Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour II
Newcomers and Lurkers welcome and join the fun.
All drinks are on us!
All drinks are on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Come on in and have a beer.
I’ll have a keg and I don’t even really like beer. LOL
Got your keg coming up RF. It’s much easier to tap it and just lay under the tap and drink. No worry about falling down. 🙂
That’s the only way to drink. 🙂
I am off to a shopkeeper chat.
See ya later Refinish.
I’ve got to get George outside and run an errand.
Back in a minute.
How are you guys? I’m shutting it down for the night, but wanted to drop this off for you. Brasilan life is tough, but somebody’s gotta do it!

Hey FM. Thanks for stopping by the hog site. Check it out tonight if you have a second. I just put up a couple of interesting links in the right hand column today and tomorrow I’ll be posting the new rant I’ve been working on. Goodnight all!!
Sorry I missed you onealbear. Wanted to find out how the fishing was.
and I wish I was on one…north of Cabo, high tide…about 80ºF…
and for all the old hippes in the audience…I know you’re out there…an album I consider a high water mark/classic of the time; David Crosby: If I Could Only Remember My Name, c.1971, is now available on CD…so, roll one up and listen HERE…a must have from the era.
John McCain: The truth.
Hey dada.
I wonder how many people remember 1971? 😉
spelchek is mi freind…ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
John McCain: The truth.
That was the old parts coming back. I have those from time to time. 🙂
😛 backatcha …
Yep another youngster.
you too FM? 😉
Nope I embrace my geezerhood. 🙂
What’s “1971”?
Is that, like, um, the year that God put all the, like, dinosaur bones in the ground, to like, fool the scientists? And stuff? Ya know?
Hi d!
conn running a bit slo here tonite…and I’m in the middle of trying to prep din and got a hungry Bu givin’ me the evil eye…how’s life in the GWN?
John McCain: The truth.
Can’t have Bu waiting on her dinner … 🙂
Trying to keep warm d.
yeppers bro, it is….and I’m on it ; )
1971…well, they still say I was’nt there…according to the records..
thanks for the album reminder…I’ll be listening
peace bro
I can’t access it … 🙁 … b/c I’m a furriner, so you’ll have to listen for me.
We’re sorry. We have detected that you are outside of the United States. This service is currently only available to residents within the United States.
Hey Olivia, I’m gonna keep you in mind while I listen. ; )
I will be happy knowing you all are enjoying it. 🙂
What Olivia said.
You can access it and it’s cold up there too!
You poor thing. 😉
Any more fudge bars?
I don’t have any of those either … 😉
that you got some choco of some kind around the casa…candy, ice cream…sumthin’…
John McCain: The truth.
What dada said. 🙂
I’ve got ice cream … and chocobars … and chocochip cookies … but NO fudge bars … 😉
I going to go get my fudge bar in a minute and I know it’ll be the best fudge bar in the whole world. 🙂
Enjoy your 4th fudge bar …
I’ve got to run out for an errand — getting gas, not fudge bars lol — so I’ll say goodnight to you now FM!
Night Olivia and I don’t believe that about fudge bars. 🙂
One left and I’m going to get it in a minute. I think FMom will be calling for it soon.
beaches,swamps…you got it covered…71 was a shitty year…be glad ya missed it
be careful down there saturday
peace bro
John McCain: The truth.
I’ll be careful bro…
I wish I had missed 71, it was really shitty in the jungle…
Were time travel possible, wild horses and a million dollars wouldn’t get me to go back to 1971. Terrible year. RIP J.R.H., Vietnam.
Hey dada, that`s a cool download. I just registered & already have only 24 free tunes left. Can these be downloaded to iTunes?
You know whenever I see the moon now I think of you … 🙂
Here`s Iris from today. Tonight`s moon will mark the finished cycle of my moon shots. I`m waiting for it to cool down a little, which will eliminate the marine layer haze around the moon.

Hi Head.
Iris is looking very good tonight.
She’s a real beauty Head. Your hummingbird photos are amazing.
I forgot to mention that using a flash unit freezes the action, so the wings are in “stop motion”.
This one was outside, so no flash.
You can barely tell there are wings there.
Olivia, You can think of me now.

Btw: How`s Beau doing?
if you figure it out let me know…save me some $.
John McCain: The truth.
Hey dada, I use “Poisoned” to get anything I want. It allows you to download just about anything including registration #`s or any music you want. Some tracks are blocked & I don`t go around those. If you want it I`ll send you the info. I have thousands of tunes in my library. It relies on everybody elses music libraries, that are shared among users worldwide. Definitely amazing. I just upgraded it two days ago.
please do…thanks!
well, later yawl…must get serious if dinner’s are to be had…
John McCain: The truth.
See ya dada.
Past my bedtime and I’ll leave the cafe to the late night crowd.
Have a good night in the pond.
Good night, FM!
I missed everyone again…
Erranding today — spouse needed new shoes for the impending return to work; all his uniform items are still in good shape, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he has to pay a visit to the uniform shop later this year to get new pants; I think he’s getting close to being down a size. And I’m very close to being another size on one of the pants styles that I love, so I picked up a couple of pairs to keep in reserve.
Came home and took an extended nap. I was quite cranky today; being thisclose to having him go back to work has hit home as I realize how much crap we haven’t got done while he’s been off the last several months. One thing to work on in the next couple of weeks — better sleeping habits…
Also not feeling 100% — got to get healthy for the Saturday rally in SF!