It’s been an era of soft thinking and hard words. Those who opposed the war were weak and craven; those who supported it were dupes and bullies; those who came to oppose the war were cowards bowing to polls; those who continue to support it love all war all the time. Some of this was inevitable–the stakes could barely be higher; passions flare. But it’s not getting us anywhere. And it’s limiting debate. It’s making people fearful.
It is time for a kind of verbal amnesty in which thoughts are considered before motives are judged. An admission that the White House is as responsible for this situation as everyone else would help clear the air–and just might prompt some soul-searching in members of the audience. An honest plea here could break through the cement that has hardened over the debate. Who could answer harshly when a president who loves his country admitted the problem and pleaded for change? That’s what might really hit reset.
Hit reset? The White House is only ‘as responsible…as everyone else’? Someone give me a burlap sack and a half dozen hammers.
I enjoy picking on Peggy Noonan because she is so clueless. But she did come up with one really good idea today, so I thought I’d share it because I totally agree with it.
I continue to think the White House should issue two States of the Union simultaneously. The first would be a lengthy written document containing all plans and proposals for each agency, and a review of where we are. The second would be the address, a thematic speech devoted to the great and pressing issue of the day. Just having a White House decide what the issue is would be illuminating.
Not bad Peggy. I like it. Not all of your wanking is in vain.
How about making them both written? I’m sick of looking at Bush’s ugly mug spewing lies to sustained applause while more weighty broadcasts like SpongeBob Squarepants get preempted.
Hitting people with hammers isn’t cool…
alright, make it a rubber hammer and I’m in.
Is she really that clueless, or is this more bullshit to shift the blame? Or both?
I thought she clicked her mouse.
I am so sick of hearing how “the stakes are so high!”
Really? Are we talking about the foundations of our nation crumbling here, or perhaps invasion by an occupying force?
This U.S.A. does not face a serious threat from anyone in the world. Yet to hear these gasbags tell it, you’d assume we were on the brink of destruction.
And as far as the “substance” of Noonan’s writing; I’ll consider a “verbal amnesty” when those that concocted this disgrace of a war admit they were flat-out wrong. Period. No ifs, ands or buts. When the cabal rises and says, “we were wrong,” I’ll consider a concillatory tone. Until then…