I’m watching MS-NBuchananC. And there is some Republican on there saying (taunting) that the left-wing base is going to get disenchanted with the Democrats if all they do is a silly non-binding ‘sense of the Congress’ thing and cannot stop the war. He is saying that we will all turn on the Dems if they can’t magically get our troops home.

So, here is my question. Is that true? Do you feel like the Dems are letting you down, not doing enough, taking the wrong or insufficient strategy?

I don’t want to skew your responses, but I think Joe Biden put it very well yesterday. He said (paraphrasing), “The President will find it hard to ignore a majority of the Congress telling him he is pursuing the wrong strategy. This is particularly true because 21,500 troops are not going to arrive in Iraq overnight. This is a process that will take months to unfold and the every major foreign policy thinker, the Joint Chiefs, the Generals, the Iraq Study Group, and the Congress is saying escalating, more troops, is the wrong choice.”

In my view, we have a choice between losing a vote over stopping funds and winning a vote over rebuking the policy. If we win these sense of the Congress votes then I think we will see another seismic shift against the war like the one that followed the midterm elections. I think they are taking a cautious but wise strategy.

What do you think?