Holy shit, who is Condi planning on killing in their sleep. All that buttering up that Pelosi has been getting from Georgie, she had better just look out. John McCain is asleep, I’m serious.
Oh the danger part is making me very ill, he just loves to send the message about how much we have to fear. But we can do it if we take the battle to the enemy, (insert swearing here.)
We should never forget the Iraqi election ( I guess because he’s not confident there will be more? I don’t know).
Now he is saying that the extremists are striking back…this is why Lebanon’s government is being undermined, why the Taliban is taking over Afghanistan, and why in Iraq the Sunni extremists blew up one of the most holy Shi’ia sites.
Mr. MT is all pissed now talking about what we have promised Iraq. He says he didn’t promise Iraq any of those things, that George did and he better get his ass over there and keep his damn promises.
As blueneck just posted above, thinkprogress has a transcript of the text of the speech as prepared (I think it closely resembles the delivered version) here.
Just wanted to get a root level comment with it in here.
I have no doubt that that is his plan for “redeeming” himself and his failed presidency. Of course, it wil just make him an even bigger failure, and further destroy our standing in the world.
And he thinks a bigger war will do that, could ever do that? It’s incredible. We are seeing first hand how he has run everything he has ever led into the ground.
Afghanistan only to have them set up safe haven in Iraq. Bawahahahahah, no we didn’t George….we didn’t drive them out of Afghanistan so they don’t need to set up safe haven in Iraq…….the just recruit angry Iraqis now you idiot! By the way Al Queda in Iraq is not the same as the one in Afghanistan dude.
MORE MILITARY BUILD UP for ALL those NEW WARS we’re gonna be astartin’… geeez…booo, hisss. I like Ike – he said every dollar spent on that stuff is stealing food from the mouths of the poor. We need not build up more military, we’ve got the biggest military in the freakin world by FAR!!!! Grrrrrrr.
I saw that. The kid looked around and then stood and clapped…a little uncomfortably, all by himself. Didn’t look like his heart was in it though. Get yourself out kid, you’re being used and abused.
for Wesley, I told him to stop it because he didn’t know what the hell he was clapping for and he told me who Wesley was. I think he’s been reading stuff lately or something, I’m shocked.
Bush always tries to make it sound like thoise of us opossed to the war do not respect the military. I think he has it completely wrong. We respect them and do not want to waste their lives for this assholes ego.
I think we’ve had some of the kicking-est live blogging we’ve had in a while, so I’d say it’s been worth it (the home part, not the sick part…hope you’re feeling better, especially by this weekend!)
The evillness is there at the white house.
Where’s Frist? bwahahaha…
oops, ya beat me! it must the bourbon slowin me down… oh well…
uhhh, that was meant to be a comment to refinish, who really was Frist, I mean first…
ROTFLMAO!!!!! He is off partyng with Santorum
“Shoreless ambitions”?
America is still a nation at war.
In the mind of the terraist, it began way before 9/11 and won’t end until their radical vision is fulfilled.
They are sunni extremists, consumed by hatred.
Their goal is the opposite of civilization.
They promise paradise for the murder of the innocent.
They want to overthrow moderate governments.
They want to force our country to retreat from the world and abandon the cause of liberty.
ej, you rock at this live-blogging stuff. Thanks!
Thanks CG, I’m trying 🙂 I don’t think my pre-saucing is helping though…
Whenever he talks about our “enemies” his projection is on display.
I always think that too.
is the House Republicans crossing the aisle to serve impeachment papers on Bush/Cheney…then the Senate Republicans crossing the aisle to convict…
This is seriously some of the most transparent fear mongering that I have ever seen.
Lawful????? Since when did he respect the law?
Holy shit, who is Condi planning on killing in their sleep. All that buttering up that Pelosi has been getting from Georgie, she had better just look out. John McCain is asleep, I’m serious.
I smell an Olbermann “Special Comment” in the near future…
He’s got the post-speech coverage (with Chris Matthews) on MSNBC tonight.
Oh, yeah!!!!!! I bet it’s brewing in his brain right now!
Oh the danger part is making me very ill, he just loves to send the message about how much we have to fear. But we can do it if we take the battle to the enemy, (insert swearing here.)
This is a decisive ideological struggle, and the future is in the balance.
Then goes to talk about the past (yep, 9/11).
Terrorists fear freedom.
Damn, are they just splicing in the 2002 speech here or is this still live?
I don’t think anyone is buying this…
so let’s start another war to create a new goverment Iran doesn’t want.
Free people are not drawn to violent and malignant ideologies.
Does he even hear what he’s saying?
How about that terrorists fear human freedom stuff?
he’s claiming that he’s only going to use lawful means to spy on citizens, I mean terrorists and start another war, I mean, protect the country.
Oh, here we are with the terrorists hate freedom 9/11, 9/11, 9/11 thing. He mentions the 19 hijackers, but forgets they were from Saudi Arabia again.
Condi looks like an evil bitch, as usual.
Talking about the desire for liberty in the ME, and the feirceness of the enemies response.
Bragging about the Iraqi elections. Not mentioning the hih death toll of the last 3 or 4 days in Iraq.
getting close to the end! YAAAAAYYYY!
only five more scrolls on the text at think progress
We should never forget the Iraqi election ( I guess because he’s not confident there will be more? I don’t know).
Now he is saying that the extremists are striking back…this is why Lebanon’s government is being undermined, why the Taliban is taking over Afghanistan, and why in Iraq the Sunni extremists blew up one of the most holy Shi’ia sites.
Has he said Osama Bin Laden, yet, if not 10 to 1 he won’t mentioned OBL tonight.
Our security is not at risk except by letting that bastard send more troops.
Every one of us wishes this battle was over and won.
But it would not be like us to abandon our friends and our cause and leave our country at risk.
It is still in our power to shape this battle…let us turn our attention to achieving victory (sorry, not an exact quote, but close enough).
has already put our country at risk…wish Nixon had sent the Alabama National Guard over to ‘Nam while Bush was hiding out there…
Talking about the Samarra mosque bombing being designed to incite the wrath of the Shia. Yep.
Still within our power to shape the outcome of this battle, let us find our resolve and turn events toward victory. Repubs stand and cheer, Dems sit.
Mr. MT is all pissed now talking about what we have promised Iraq. He says he didn’t promise Iraq any of those things, that George did and he better get his ass over there and keep his damn promises.
and sens the damn bush twins to iraq
Must turn Iraq into an ally in war on terror.
Iraqis are not yet ready to do this on their own.
So we’re sending 20,000 more troops into harms way (again, not exact quote).
They will serve as advisors.
The Iraqis will help track down insurgents, terrorists, and death squads.
hell even the repugnants cannot believe this shit
Did he just say our goal is a democratic Iraq that opposes the rule of law?
Now talking up his surge. Grim looks from Pelosi, no clapping from Leahy.
Yes. je is the worst speech giver in the history of the presidency.
last night. If I didn’t have a life I would love to splice together all the faux pas from this speech.
I hope he enjoyed this SOTU speech, it’s his last one.
Adios asshole.
Amen to that!
to Deity-of-Choice’s ears…
great minds think alike
From your lips to the spagetti monsters ears.
As blueneck just posted above, thinkprogress has a transcript of the text of the speech as prepared (I think it closely resembles the delivered version) here.
Just wanted to get a root level comment with it in here.
word for word so far as I can tell
ditto, but supposedly he has revised it 30 times so who knows!
ESCALATION! Boooooooo, Hisssss…it’s a nightmare!
why the hell is he talking about Iran and calling them the enemy? I swaer he is planning on starting another war.
I have no doubt that that is his plan for “redeeming” himself and his failed presidency. Of course, it wil just make him an even bigger failure, and further destroy our standing in the world.
And he thinks a bigger war will do that, could ever do that? It’s incredible. We are seeing first hand how he has run everything he has ever led into the ground.
Afghanistan only to have them set up safe haven in Iraq. Bawahahahahah, no we didn’t George….we didn’t drive them out of Afghanistan so they don’t need to set up safe haven in Iraq…….the just recruit angry Iraqis now you idiot! By the way Al Queda in Iraq is not the same as the one in Afghanistan dude.
My bullshit capacity has reached its limit. Don’t want to start running into toxicity.
He is still talking like he knows something about the Middle East and how to handle it.
And for some reason, people are clapping.
Or just the Repubs?
Why Joe Lieberman ooks less than excited by Bush’s fearmongering.
“Chaos is their greatest ally in this struggle” And weren’t you so nice to create it for them in Iraq, George.
He grins like a monkey as he tries to scare the hell out of America. New strategy means nothing but more blood and lives wasted.
This is the biggest bunch of nothing I’ve listened to since his last press conference.
Jenna, Barb and P are going to join the Corp or Army?
First “enlistee”: Barney, the next time he pees on Bush’s leg…
Probably true and that way he can say a family member is in harms way.
Generational struggle…will continue long after we have turned our duties over to others.
Both parties and both branches should work in close consultation.
Proposed some kind of committee, made up of both parties.
Show our enemies abroad we are united in the goal of victory.
We have to get our armed forces ready for victory ahead.
Increase the size of army and marines by 92,000 in the next 5 years.
What, no emotional appeal to a citizen sitting in the balcony with Laura???
This is ridiculous.
I’m sorry.
I have not watched any of this…I have only listened while typing and occasionally turned to look.
But this is ridiculous.
This is the furthering of the military industrial complex and the advancement of American imperialism at its ugliest, and everyone is clapping.
Regime change in Iran is on the menu. Repubs stand and clap, Dems sit.
MORE MILITARY BUILD UP for ALL those NEW WARS we’re gonna be astartin’… geeez…booo, hisss. I like Ike – he said every dollar spent on that stuff is stealing food from the mouths of the poor. We need not build up more military, we’ve got the biggest military in the freakin world by FAR!!!! Grrrrrrr.
Condi looking like a cat in the dog pound
Wow. He butchered that one.
“We need a Korean Peninshoola without nukular weapons”
to the NHL Young Stars Game…guess Bush was even too much for his patience…
poor dude’s a glutton for punishment (again, I refer to the spouse, not Bush)…
Freedom is on the march in Cuba, Belarus, and Darfur.
Oh..ohhhhh, he pronouced three countries names..ohhh give W a gold star next to his name today.
fight HIVAIDS. The fucking idiot doesn’t realize that is two terms not one.
What do you expect from a guy who thinks abstinence only is a good plan?
How much longer is he going to go on?
Talking up his nonexistent support for fighting HIV/AIDS again.
almost over, really this time
he’s gotta finish up with the feel goods…
What a freaking dis’ to the people of the gulf coast and N.O. BABY EINSTEIN? WTF! and NO N.O.?
Nothing about New Orleans or the Gulf coast. He cares absolutely nothing for America or her citizens.
No, I don’t think there will be anything about that.
“George Bush don’t care about black people.”
ALL Americans.
You’ve got that right. A true sociopath, he is.
for Webb’s response?
so he doesn’t have to put up with the stench of Shrub’s speech…
What’s that stinky plant’s name? Maybe that should be Bush’s new nickname…
I’m along for the ride….why not?
Yes, hopefully soon!!
I think we do.
Oh, here we go with the personal stories of people in the audience. Multimillionaire founder of Baby Einstein. Playing to the base, I see.
in a “God Bless George W. Bush” T-shirt?
Don’t forget the wounded soldier sitting next to Mrs. Cheney. My husband is dying because the soldier is clapping for himself.
I saw that. The kid looked around and then stood and clapped…a little uncomfortably, all by himself. Didn’t look like his heart was in it though. Get yourself out kid, you’re being used and abused.
and I doubt the New York Hero voted for Bush or any of his cronnies.
but did he have to allow Bush to praise him?
I see your point and I wouldnt have let him use me, either, but after what that guy did, I have to cut him some unlimited slack….
for Wesley, I told him to stop it because he didn’t know what the hell he was clapping for and he told me who Wesley was. I think he’s been reading stuff lately or something, I’m shocked.
Bush always tries to make it sound like thoise of us opossed to the war do not respect the military. I think he has it completely wrong. We respect them and do not want to waste their lives for this assholes ego.
One Civil War Is Enough
New Thread for the response.
I am so slow…
Nah, I just happened to refresh at the right time. Thanks for putting up the threads 🙂
No problem! It’s making me feel better about being home sick. 🙂
I think we’ve had some of the kicking-est live blogging we’ve had in a while, so I’d say it’s been worth it (the home part, not the sick part…hope you’re feeling better, especially by this weekend!)
Webb Response thread here