“Progressive” radio personality Big Ed Schultz, who touts himself as the anti-Sean Hannity, is increasinly acting like the very people he claims to abhor. Big Ed’s latest target for his snit is Senator Hillary Clinton and her staff. According to John Byrne at Raw Story, Schultz went on the rampage yesterday (Monday) against Hillary. Schultz said:
Many of you have requested hearing from Hillary on progressive talk
especially The Ed Schultz Show. I want you to know our producer James Holm tirelessly works the contacts and has repeatedly tried to connect
with Clinton’s people.
Cutting to the chase, Hillary’s people treat us like dirt. We are
constantly disregarded, told things that aren’t true, and given
speculation an interview might happen someday.
Quite frankly, I’m sick of it. This morning I watched Hillary
Clinton tell CNN she is accessible. What? To the TV cameras yes, to the
base of loyal listeners on progressive talk radio, absolutely not!
Ed, like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, relishes contrived controversy in order to boost ratings. But Ed likes to delude himself and deceive his audience with this humble pie act that is, in my opinion, a crock. Consider for example my own experience with Ed.
Ed’s booker, James Holm, first sought me out back in 2005 because of my relationship with Valerie Plame. Shortly after testifying before Congress about the Valerie Plame matter I hosted Big Ed and his wife for dinner here in Washington. During the following year I appeared on Big Ed’s Show several times. In fact, he finally started referring to me as the “intelligence analyst” for the Ed Schultz Show.
I was okay with Ed until I had the temerity to praise Keith Olbermann. When Olbermann started doing his special commentarys re the Bush Administration in August 2006 I posted a couple of pieces on this blog praising him for his courage. I subsequently noticed that Ed’s booker, James Holm, stopped calling to ask me to comment on issues that they previously had asked me about. So, I sent the following email:
From: Larry Johnson
To: Big Ed
Sent: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 1:53 PM
Subject: Is there a problem?
Have I fallen from favor with you guys? I’ve called in a couple of times and get the feeling I’m being treated like someone’s crazy aunt. If I’ve done something to offend I’d at least like to know what happened.
I was shocked by Ed’s response. He was miffed because I said nice things about Keith Olbermann.
From: Big Ed
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 13:36:29
To: Larry Johnson
Subject: Re: Is there a problem?
Hi Larry… Honestly, I was a little taken by your staunch love for Olberman when he’s pretty much a Johnny come lately to the game of Progressive broadcasting. He started out doing a straight news program and found the popular position as of late. I don’t ask for anything and we’ve worked well together, but we were first to market and have a greater audience than Olberman. I guess it’s the TV camera. Has Olberman promoted your blog as much as we have ? Fair question ? I’m sure we’ll be calling you again sometime.
I was stunned. I mistakenly believed that Ed was a classier guy than that. Instead, just another insecure, jealous prick. What’s really astonishing is that my kudos to Olbermann on my insignificant blog actually caught Big Ego’s, er, I mean, Big Ed’s attention.
Like any good battle I could not leave this alone. I wrote back:
From: Larry Johnson
To: Big Ed
Sent: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: Is there a problem?
Ed, I have been doing media since 1994. Having been on Nightline, Crossfire, NPR, Jim Lehrer, and all the major TV I did not realize you were competing with
Keith Olberman. My comment praising Keith was not intended as a slight or insult to you. I would remind you I have never asked you for anything. In fact, I have gone out of my way to help you. I bought you and your wife dinner and hooked James up with Sy Hersh. I didn’t realize you wanted me to write a blog about you or your show. I have known Keith Olberman for eight years; long before I heard of big Ed.
If you had said something as eloquent as Keith I would have been singing your praises. Unfortunately, you have not performed at that level yet (though Ibelieve you can). In any event, please don’t promote or refer to my blog. I was content before I met you and will continue to be happy. I am sure that I will never appear on your program again. Not interested. I will continue to listen to you, but I will take you off my distribution list so as not to ruffle your feathers if I happen to compliment someone you view as a rival.
It is a shame that someone like Ed Schultz, with the platform he has, can be so petty and small minded. In my opinion he is not about principle, he is all about market share. When it comes down to a choice between a commitment to progressive values or grabbing market share let their be no doubt–it is all about Ed. Senator Clinton’s staff is learning that point today.
Say, Larry.
I’ve seen the original.
Fix the blockquote. It shouldn’t end with “…Clinton’s people,” but with “…absolutely not.”
Adds some confusion as to who said what.
Fixed the blockquote. It didn’t mess up the front page for me, but now it makes much more sense.
this the same Big Eddie that railed against the left wing bloggers attacking Lieberman in supporting Lamont?
he jumped the shark a long time ago, imo.
BTW, you need to close your blockquote…it’s co-opted the FP
John McCain: The truth.
You know, I’ve listened to Ed off and on over the last couple of years. We recently lost or local radio affiliate which carried Ed and some AAR shows so I can’t listen anymore, except streaming audio. But I have seen glimmers of that ego, too, when listening to his show and it has rubbed me the wrong way a number of times. Ed and I agree on a most issues, but I have to admit there were times when I just had to turn him off. It seems he gets on a high horse and it appears that things degenerate into some kind of personal issue with someone who might actually agree with him. So I agree that sometimes he seems to me to be egotistical and a little petty.
That’s not to say that I don’t greatly appreciate what he does and I wish he was on 1000 stations. But there is enough ego on talk radio to last me a lifetime. And when it gets to be too much of the persona of the host I just have to walk away for a while. I find ego a lot easier to handle in the printed word than emanating from the speaker of my car radio.
So Good Luck Ed! But get a little handle on that ego thing. We need you with us in this fight. We’ve already got enough adversaries to last a lifetime.
Big Ed used to be the sports anchor for one of our local television stations before he “hit it big.” His ego was always visible for all to see. I guess that’s why he ended up in radio.
I’ve lsitened to him, but he lost me when he was defending Lieberman last Summer. When he’s on now, I turn to a different station.
This guy is out of his mind with jealousy. After Air America went on the air (with this obnoxious, giggling, bag-of-wind holding down a 3 hour afternoon slot I seem to remember) he was offended every time a caller mentioned Air America. He’d jump up and down and yell and scream and proclaim his ownership of the progressive radio throne by virtue of his longevity on talk radio. He couldn’t stand it that Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo were getting all of that media attention. He said “Hey wait a minute, I’ve been around for years! These guys are just getting started. They’re so lucky to have me and blah, blah, blah ad nauseum.” Nevermind that Franken and Garofalo were already huge stars with an audience long before Air America was a gleam in George Soros’ eye. Big Ed has a severe case of SDS (Small Dick Syndrome.)
Not that Schultz needs any defense from me, but when it comes to ego, petty jealousy and competitiveness, most media folks (and lots of others in the public eye) seem to come very well equipped with all the above (Bloggers, included).
More disappointing is the repetition of Ed’s obscenely immature press release by Taylor Marsh, Chris Bowers and Tony Trupiano.
In fact, I believe Ed is in the pocket of another presidential candidate. Perhaps Obama’s people are behind Ed’s outrage, especially as Ed waxes poetic about Obama on virtually all of his shows.
When I was doing temp last fall, I streamed our local A-A station in the PM. 92.1 FM also has Stephanie Miller in the morning and Ed AFTER Al’s show. Randi Rhodes comes after him.
He’s a mixed bag to me. I’m not sure whether I could believe him. And that’s where I leave it.
Stephanie and Randi…those are my girls no matter how over the top they get.
I also adore Randi, and I enjoy Stephanie’s show. Ed annoys me on occassion, but he has an interesting concept to market. But I wish radio people on the progressive side would refrain from endorsing or maligning our candidates.
it’s just a feeling on the back of my neck, but sometimes I think Ed is a “double agent” (or fancies himself one).
I listened to him for a while after Sirius radio stopped playing Air America. What a pompous windbag! I finally turned him off in favor of Michelangelo Signorile, who’s a lot more liberal, and a lot more fun.
I got sick of Schultz’s giant ego and his whole “I’m so manly” thing.
Now I just listen to audiobooks and I’m so much happier.