Crossposted from Town Called Dobson

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Never trust a grown man named Scooter, especially if you plan to use him as the scape goat for treason against the United States.

I am just humored by the Administration’s response of shock when Scooter comes out swinging at Karl Rove. “What? Someone says our hands are dirty? I am outraged!!” Grow up. This is the same sort of fake rage Michelle Malkin uses on a daily basis. Most are wise to it by now.

More fake rage was fronted by Cheney during his interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer whe Blitzer asked asked about the rough treatment Cheney received at the hands of the religious right over Mary Cheney’s (his gay daughter) pregnancy. “Frankly, you’re out of line with that question.”

Actually, the $500 million may be for a barn. They have been shoveling bullshit for six years now, I imagine it is beginning to pile up.