I am far past sick of it. Yes, yes, yes, those mean old Republicans, and the media, take potshots at the Dems, oftentimes unfair potshots, but it happens over and over again. Of course, they usually use some version of the truth, and it’s all very predictable, like the sun rising in the east. Hell, a lot of the time they do it to each other. It’s not the attacks that I’m sick of though, it’s the whining. Sniveling, snot-nosed punks, the Democratic Party and their wholly owned “activists” in the blahhhgs cry and piss and moan over and over again, like the runt nursing his bloody nose behind the gym after his latest beating on the playground.
Shut up all ready. This is politics, not a gentleman’s debating society following ossified rules, with each side reading off of their little stack of point/counter-point notecards. This is politics, this is big money and big influence and people’s lives and hopes and opportunities up for grabs. It’s a real battle, war sublimated into a mess of rules and words and cash and raised voices. It’s a contest with high stakes, and like war if you really want to win then you have to go into it willing to fight, to take some losses while responding by taking a chunk out of your enemy’s hide.
Despite a long friendship, Adams and Jefferson and their partisans launched vicious attacks at each other, both in their campaigns and during each other’s time in office. There was NEVER a time when the various sides duking it out over national policy didn’t fight dirty, never. They may have used flowery words about how they respected each other, but these were just gloves they slipped on to keep their knuckles from splitting when they smacked their opponent in his teeth.
People think the Dems are weak because they act weak. Refuse to defend your military service when it’s challenged by releasing your medical records, like Kerry did. Give bloodless, wonky, long-winded answers about policy when someone asks an offensive question about your wife being raped, like Dukakis did. Sit there like a halting grinning fool when Chris Matthews says right to your face that your wife has you by the balls, as John Edwards did. Cower, whimper, complain that your questioner or opponent is mean … that behavior reinforces the idea that you won’t stand up for anyone, not even your own spouse. The more you complain, the worse it gets. When the hateful radicals on the right attack your constituents, respond by telling those constituents to shut up and not expect any overt support, for fear that the right will attack again.
This is the behavior of cowards. This is the behavior of submissive, spineless weaklings who fear the next punch, kick or harsh word. This is the behavior of losers.
Quit whining, silly little Donks, unless of course you’re secretly happy with the way this country is being run. Frankly, for many of you, for Clinton, Schumer, Emmanuel, Reid and so many of the rest of you, one can only conclude that you secretly wish that you could be running with the bullies. You don’t want to fight, or else you would be.
If you went to school at a madrassa, get it out there at the front, before it looks like you wanted to hide it. Stand up, dammit, stand up and fight. The right is full of wife-beaters, thieves, liars, cheats, hypocrites, racists, homophobes, closet-cases … start going after them, if you actually give a damn and want to win.
Sadly, though, we know that you won’t, because you don’t care about the increasing nightmare this country is becoming. You’re on board with imperial mass murder. You’re on board with declining opportunity for success for increasing numbers of Americans. You’re just fine with children living in poverty, with women dying in childbirth for lack of access to healthcare, with increasing ignorance and rapacious corporate raping of the overheating planet. You don’t fight because you know that if you take your shots, the bullies will let you follow along with their pack, maybe even let you play once in a while. You LIKE being subservient to the greedy racist, nativist, bloodthirsty monsters who run this country.
What else can we think BUT those things, as you shuffle and sniffle and whine?
Far far too many dems seem to have forgotten the ‘art of fighting’….and one other thing I really think they should learn is how to deflect some of the more looney tune attacks..with humor. Boxer literally laughed off the stupid attack on her from the right about what she ‘supposedly’ said to Condi having no personal stake in Iraq and I think that her doing that had a lot to do with that attack being dropped after a few days.
Turn attacks around and make the person attacking you look like a buffoon-not hard to do at all with anything the rethugs say-and that person goes from being a possible legit contender to someone who can be ridiculed and there really is nothing worse than that in politics is there?
they are, at base, either too afraid or too lacking in any core beliefs to muster up the ability to fight back.
I’m quite serious in my belief that they are done as a political party, and if you’re a leftist the only choice left is to withhold your vote from all but the few who share your values.
Goodness, Chocolate Ink, about the time you were posting, the opening skit on SNL was Tweety and Hillary on “Hardball.” Before losing her cool and calling forth bleeps, our actress launched peal after peal of laughter. Was it ESP in response to your recommendation?
Nothing fazed Chris, as he continued to call Hillary, “Great.”
ha..now only if some of the dems would get that ESP I’m sending we might have more fun-and better campaigns to watch. Or maybe to paraphrase badly, ‘laugh and the world laughs with you..whine and cry and who cares’.
That’s why I like Pelosi. She hits back.
except she slaps back only after agreeing that really important things are off the table: cutting off funding for Iraq, universal healthcare and impeachment. Pre-emptive cringing, I call it.
Unless I was having a bad dream I thought I heard her say the other day that she knows the President knows that they will not cut of the funding for the troops-cause they don’t want to look like they are against the troops. That’s bullshit and she knows it. There is enough money there for troops(in a manner of speaking minus armored vehicles and so on)to be brought home. No one has ever said we’d leave our troops stranded no matter what the whacko’s keep trying to say.
If they don’t get serious with more than a silly ‘non-binding’ resolution on this then what’s the point.
When we (and the R’s) least expect it the Bushites will be flat on their back in an armbar pounding the mat in submission.
they have failed repeatedly for decades. They NEVER fight, not any of these people in leadership, and the committee chairpersons who DO have a history of fighting are being actively restrained by the leadership.
They’ve done NOTHING to earn the out-sized faith that people seem willing to put in them.
I’m not disagreeing with your overall assessment and the fact that there are waaaaay too many dems representing monied interests rather than the people.
The love affair between Patrick Kennedy (RI-1) and Jim Ramstad (MN-03) is one example.
The work they are doing together is great and addresses significantly underserved needs. We need people like Jim and Pat to help remove the taboo surrounding mental health and addicition and recovery issues.
BUT to your point Madman, Ramstad is a scion of a monied midwestern family and and Pat Kennedy is…well a Kennedy.
But beyond these examples, I think there is a recognition that dems or the people must fight and fight hard. Pelosi entered public life after her family was raised and became our first female speaker. You don’t do that without some significant cahones.
A womens path to power and the use of that power is often different than a man’s. I suspect that Speaker Pelosi will show us many lessons over the next two years. I may be wrong, and If I am I’ll admit it, but I’m intuiting something about the new speaker that I think will make us proud.
Now if Hillary would just get of her way! 🙂
Good God.
The Dems are running an entire group of VP candidates.
Our ship is so terribly on the rocks.
Please save this quote for Jan. ’10, a year after we supposedly win the election and are still acting like Republicans.
That is what scares me most. That a “progressive” blog (note the small cap) yearns for the table scraps and will defend the results as if they were an improvement. Does one think a half-shredded Constitution is any better than a fully shredded one?
I look to the future and see that nothing tells me anything other than we are screwed royally.