GM put a survey on one of their web site asking people to let them know whether they should build their plug-in series hybrid Volt. I don’t know why the people Who Killed the Electric Car, would do this, but I am planning to give them a big surprise. Right now the number of people who have come to the site and voted for GM to make the Volt is close to 100,000. That is right baby 100 Gs worth of people telling GM that they want what is in essence an electric car that can go unlimited miles because it has a generator to produce electricity to keep it going on long trips. Let’s hammer this one home for GM, its stock holders and its bankers. We want alternative fuel vehicles that free us from foreign sources of energy. We hammer it home by showing overwhelming numbers on this survey. A hundred thousand people telling them that they are willing to buy plug-in vehicles is a darn hard thing to ignore.

We need to overwhelm them in their own survey to let them know that demand is real and BIG.

Click here to go to the Chevy Volt website

When at the site go to the lower part of the page and a little to the left. Click on Vote for Volt Survey. Vote yes on both questions if you want GM to make the vehicles and if you are willing to buy one when they do.

Hopefully, their eyes will see dollars behind all those votes in the survey. And hopefully the survey will lead them to do the right thing. The right thing being to produce the Volt in sufficient numbers across the country to have an affect on pollution, oil and our economy. So help me push and vote.

Tell GM the halo effect doesn’t begin until they produce the vehicles in large enough numbers so that all of us who want them can buy them, where ever we live in the country. And I mean buy. I am not going to lease the Volt.