckers. That is an ironclad guarantee. Bet on it.)
Now…they’re good.
Same thing going on now with the black race.
Lynch ’em one generation, nominate ’em the next.
Once they’ve learned their REAL lesson.
Money talks, only fools walk.
As the virtual reality media world has shown, the use of physical characteristics as societal markers is now increasingly unnecessary. You do not have to fool all of the people all of the time. Some critical mass percentage of the population is all that it is necessary to capture. To hypnotize.
“Sincerity is the most important thing. Once you can fake that, you are in.” Sam Goldwyn.
And the best way to do that? The way that I thoroughly believe sets Obama apart from Nagin?
Obama really BELIEVES he is straight.
Nagin just seems to be on the hustle.
That is why I am not horrified at the possibility that Hillary Clinton may become our next president.
She has gone the extra step.
Instead of being a flat-out hustler OR one who believes her own hustle, she is living in some other world.
She gets up in the morning…EVERY morning…puts on her face and goes to work. She is NOT full of herself, as is Obama. She is just working her game; the game is BIG, and it is not about the primacy of class.
It is just about the realities of the use of power, a subject in which she had both native aptitude and the opportunity to learn at the highest levels.
HER spouse is not happily shopping for shoes in Dallas, and you will NEVER see her cavorting in the waves, showing off her shoulders.
Obama has a lot of losing to do before he even has a CHANCE to ascend to her class. He has to lose that smirk, just for starters.
Blksista referred to FDR in her post.
She wrote:
Hillary Clinton IS FDR.
Who never believed his hype.
Whose ugly wife was most beautiful in heart.
Who died trying.
The old saying, “Never try to hustle a hustler?”
Here’s a street corollary.
Never trust a hustler who believes his own hustle.
Never deal with a dealer who is addicted to his own wares.
Obama is selling himself
And he is hooked.
He has talent. He has position. But he has a LOT of jonesing to do before he is ready.
If ever.
Some exposure to real executive power over life and death, to the realities of power in DC, may achieve that for him.
He DOES have talent.
Clinton for Pres, Obama for Vice-Pres.
Straight into the White House? Obama? On image alone?
I sincerely hope not.
Hard street guys like Putin will eat him for breakfast.
Bet on that, too.
Obama really BELIEVES he is straight.
Beware ‘black leaders’ who are annointed by the white community.
And beware being the one who is ‘annointed.’
They build you up to tear you down.
If you have half a conscious, you end up a tragic figure like Colin Powell.
If you have no conscious, you shop for shoes.
But then again Barack Obama doesn’t want to be, maybe never intended to be, a ‘black leader.’
They tell him that he can be the next President of the United States.
Not in 2012. Or 2016 or 2020. But NOW.
Obama ? On image alone ?
How does one get elected on image when every constituency sees a very different face of Obama reflected in the looking glass.
Obama has talent. True dat.
But we all know talented brothers and sisters who got played and burnt.
Obama, wait. Not this time. Get yourself ready.
Don’t play yourself.
When the girls get to play…the real game has moved on to something else.
Same old game.
Different rules as to who can play.
I am concerned about Obama, but I am not reasured about Hillary. She has shown me nothing to indicate that she will work in my interest or yours if she is elected President. I think the lesson she learned from her health care plan fiasco was to court the rich and powerful, go with the flow, smooth over the real issues, bread and circuses.
I’m sorry, but I’ve watched her as my Senator and I simply do not trust her. I would prefer Edwards, Gore or Clark to either of them at this point.
Amen. Perish that thought of Hillary in the WH.
Thanks Steven D, you summed up my feelings on Hillary. She puts her finger in the wind to see which way it blows…and even then she dithers, can’t make up her mind as the train leaves her at the station.
Another blow to her campaign is registered– Guardian, UK
“In an apparent dig at Mrs Clinton’s Iraq record, Mr Obama said yesterday the troop increase was “a terrible consequence of the decision to give him the broad, open-ended authority to wage this war in 2002”.
“Mrs Clinton is in danger of suffering the fate of previous Democratic contenders, such as Edmund Muskie, the clear favourite for the Democratic nomination in 1972 who lost out in the anti-Vietnam war fervour to George McGovern.
In order to protect her hawkish reputation, which could be useful in a presidential election campaign, she suggested that troop levels in Afghanistan be increased.”
Frankly, imho she’d make a lousy candidate. She’s a fence straddler.