Revisting The Green Card Draft Again

In light of the recent State of the Union speech, it is important we bring this subject up again. Last night, Bush stated he will ask “Congress to authorize an increase in the size of our active Army and Marine Corps by 92,000.” This will be done by establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps. What is frightening, this is very similar to a previous post I wrote, The Green Card Draft and how there have been mumblings on about the a military draft – CO Republican candidate Rick O’Donnell called for a national service corp. draft for men and Edward Bernard Glick also recently wrote an op-ed article in the Christian Science Monitor, advocating for the reinstatement of the military draft.

And last night, Bush stated he is proposing a plan that would allow the military to “hire civilians with critical skills to serve on missions abroad … in the defining struggle of our time.”
The US Military has a long history of targeting people who happen to come from working class families and areas with a large amount of minorities, both urban and rural – otherwise known as a “poverty draft.” What makes today’s “poverty draft” more devious, given our current immigration issue, the proposed Civilian Reserve Corps is one way “to uphold the great tradition of the melting pot that welcomes and assimilates new arrivals” and it would “resolve the status of the illegal immigrants who are already in our country — without animosity and without amnesty.”

The truth is without a draft that will impacted young white men and women, there will be no mass resistance among los gringos like it was in the 60s.

In other words, these pour souls will become the few, the proud – the military’s cannon fodder for the current war. In the document “Strategic Partnership Plan for 2002-2007” written by the U.S. Army Recruiting Command, the architects of what we might call “niche recruiting” stated:

“The Hispanic population is the fastest growing demographic in the United States and is projected to become 25% of the U.S. population by the year 2025.” The Plan goes on to explain: “Priority areas [for recruitment] are designated primarily as the cross section of weak labor opportunities and college-age population as determined by both [the] general and Hispanic population.” Not surprisingly, the top two recruiting batallion areas according to the Plan are Los Angeles and San Antonio.

With the promises of employment and visions of success and prosperity, it will not be surprising if we many Latinos and African Americans be willing to join the new Civilian Reserve Corps.

In hopes of escaping their economic prison, many will come to realize they will be bamboozled with empty words and false images – war really means death and suffering, not some X-box video game they thought it was.

The rest of this post is a re-post of the Green Card Daft because much of what I wrote has not changed.

As the military began preparing the invasion of Iraq, they already realized they were lacking the manpower needed for their invasion. There is no doubt the military’s Recruiting Command did not overlook the use of non-citizens to play a major role in their plan.

In July 2002, President Bush issued an executive order that would grant any non-naturalized soldiers serving honorably in the “war on terrorism” to speed up their process to citizenship once they have enlisted. Within 6 months, citizenship could be granted and they are once naturalized they can apply to have immediate families naturalized also.

According to Betsy Streisand, of the U.S. News & World Report, citizenship applications have gone up from 300 a month before Bush’s order to 1,300 a month in 2003. In short, the only reason Hispanics enlist in the military, really has nothing to do with defending our national security or “honor”, it is solely to increase their access to a decent education and a better life.

In a 2005 report by the Center for Naval Analysis (CNA Inc), a federally funded research organization for the US Navy, analysts found immigrants were half as likely as their US-born counterparts to wash out before completing their enlistment. Based on their finding and recognizing the need to “help fill current gaps and meet future needs,” they made several recommendations to tap into the “roughly 1.5 million potential non-citizen recruits”

To facilitate recruitment and retention of non-citizens in the military, the Department of Defense should:

  • Provide military recruiters with more information for non-citizen recruits by developing materials for applicants and new recruits that explain eligibility for expedited citizenship, the advantages of filing for citizenship while in the military, and the benefits of attaining citizenship.
  • Consider more structured, installation-based assistance that would help non-citizen service members and their dependents with the citizenship process.
  • Investigate, through the Office of the Secretary of Defense, whether more uniform treatment of noncitizens across the military services is needed.

As Congress debates to tighten immigration controls, tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants are serving in the armed forces. What is not generally known is that the Bush Junta, like the business community, has also been exploiting them. Some have even gone even further, Council on Foreign Relations neoconservative senior fellow Max Boot, and have proposed that the military, enlist and actively recruit foreigners from other countries.

The military would do well today to open its ranks not only to legal immigrants but also to illegal ones and, as important, to untold numbers of young men and women who are not here now but would like to come. No doubt many would be willing to serve for some set period in return for one of the world’s most precious commodities — U.S. citizenship. Open up recruiting stations from Budapest to Bangkok, Cape Town to Cairo, Montreal to Mexico City. Some might deride those who sign up as mercenaries, but these troops would have significantly different motives than the usual soldier of fortune. (Emphases mine)

As extreme as that might sound, when it comes to military service, many immigrates are willing to put their life on the line as a way to prove their loyalty to the US in hopes of obtaining the American Dream, equal treatment and acceptance in their new country. Realities the military and neo-cons like Max Boot are well aware of and are willing to exploit.

During the 2004 Presidential race, many people were talking about the possibility of reinstating the draft. But want many people don’t realize, once America went to war and after Bush’s executive order, the military, Congress and Citizenship and Immigration Services were already in the process of fast-tracking applications and making it easier for immigrants to become citizens.

When reports were coming in about the military recruitment was at a 30-year low, the military already started targeting Latinos to meet their targeted numbers. One of the Pentagon goals is to double the amount of Hispanic enlistment through aggressive marketing.

Another tool aiding the military in recruiting Latinos into the armed services is through the little known Hispanic Access Initiative Act (HAIA) of 1996, which allows ROTC recruiters to target Latino students at high school and Hispanic Serving Institutions, colleges with a large Hispanic student body. Recruiters are given access to high school students’ addresses and phone numbers and are free to contact them at home, unless parents object. In 2004, the Army has added $10 million to its recruitment budget to advertise directly aimed at Hispanic audiences.

So how effective are their advertisement efforts in the recruiting process? As of Sept 9, 2006, everything is going as planned:

The Pentagon announced Friday that the Army met its recruiting goal for August, which a senior Army official said makes it virtually certain that the service will achieve its aim of signing up 80,000 new soldiers for the full recruiting year, which ends Sept. 30. Last year the Army fell short for the first time since 1999.

And recently, Emilio Gonzalez, director of the Bureau of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, announced there are more than 40,000 immigrants currently serving in the military and more than 26,000 have already been naturalized since Sept. 11, 2001.

Their pipeline for a brighter future – a chance to become the next teachers, doctors, scientist, and other professionals – is soon to becoming nothing more but a pipe dream of empty hopes and promises. For them, there is no American Dream, only an American Nightmare.

The sadistic irony in all of this, as many immigrants risk life and limb entering this country for a better life, they are now being asked to risk life and limb to be played as pawns in a geopolitical chess game – all for the most “precious commodity” – US citizenship.