Froggy Bottom Happy Hour.
Drink enough beer and you can be this happy.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Waterslides to the left.
Waterslides to the left.
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Does anybody know how much beer an elephant could suck up in it’s trunk?
to see if anybody had an elephant so you could do an experiment?
Nope, but we might have found the new animal for keres.
If she doesn’t have room for horses or goats, she definitely won’t go for an elephant.
Maybe she could find a pygmy elephant. If all else fails I can send her George. 🙂
You’re definately right there. Two-hundred pounds of hay a day! And, well, we all know what that means.
This is why I feed premium dog food, less bulk in means less bulk out.
It’s pouring down rain at the moment (yipee). This is because:
a) I just had 3000 gal. of water delivered yesterday at a cost of $110 (yikes);
b) I just hung the laundry;
c) Luna wouldn’t stay inside for more than a few minutes once it started raining and is now a large white damp mop.
If it keeps going for at least ten more minutes I’ll be thrilled.
maybe keres could get these…
clik to enlarge
“wooden elephants:” Andries Botha, So. African artist
that’d be kewl indeed.
That is pretty kewl. I could use one for my front yard.
to your aura of mystery…
wtf’s he up to now?!?!
They would probably think, well he finally got up of his butt and did something. 🙂
I once drank three liters of beer back-to-back at the Hoffbrau Haus in Germany, so I’m not terribly impressed by 7.5 liters for a one- to two-ton animal.
and you’ll be blowin’ it out your nose…:{)
but whatthehell…set ’em up George.
and how bout some Doritos over here…eh?
John McCain: The truth.
Whazup dada.
George is coming with the beer. That’s kinda kewl about the Doritos commercials.
the Checkout Girl one has a local connection…well, to the univ.
BTW…anybody else having probs w/ loading the site?
realllllllllllllly slow, and the “Recommend” button says “Search Sierra Trading Post“…methinks the ads are the monkey in the wrench works….
Yep it’s pretty slow loading. I’m getting a waiting for or something like that.
No elephants. Just a young lady in the garden I took this afternoon.

Hi Head.
I like that piture. Did you blacken in around the picture?
Using levels, I darken the dark areas, but I shot it in high contrast to begin with. The risk in that, is that the whites get burnt out. I take the color shot & with the different channels, I make it a black & white, which makes it easier to control the, after the fact, lighting. I could take the same shot at night with a flash unit, but I tend to not like setting up the unit in the garden. Wouldn`t want to scare the animals.
Well I think you did a wonderful job on it.
beautifully lit
I did turn the statue to get the light this way. I should just have kept checking it as the world turned to get the same light. Thanks
You do stuff like waiting and then when the light is supposed to be right it ends up not being right — getting ’em while you can is definitely the way to go.
That`s what I meant. I can`t let the world pass me by.
the way the light caresses the forms is really tasty…reminds me of one of my favorite B&W nude studies…but I can’t remember the photog’s name…I’ll see if I can find it.
Hey dada, like you said in the comments on Sangreal`s diary, study the ones that make you notice. People say “Wow, what kind of camera do you have?” I usually use my analogy of how Monet must have had good brushes or tell them about Ansel Adam`s wooden box camera.
“Run what ya brung” is what cool bikers say.
Just posted some sad news in a diary — heard on the Rachel Maddow Show that an Air America staffer has been killed in Iraq.
Diary here…
Hello all.
Hi Olivia.
Beautiful catch. It looks like you’re in an airplane above the clouds taking that.
How many Fudge Bars did you have to eat today?
I lost count and just gave up. This afternoon when I went to the store, I had to buy another box. 🙁
oh oh … lol
Hi Olivia, I just finished last night`s sunset, & your panorama view surprised me. The one I took, is a series of five shots I put together for a panorama view that encompasses almost 180 degrees.
I`d put it up but I`d rather look at your shot some more.
Go for it … I’d love to see it! 🙂
First you have to tell me how you did it. Is it a crop, or a panorama?

Here`s mine.
That’s a great shot. I especially like the trees silhouetted on the upper right.
but I think I like Head’s better…it’s got an ocean and warm weather…throw a beach in the mix…I’m there!…:{)
Beach, warm, Did you know it was snowing here yesterday. It`s much warmer now. I took this a few hours ago.

I’ll stop by on the way and pick you up d!
When the Tribe bus comes thru, make sure y`all stop by. No cutting in line.
Notice the point in both shots, on the far right of the panorama.
I think it`s the one I posted before. She was sueing the guy who took the pictures for a Coastal Project that recorded the condition of the west coast, from Canada to Mexico. I`ll get the exact house & shoot it sometime soon.
I got snow that’s 2 months old, and ain’t seen the upside of freezing for so long that 30º has me looking for shorts and sandals…and that beach’ll do! :{)
when I get an LA trip goin’, you’re at the top of my list, Head…
about taking your camera along. Link to bigger image, please.
big link
I like the part just to the left and south of the sun.
Now that`s what I`m talking about!!
to 0.50 ppm … woo hoo! 😀
I’ve got a graph done up to show you … just trying to post it now …
Well, well Olivia,
Aren`t we proud now. Are the Nitrites on the rise or on the downward side of the bell curve. It`s nice to see in actuality what you read about.
Beau is gonna love it.
Nitrites on the rise and ammonia going down … nitrates have started to rise too.
The asterisks represent a partial water change.
The pH is kinda wonky … measured out of tap and purified it is 7.6 … Temp is a balmy 78F. 🙂
The graph is exactly showing the transition from Ammonia levels rising then Nitrites starting , to overtaking the Ammonia as Nitrites rise. The Ammonia will soon read zero but the Nitrites will star falling in less than a week. I don`t test for Nitrates untill no Ammonia shows in the results & the Nitrite levels are almost at zero. You`ll see that fairly soon. Then you need to give the denitifyers some thing to denitrify. Fish poop. Let Beau do his job.
Good graph. I use a mental graph that has more points which shows up as curves rather than straight lines but it`s perfect.
Love your photographs, Olivia– I’m a shutterbug too, mostly medium format film stuff, but I am having a blast with my lil ole digital cameras too. I have to figure out this html thingee soon so I can post pics here– and links or whatever.
Posting isn’t that hard once you get the format figured out … first you have to find a place to host your photos, like photobucket or flickr … once you have one of those, it’s just a matter of copying the image code and pasting it into a teeny bit of html (which we can help you with) and presto!
If you have a specific question, feel free to ask — and the cafe is a good place to practice posting photos.
Hi Olivia
I have my own blog where I have a pretty good hosting situation. Can that work here??? I mean, can I host my own photos? That would be so much easier. Thanks for the help.
So you’re already posting photos and pixtures then. Posting here is probably the same as for your blog, using the image code:
< img src=”http://etc.” >
Remove the spaces before and after the angle (<>) brackets.
Make sure that the image is not too wide, otherwise it stretches the diary margins. I think the general rule is under 500 pixels in width. Also, we try not to post large images for users on dial-up. Another option is to post a thumbnail of the image which links to the larger size. Is that an option w/ your photo host?
Oh and the most important, preview before posting.
Althought I didn’t take it, this has always be a favorite of mine.
Gotta go for a mintue and get dinner ready.
Back in a minute.
How’s it going? I’m just sitting here doing some union work.
It goes and goes. Is doing union work better than grading papers or worse?
as the new secretary, I have a lot of paperwork. We are about to start a campaign to actively try to bring students back from the charter schools and I have found myself kind of in charge of that campaign, which was just launched today. That leaves me with reading a bunch of surveys.
The up side is I don’t need to prepare report cards for this.
How are you doing Andi?
I’m not sure I think paperwork is a good tradeoff for grades.
(I’m fine)
What do you mean? I have waaaaaay to much free time on my hands. Why just last night I slept 5 hours!
Hi Toni.
5 hours in a long nap to me. 🙂
I don’t need no stinkin’ naps:)
Hah! I plan my day around them. 🙂
to give you a rest.
How’s the weather over there — you guys getting this cold spell?
It has been quite cold this week, with just a hint of snow. How are things in the capital?
Surprise cheer-me-up (way up) present from son and hubby!
that looks very spiffy.
We’ll be expecting some very nice flower pics.
Okay, AF. Farmer’s Market here I come!
something to look forward to.
And then we can send you on a lot field trip up the north coast. 🙂
Must be a long list by now!
Now that`s what a loving cheering section does;, get you one of the best cameras on the market. Ya must be doing something right. Congrats.
Yay! And complete with learning curve! I’m immersed in the manual.
You’ll have to post the results of the learning process!
What fun!
That’s a wonderful cheer-me-up! 🙂
It’s good to see ya mm!
Truly! Truly! Truly!
Hi MM. I’m looking forward to all the pictures coming from that camera.
Thanks, FM. It’s much more sophisticated than what I’ve been doing. Luckily there is a digitutor!
That’s the camera I want!
Snuggled in with my 3 doggies and my sweet lady here in my little Beach house in the South…I mean way south, like southern Brazil, where I live. It’s hot as blue blazes but the fans are working fine.
Thank God for fans! I have a faithful fan club here in LA, too, though not much needed at the moment, I never forget my fans!
I’ll keep trying. Thanks for all of you who read and recommended my diaries. You really know how to make a newbie feel right at home.
but I think he left a glass of beer for you.
is mighty hard to come by down here in Brazil. Thanks Andi.
Hi onealbear.
Andi was right the bartender was shirking on his duties.
and prove to my neighbours, once again, that I just ain’t right
…stayed neither by snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness from accomplishing their appointed course with all speed.
Herodotus oft misquoted as the Postal Creed.
John McCain: The truth.
I’ve got to go. I’ve got a couple of little things to do before turning out the lights. See everyone later.
See ya Toni.
I hate to call it a night so early, but the visiting rels have me tuckered out today.
See everyone later.