Moring Miss Andi!!!! I have been up since 4 am. I finally finshed all 50 states with both designs and got them uploaded. I will now start on some other designs for the store and also start doing the SEO so other people can find it. LOL
After only two weeks, we’ve uncovered enough neglect to last for the entire four year term! Its really overwhelming. Good thing I’m an incurable optimist.
Morning FM! It finally looks seasonal outside our house today, with a couple of inches of the white stuff. I was traveling yesterday, so I’m grateful it held off long enough for me to return home and get to the Chieftains concert last night.
Andi was saying last night ya’ll expected snow around your area. Glad it wasn’t a lot.
I would have loved to have seen the Chieftains. In the last couple of years I’ve gotten into traditional Irish music. Just listening on the radio, but I like it.
Morning maryb, how’s it looking in your area? I have friends in Webster Groves and my grandpa was school super there way back in the 20’s. I feel a certain kinship for the area, with ties like that.
I’m in the city so I only got 2 inches. The most in the TV viewing area was in the Jerseyville IL , which got 6 inches. (I’m not sure where Jerseyville is exactly, to tell you the truth, I’m reading this from their website). They say we may get freezing drizzle later — which would put a glaze of ice over the top. Sigh. Maybe the city will avoid that.
In 1834, for the purpose of establishing a Post Office here, the principal inhabitants of Jerseyville vicinity met at the Red House, to give the new town a new name. Those who attended that meeting were, G. Patterson, Geo. Richards, J. E. Cooper, G. W. Lowder, J. Allen, R. B. Robbins, Isaac Darneil, E. A. D’Arcy, Alfred Carpenter, John Ellis, J. W. Lott, E. M. Daley, Murray Cheney, N. L. Adams, A. H. Burritt, N. Miner, Franklin Potts, and J. A. Potts, Dr. E. A. D’Arcy was chairman of the meeting. Several names were proposed for the new town. Major Patterson proposed that it be called Livingston. Carpenter, an old soldier, wished it to be called Liberty. Richards, a New Hampshire man, wished to immortalize the memory of that decaying state; by christening this promising town with the insignificant name New Hampshire. Cheney proposed that the proprietors of the town should give it whatever name they pleased. This proposition seeming to meet the views of the majority of the meeting, Dr. Lott, a native of New Jersey, was called on for a name. He arose and thanked the people, and with a characteristic expletive, and in the genuine Jersey dialect, cried out, “I’d like to have it called Jerseywille.” The doctor, sharing the common fate of humanity did not obtain the full accomplishment of his wishes, for the meeting voted to call the place Jerseyville, not Jerseywille, and then agreed on E. M. Daley for Postmaster, subject to the will of the higher powers. After this important matter was accomplished, the meeting adjourned, according to the Illinois liquor law of those times, to drink the health of the new town in flowing bowls of tanzy bitters. The people obtained their desire with regard to the Post Office and Postmaster; E. M. Daley being appointed the first Postmaster of Jerseyville.
From “A Thanksgiving Discourse Delivered by Rev. L. Grosvenor, in the Presbyterian Church, November 24, 1853.” In Rev. Marshall M. Cooper, History of Jerseyville, Illinois 1822 to 1901. Jerseyville Republican Print, 1901. Also printed in the 1919 History of Jersey County.
There’s a whole website about Jerseyville. Who knew?
I liked the “genuine Jersey dialect” that made his suggestion Jerseywille instead of Jerseyville. We’ll have to ask Boo to do a podcast for you and demonstrate a “genuine Jersey dialect”
LOL Yes. I am trying to get as many done as possible for the election cycle and also do my other designs for my other 3 stores. I have a few new ones I will be doing about HIV & AIDS later today after I saw a piece done by Harvey Fienstien(sp)
Some friends of friends have cancelled their plans to go to Hawaii this year and are spending their money buying a really good natural gas powered generator for their house. They lost electricity this year for 3 weeks in the summer, a week before Christmas during that ice storm and a week last week during the last ice storm. They’ve had it.
This of course means they will never lose power again 🙂
We have a small fireplace with a natural gas faux log in it that doesn’t need electricity to run, so we don’t freeze, but its difficult to heat water for coffee/tea with it;-)
We’ve learned something about power company workers this year. If you live in an area where the truck can’t get to your line so the linemen actually have to climb the pole (as opposed to being lifted in the basket contraption on the truck) — your power will be restored LAST.
I love the early morning barn photo, Andi. I want one of the old interurban railroad bridge along SR 135 north of Morgantown with light like that. Have you ever noticed the old roadbed remains there?
There are large sections of old rail right-of-way beginning just north of the Gaile’s Gas business on the west side of the highway. they’re quite apparent once you know where to look. The old bridge structure is only 100 feet or so next to the next large highway bridge north of Gaile’s. The right of way is noticeable off and on almost to Trafalgar.
Every time I see the old rail bones, I think how nice it would be to be riding the train to Indy for the day instead of driving.
Just got back from the city going for groceries. When I checked out and was at the car unloading the cart it came a downpour. I’m surpirsed I didn’t break the eggs because I was throwing stuff in the trunk. Still ended up getting soaked in cold rain though. Yep I’ll take a little snow. 🙂
It’s been raining so much here, I been wondering when the flood warnings will come out. You remember the picture of the pond I took during the summer and it was so low. It’s to overflowing now. Once it lets up some, I’ve got to go out and get another picture.
Yep, the two little girls next door (ages 5 and 3) made them with their dad. The picture could be better but the person who took it didn’t want to actually go outside where it was cold and just stuck the camera out the back door — so it was taken through my back porch area.
I think that, as far a snowmen go, they did a really good job. And they had a great time making them.
Not a bad guess, because I could have taken the camera and gone outside and taken the picture — and I didn’t offer. I just said “Please take a picture of those snowmen and e-mail it to me when you get home.”
Yeah, the dad did most of the work really. But he made them think that they did the whole thing.
They are really very cute little girls. But one reason I didn’t want to go outside myself and take the picture was because I didn’t want to risk them seeing me and coming out — the older one can talk your ear off and it was too cold to stand out there.
So is ‘the person’ you and you don’t want us to think you have a camera or do you accost the people in your neighborhood asking if you can upload their images?
Hi back again refinish, FM, and AndiF!!! This new camera definitely comes with a learning curve… my old camera was basically idiot proof so I didn’t have to know anything to take satisfying pictures, oh well!!
Moring Miss Andi!!!! I have been up since 4 am. I finally finshed all 50 states with both designs and got them uploaded. I will now start on some other designs for the store and also start doing the SEO so other people can find it. LOL
Here is the latest design.
Bloggers For Edwards
Good morning Andi, refinish69! It certainly is quiet in the cafe today.
Hi ID. How’s life in the public sector?
After only two weeks, we’ve uncovered enough neglect to last for the entire four year term! Its really overwhelming. Good thing I’m an incurable optimist.
Good for you. Keep that optimism going and it might spread to the others. You can only hope. 🙂
Yeah, there are a lot of good people helping out and my “sister office” with which we interact quite a lot is wonderfully supportive.
That’s good. Much better than going in cold and no one willing to help.
Morning Indianadem!!!!
Morning refinish69! I see you’ve been hard at it! Work, that is;-)
LOL as always. Here is another new design.
Yellow Dog Democrat For Edwards
What a way to start the day. This is such a good day starting picture.
I felt that same way when I saw it IRL. 🙂
Good morning Andi and Refinish.
It’s raining and dreary down here. Had one of those kept waking up all night, nights. So I really overslept this morning.
Any snow where ya’ll are at?
Morning FM! It finally looks seasonal outside our house today, with a couple of inches of the white stuff. I was traveling yesterday, so I’m grateful it held off long enough for me to return home and get to the Chieftains concert last night.
Andi was saying last night ya’ll expected snow around your area. Glad it wasn’t a lot.
I would have loved to have seen the Chieftains. In the last couple of years I’ve gotten into traditional Irish music. Just listening on the radio, but I like it.
It was a great concert and a packed house. Mrs. Dem got tickets last Nov. – good thing she got ’em early.
I’ve seen them on TV before and it looks like they would put on a good concert.
Howdy FamilyMan!!! Sorry you didn’t sleep well last night.
Morning Refinish.
I just figure the sleeping thing comes with getting older. Saw you got all your stuff done last night. Congrats.
Thanks!!! I still have to move some designs over and have a few more new ones that I am working on today. LOL
Be jealous. 2 inches. Just enough to be pretty. Easy to remove.
Hi Mary.
I am jealous. As I said, I don’t want a blizzard, just enough to throw George out in the middle of the yard and watch him freak out. 🙂
You would need a video camera so you could put it on youtube so we could all see it 🙂
Got the video camera and would even charge up the batteries maybe if I was sure there was snow coming.
Morning maryb, how’s it looking in your area? I have friends in Webster Groves and my grandpa was school super there way back in the 20’s. I feel a certain kinship for the area, with ties like that.
I’m in the city so I only got 2 inches. The most in the TV viewing area was in the Jerseyville IL , which got 6 inches. (I’m not sure where Jerseyville is exactly, to tell you the truth, I’m reading this from their website). They say we may get freezing drizzle later — which would put a glaze of ice over the top. Sigh. Maybe the city will avoid that.
Jerseyville? What? Ex-pats?
Confused yankees maybe? 🙂
I’m picturing a little town full of Jays and Silent Bobs.
I’m trying to picture them with mid-western accents. Doesn’t work.
The things I do for you …
There’s a whole website about Jerseyville. Who knew?
and more important who cares? LOL Well, I guess the people from Jerseywille. LOL
I liked the “genuine Jersey dialect” that made his suggestion Jerseywille instead of Jerseyville. We’ll have to ask Boo to do a podcast for you and demonstrate a “genuine Jersey dialect”
Sounds good to me. LOL
So Lott and Cheney are responsible. Who knew?
Howdy Booman!!!!!
Howdy. Busy with the shirts I see.
I wonder if “Howdy” sounds different with a genuine Jersey dialect …
Not sure but I can tell you a really funny story about accents and snow flake when we finally meet. LOL
LOL Yes. I am trying to get as many done as possible for the election cycle and also do my other designs for my other 3 stores. I have a few new ones I will be doing about HIV & AIDS later today after I saw a piece done by Harvey Fienstien(sp)
dunno. Maybe they just have those kind of cows?
Heh – I’m one of those. Born near Belmont Park Raceway, moved to the midwest by my 20 years-ahead-of their-time back-to-the-land parents.
I hate the ice storms. We haven’t had our usual one this year. I always feel sorry for all the people who lose electricity and the heat along with it.
Some friends of friends have cancelled their plans to go to Hawaii this year and are spending their money buying a really good natural gas powered generator for their house. They lost electricity this year for 3 weeks in the summer, a week before Christmas during that ice storm and a week last week during the last ice storm. They’ve had it.
This of course means they will never lose power again 🙂
I bet they have. I would want a generator also. LOL
During Katrina when there was no power here, my sister and b-i-l across the street already had a generator. They come in very handy.
The company I work for had to chain down the ones we were using for emergency power in the area and post guards so they would not be stolen. LOL
We have a small fireplace with a natural gas faux log in it that doesn’t need electricity to run, so we don’t freeze, but its difficult to heat water for coffee/tea with it;-)
I bet.
We’ve learned something about power company workers this year. If you live in an area where the truck can’t get to your line so the linemen actually have to climb the pole (as opposed to being lifted in the basket contraption on the truck) — your power will be restored LAST.
I love the early morning barn photo, Andi. I want one of the old interurban railroad bridge along SR 135 north of Morgantown with light like that. Have you ever noticed the old roadbed remains there?
That’s down on Mt. Liberty right before Four Mile Ridge comes in.
I don’t get up on 135 North very often so I’ve never noticed that.
There are large sections of old rail right-of-way beginning just north of the Gaile’s Gas business on the west side of the highway. they’re quite apparent once you know where to look. The old bridge structure is only 100 feet or so next to the next large highway bridge north of Gaile’s. The right of way is noticeable off and on almost to Trafalgar.
Every time I see the old rail bones, I think how nice it would be to be riding the train to Indy for the day instead of driving.
Off to go play in the snow.
Rels are up and moving around. Got to get breakfast ready.
See ya’ll later.
Me too. Mrs. Dem is getting a bit testy from hunger and I’m the designated Sunday brunch chef. Later…
I have been up since 4 am and working all that time. I am going to take a short nap and then start again. Check you froggies later!!!!
Too bad it’s already melting.
Now that’s the kind of snow I’m talking about.
Just got back from the city going for groceries. When I checked out and was at the car unloading the cart it came a downpour. I’m surpirsed I didn’t break the eggs because I was throwing stuff in the trunk. Still ended up getting soaked in cold rain though. Yep I’ll take a little snow. 🙂
I definitely am sick of rain but the way this snow is melting it’s going to add to the muck pretty quick.
It’s been raining so much here, I been wondering when the flood warnings will come out. You remember the picture of the pond I took during the summer and it was so low. It’s to overflowing now. Once it lets up some, I’ve got to go out and get another picture.
yours is much prettier than mine though. So we should enjoy it before it turns to muck.
Hi Andi … you’ve got snow … for now 🙂
Still got rels there?
Nope … you?
Lucky you and of course I still do. One of the reasons I had to go to the grocery out in this rain.
She’s doing OK. At least she hasn’t told me differently today.
I saw you had -22. Complain, complain, complain. It’s either too hot or too cold. 🙂
Hi Miss Olivia!!!!
Did you have a good nap? Saw you were up early working hard.
I had a fabulous nap thank you. Nothing like curling up with the Diva Dogs and snoozing on a chilly Sunday.
The temp is starting to drop so we’ll probably still have some tomorrow but it won’t look very nice.
How’s your snow holding out?
It was -22C last night, so it’s not going anywhere. 🙂
Beautiful picture ANdi and the one up top is truely stunning. I admit snow is great in photos and watching fall but the reality of it sucks. LOL
Since I work from home (except when I’m traveling), snow isn’t that much of a hassle for me.
Obviously has to be a neighbors snowmen. I can’t picture you out there rolling a big snow ball. 😉
Yep, the two little girls next door (ages 5 and 3) made them with their dad. The picture could be better but the person who took it didn’t want to actually go outside where it was cold and just stuck the camera out the back door — so it was taken through my back porch area.
I think that, as far a snowmen go, they did a really good job. And they had a great time making them.
They are sweet. Let me guess, you were the one on the porch saying great job, snapping the picture and running back in. LOL
Not a bad guess, because I could have taken the camera and gone outside and taken the picture — and I didn’t offer. I just said “Please take a picture of those snowmen and e-mail it to me when you get home.”
And I thought I was lazy. 🙂
That’s the perfect age to make snowmen with your parent. It is a nice picture.
Yeah, the dad did most of the work really. But he made them think that they did the whole thing.
They are really very cute little girls. But one reason I didn’t want to go outside myself and take the picture was because I didn’t want to risk them seeing me and coming out — the older one can talk your ear off and it was too cold to stand out there.
Now that makes perfect sense. I would have probably done the same.
So is ‘the person’ you and you don’t want us to think you have a camera or do you accost the people in your neighborhood asking if you can upload their images?
LOL, I only accost family members and good friends.
And I only do it if they are here and happen to have their camera with them. Because they were going out to the park to take snow picturs anyway.
Hmm, I’m known for accosting members of my family and friends but it’s usually over subjects that are supposed to be avoided at the dinner table.
You and me both. I am never know for keeping quiet about hot topics.
I am demanding.
So did Hopeful go out in the snow? And did he look at you reproachfully the whole time?
was fairly sporty for the 10 minutes or so that he stayed out. He just went a short way with us and then went home to the stove.
I suppose Giddy is still out there.
It’s within 90 minutes of dinner time — no way she’s taking a chance that Hopeful or Sniff will get her share.
Nice snowman!!!! When it starts to melt you can put a sign on it saying cheney hunting partner. LOL
Still learning to use my lovely new camera and don’t have any pictures to show yet!
Hi Mythmother!!!!!!
Hi MM. I’m looking forward to the pictures.
I’m sure the results will be worth waiting for.
Hi back again refinish, FM, and AndiF!!! This new camera definitely comes with a learning curve… my old camera was basically idiot proof so I didn’t have to know anything to take satisfying pictures, oh well!!
I can’t imagine you pictures getting better, but it will be interesting seeing them through the new camera.
Thanks, FM!!
Olivia and AndiF have demonstrated the possibilities.
As my son describes the new camera… “so many whatchamacallits…”
As with anything good, it will just take time. The fun part is finding out what the watchmacallits do.
Zackly, FM!
Gotta go and put the rest of the groceries away.
See ya’ll later.