Hi CG, I’m watching and will try to comment if I can bear tooooooooooo. I like the deconstruction best on cable after the speech than the speech, well of course who could like the speech…..lol.
I’ll tolerate Bush (as long as I have you guys to scream with). But I can’t wait to hear Webb – folks were already talking tonight about the fact that preliminary looks at his speech showed it to be quite powerful.
Cheney looked like he was going to shit his pants when he read the list of Senators who were going to escort the Rez into the Chamber! It started with Reid, Durbin, and Schumer….
aka the bedroom with the laptop (thank Deity-of-Choice for WiFi); the spouse will make the “sacrifice” (oh wait, that was the last speech), then come get me in time for Webb’s response.
Can’t drink under the current meds, and don’t think I can take Bush sober…
got home from shopping and there was a message that the DVR was 100% full, when it had at least 60% free when I left earlier today, so I missed taping “Countdown”. 🙁 And I heard over at Big Orange that Keith had some very scathing remarks during the telecast. Oh well, will just have to read the transcript… shrug
They always have one high level cabinet member missing in case some whackjob flies a plane into the building.
I leave it as a class exercise to figure out if they have been doing this since before 9/11 or not, and consider the post 9/11 quote of ‘nobody ever thought of this blah blah blah’.
spouse switched briefly to “Hardball” (or “Whiffleball” as Bernie Ward calls it) and Tweety was saying something like, “Men yell better than women — when women yell they sound strident…”
We almost had to shop for a new TV today, as I was tempted to throw a shoe through our current one…
Smirking, he’s smirking to the starting applause. Doesn’t he know how to smile? Nancy just said she had to get high to engage in the priveledge of introducing the President.
Cheney is scowling and sow to clap, Pelosi is cheerful and responsive.
Bush bragging about job recovery, unemployement being low, and inflation being low. What?
Discussing 3 reforms tonight: balance the budget (standing ovation), without raising taxes (half crowd seated), bragging about his recnt fisxing of the deficit and claiming it will be gone in 5 years…cut to dems seated, CLinton pursing her lips and garing.
Now he’s claiming he can save medicare and medicaid, and fix social security…he’s apparently forgotten who’s responsible for Medicare D, and that SS isn’t broken yet.
Sounds like he’s advocating school vouchers again. Wants to increase funing for children who are struggling…if I recall the texas plan for those kids was to suggest they quit school.
Make sure our country is competitive in the future, espeically in science and math.
Asks congress to renew this ‘good law’.
All citizens should have affordable health care.
When it comes to health care, govt has an obligation to care for the elderly, disabled, and children. For all other Americans, private health care is the way to go.
Many cannot afford it.
Tonight I propose 2 initiatives.
A tax deduction that will be like the standard tax deduction for those with dependents.
(this is all BS. He is essentially just upping the standard deduction for people who buy health insurance. doesn’t matter, many of those people don’t have enough income to BUY health insurance in the first place)
His tax plan sucks. 4500/year for a family of 4 won’t get you a year of health insurance. And if he’s talking about a 4500 dollar deduction on your tax return, that really only translates into about 1500-2000 back in your pocket to buy the insurance with…
Health savings accounts? What a load of shit,just like privatizing SS.
Back on the junk medical malpractice lawsuit crap again, I see.
Drug smuggler reference was interesting in light of the 2 border control agents who are in jail.
The clapping always gets to me, why can’t they have the rule of no clapping till the end.
He has covered so much so far and hasn’t said much about how anything he’s talked about is going to take place. A little about energy conservation, but Dick Cheney is sitting behind him cracking up to what he’s saying so I suppose he’s talking shit and everyone in on the joke is laughing.
Asking congress to double the capacity of the strategic oil reserves. Gee, wonder what he might need that for? Blitzkrieg, or after the Straights of Hormuz are closed by the Iranians?
American Dad ripped GWB a new one in an episode just a couple weeks ago. Episode summary here.
How could I have missed that one?
Back in a sec, I need to go get a glass of wine…
I just got out a bottle of bourbon…
Hi CG, I’m watching and will try to comment if I can bear tooooooooooo. I like the deconstruction best on cable after the speech than the speech, well of course who could like the speech…..lol.
Thanks, diane – we need all the help we can get!
I’ll tolerate Bush (as long as I have you guys to scream with). But I can’t wait to hear Webb – folks were already talking tonight about the fact that preliminary looks at his speech showed it to be quite powerful.
Webb has certainly not been bashful so far, I see no reason for him to start now. I’m looking forward to it as well.
I just can’t bear to watch. I scream and cuss at the t.v. whenever I see G.W. I will read all about it tomorrow.
Cheney looked like he was going to shit his pants when he read the list of Senators who were going to escort the Rez into the Chamber! It started with Reid, Durbin, and Schumer….
aka the bedroom with the laptop (thank Deity-of-Choice for WiFi); the spouse will make the “sacrifice” (oh wait, that was the last speech), then come get me in time for Webb’s response.
Can’t drink under the current meds, and don’t think I can take Bush sober…
Chris Mathews is a total idiot.
Oh look, here’s Roberts and Alito.
I had to switch to NBC because it is in HD. I don’t think there is an MSNBC-HD station.
OK, now on CBS because it looks better 🙂
got home from shopping and there was a message that the DVR was 100% full, when it had at least 60% free when I left earlier today, so I missed taping “Countdown”. 🙁 And I heard over at Big Orange that Keith had some very scathing remarks during the telecast. Oh well, will just have to read the transcript… shrug
Keith is on a second time at midnight. Catch it then?
I wonder if Laura Bush got her smokes in while she was in the limo, or if she was able to smoke in the ladies bathroom at the Capitol.
Campbell Brown : This is an unfriendly audience. The President almost NEVER speaks to an unfriendly audience.
There’s an understatement.
Tom Brokaw talking about how the Democrats are more likely to get things done, like passing an immigration bill, and reforming NCLB.
interesting to note that Abu Gonzales is the missing cabinet member…apparantly a tradition…
They always have one high level cabinet member missing in case some whackjob flies a plane into the building.
I leave it as a class exercise to figure out if they have been doing this since before 9/11 or not, and consider the post 9/11 quote of ‘nobody ever thought of this blah blah blah’.
I guess they pick the most unappetizing cabinet member to hedge their bets? here’s the Crazy Man now-
Mathews is a total wanker…asking how much of a bump Bush can get from this, and whether he can get Iraq out of the headlines tomorrow.
spouse switched briefly to “Hardball” (or “Whiffleball” as Bernie Ward calls it) and Tweety was saying something like, “Men yell better than women — when women yell they sound strident…”
We almost had to shop for a new TV today, as I was tempted to throw a shoe through our current one…
MT and family here with you
woo hoo!
Mr MT is waiting to see Lieberman get some tongue tonight.
“A kiss is no longer just a kiss as Joe Lieberman can tell you”
There’ll be no kissing tonight, I wager.
No kissing the Generals. He’s only kissed two women coming on.
On CBS now they are waxing poetic about the diversity of the people on the floor and the tradition behind the state of the union address.
Smirking, he’s smirking to the starting applause. Doesn’t he know how to smile? Nancy just said she had to get high to engage in the priveledge of introducing the President.
Pelosi is clapping. Cheney is not. I bet that doesn’t happen again tonight.
looks like I’m going to have to think globally, protest locally this weekend — too much Real Life Shit going on around here. 🙁
I promise to come to Washington for the impeachment party though, honest… 🙂
ready or not…here we go
Ooh, he’s got his smirk on. They must have doped him up but good for this one.
And Nancy pounds the gavel from her spot up there n the background…lovely mint green suit. 🙂
did he just hand Cong. Pelosi and Dick his resignation..?
I thought he was going to say “I resign”
No, they always give a copy of what he is about to say.
Bush compliments Pelosi to start. I’m impressed.
I’m not, he’s a girl smoozer from way back. The Texas souffle.
I think he’s trying to use up as much time as possible sucking up to the Dems so he doesn’t have to talk about anything else.
Yup, that was my first thought too, especially after mentioning Tim Johnson, etc.
he doesn’t give her a shoulder rub…
This is a defining hour, when courage is needed.
Large endeavors are underway, more to begin.
All of this, much is asked of us. We must have the will to face difficult challenges and determined enemies. and we must face them together.
Some are new in this chamber, and I congratulate this democratic majority.
Responsibilities haven’t changed. We are all held to the same standards, and must serve the same purposes.
Must be willing to cross the aisle when there is work to be done (have I heard this before?)
Our job is to make life better for our future americans, and this is the business before us tonight.
We have a growing economy. We are in the forty…fo…first month of job growth.
42 million new jobs so far.
inflation low, unemployment is low.
Must keep economy moving, not with more government, but with more enterprise.
1) Balance the federal budget. We can do so without raising taxes (not if you keep going with the same other policies,jackass)
He is talking about how he as cut the deficit. Of course, it is a deficit he created. And doesn’t include emergency appropriations for the Iraq war.
balance the budget….sure…put iraq on budget…
no new taxes….disicipline? WTF
Cheney is scowling and sow to clap, Pelosi is cheerful and responsive.
Bush bragging about job recovery, unemployement being low, and inflation being low. What?
Discussing 3 reforms tonight: balance the budget (standing ovation), without raising taxes (half crowd seated), bragging about his recnt fisxing of the deficit and claiming it will be gone in 5 years…cut to dems seated, CLinton pursing her lips and garing.
without raising taxes. Uh oh, Nancy isn’t clapping with everyone while he’s bullshitting. I’m gonna bust up.
2) Get rid of earmarks. They’re put in when even C-Span isn’t watching. Blah blah blah.
He’s now bitching about things he didn’t sign into law having the force of law…kind of ironic given his signing statements.
Who do you think McCain was winking at?
McCain can’t wait to be the decider
his hearing aid off or he’s busy reading something important, doing something constructive with his time.
Social Security, Medicaid, etc are things we must keep going, but we are not and that is a moral failure.
We also need to continue funding public schools…funding of NCLB. “Raising Standards and holding schools accountable for results”.
Minority students closing achievement gap.
Now we have to continue doing that, and calling it ‘reform’ (what?).
Must turn around failing schools, and give those students stuck in failing schools the right to choose somewhere better (again, what?)
Now he’s claiming he can save medicare and medicaid, and fix social security…he’s apparently forgotten who’s responsible for Medicare D, and that SS isn’t broken yet.
Sounds like he’s advocating school vouchers again. Wants to increase funing for children who are struggling…if I recall the texas plan for those kids was to suggest they quit school.
“the right to chose someplace better”…
instead of reauthorization of NCLB…how bout funding it
I’m wondering if he’ll even mention Katrina.
Pelosi starting clapping enthusiastically and stood up. Cheney remained seated clapping as needed.
She may not be talking but she’s talking.
This bourbon I’m drinking is really pretty good stuff…
I’ve got Jim Beam and diet coke. It’s working.
My toes are getting a little tingly and the chill in my mind from this speech is being counteracted by a sort of warm fuzzy smiley feeling in my body…
That sob just called for for tort deform, the scum…
but my meds won’t let me.
How many times will this idiot talk about 9/11??!!
And the ter’rists?
He still doesn’t seem to figure that a Sunni differs from a Shi’a.
Make sure our country is competitive in the future, espeically in science and math.
Asks congress to renew this ‘good law’.
All citizens should have affordable health care.
When it comes to health care, govt has an obligation to care for the elderly, disabled, and children. For all other Americans, private health care is the way to go.
Many cannot afford it.
Tonight I propose 2 initiatives.
A tax deduction that will be like the standard tax deduction for those with dependents.
(this is all BS. He is essentially just upping the standard deduction for people who buy health insurance. doesn’t matter, many of those people don’t have enough income to BUY health insurance in the first place)
Lieberman is clapping, slightly less enthusiastically than Grassley.
health ins deduction…smoke an mirrors…massive BS…the people who don’t have can’t afford it!….
if they’ve got any sort of “pre-existing” conditions…
Now he is talking about shifting the burden to the states in order to make sure the poor and needy get their health insurance.
And now he is talking about MSA’s and HSA’s.
Encourage price transparency and protect good doctors from bad lawsuits (there’s one for the base).
rat bastard…there is no need for tort deform, unless you’re a freaking incompetent doctor or an insurance company….
all those gynecologists who can’t practice their love with women…
Uh-oh, the health insurance tax deduction crap.
Bob Casey is sitting next to Hilary.
His tax plan sucks. 4500/year for a family of 4 won’t get you a year of health insurance. And if he’s talking about a 4500 dollar deduction on your tax return, that really only translates into about 1500-2000 back in your pocket to buy the insurance with…
Health savings accounts? What a load of shit,just like privatizing SS.
Back on the junk medical malpractice lawsuit crap again, I see.
in exasperation from the living room…I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard (the spouse, not Bush)…
He said terrorist finally.
dingidngidngidngidng ….time to chug-a-lug….
Make sure health decisions are not made by insurance or govt, but by patients and their doctors.
Oooh, now on to immigration.
Laws that are fair and borders that are secure.
We need to double the size of our border patrol and fund new infrastructure.
We cannot secure the border unless we take pressure off.
Need to establish a temporary worker program so they won’t have to try to sneak in.
This will leave border agents free to track down drug smugglers and terrorists.
Enforce immigration laws at the workplace.
Is he saying all immigrants are drug smugglers and terrorists again?
no just anyone whpo doesn’y cross the border legally. He is such an idiot.
John McCain looks constipated.
That is old age. He is waiting for his geritol and exlex to kick in. LOL
Drug smuggler reference was interesting in light of the 2 border control agents who are in jail.
The clapping always gets to me, why can’t they have the rule of no clapping till the end.
Need to uphold the tradition of the melting pot that welcomes and assimilates new arrivals.
Let us have a serious and civil debate, so he can sign comprehensive immigration reform into law.
can’t take it anymore…carry on,many thanks to those of you w/ a stronger stomach than I…
On to energy.
Dependant on foreign oil for too long.
It is in our interest to diversify our energy supply, through technology.
Clean coal, wind, solar, and nukular.
He’s complained about dependence on foreign oil for the last 5 years…Do something!
Need to continue battery research so we can have plug in hybrids.
Goes on with bio diesel, and ethanol.
We’ve made a lot of progress, blah blah blah, and now more dramatic advances are in reach.
Let’s reduce gasoline usage in the U.S. by 20% in 10 years.
Grassley is cheering like a maniac, why do they keep showing him? It’s like every time I turn around, I swear.
Now he’s talking about changing CAFE standards on cars.
Ooh, the stony, bored looks on people’s face, even when they’re clapping.
Let’s build on the work we’ve done and reduce gasoline usage in the US by 20% over the enxt 5 years.
He thinks anyone will believe he’s sincere on that, after the record oil company profits of the last few years?
Need to modernize fuel economy standards like they did for light trucks? WTF?
they ‘modernized’ them by bringing them out from the stone age.
Still talking about oil supply. Asks Congress to double the supplies held in the strategic oil reserve (ok).
Well yeah, maybe we can the price of a barrel up a bit….it’s been falling like a rock lately.
He has covered so much so far and hasn’t said much about how anything he’s talked about is going to take place. A little about energy conservation, but Dick Cheney is sitting behind him cracking up to what he’s saying so I suppose he’s talking shit and everyone in on the joke is laughing.
Uh oh, now he is talking about judges.
p.s. I have to go refill my whiskey glass. Be right back!
Asking congress to double the capacity of the strategic oil reserves. Gee, wonder what he might need that for? Blitzkrieg, or after the Straights of Hormuz are closed by the Iranians?
OOOhhh, he just called for upperdines! Is that like scuppernongs or muscadines?
up or down vote on judges. Bullshit!!!! I say refuse to let a single judge he moninates on the bench until he nominates a human.
The enemy is standing there giving a speech.
There is a new thread up.
9/11 here we go same second 7 verse. I am so fucking sick of hearing about 9/11 and how these dumbasses have stopped further terrorist attacks.
This bourbon is sure helping me keep from being so afraid of all them terrists they stopped!
I bet that bourbon would help my cough… 🙂
Shouldn’t he know better than to talk about British Intelligence in a SOTU speech?
Here comes Iraq. Anthrax, airplanes, terrorists terrorists plots and brave soldiers…….yeah brave soldiers.
Oh Yeah, in case you forgot we are nation at war.
New thread here
Am I watching “FEAR FACTOR” again?
of the aisle, or just the Repubs?