Even though CBS’s Senior Foreign Correspondent in Baghdad, Lara Logan pleaded for them to air this video report from Iraq (may take a while to load so be patient), they were only willing to place it online at the CBS website. When you watch it you will see why. It doesn’t fit the Bush/Cheney narrative to which the cowed (or complicit) corporate media news organizations have acquiesced.
Read Lara Logan’s frustrated email about her bosses’ refusal to air her report on any CBS newscast, and her plea to the online community to promote her story and provide links to it (via media channel dot org and this post by Atrios) here:
From: lara logan
Subject: helpThe story below only appeared on our CBS website and was not aired on CBS. It is a story that is largely being ignored, even though this istakingplace verysingle day in central Baghdad, two blocks from where our office is located.
Our crew had to be pulled out because we got a call saying they were about to be killed, and on their way out, a civilian man was shot dead in front of them as they ran.
I would be very grateful if any of you have a chance to watch this story and pass the link on to as many people you know as possible. It should be seen. And people should know about this.
If anyone has time to send a comment to CBS – about the story – not about my request, then that would help highlight that people are interested and this is not too gruesome to air, but rather too important to ignore.
Many, many thanks.
Watch the video of her report on the current violence on Haifa street in Baghdad, then pass the link on to all your friends. Especially send it to any who still support the war, and claim that the media censors the “good news” from Iraq. The truth is just the opposite, as Laura Logan’s battle to get her report aired demonstrates.
Update [2007-1-25 20:5:49 by Steven D]: Another video from Britain’s Channel 4 which you should also see (on You Tube) below the fold:
Good we can read and or view it elsewhere in the UK. Quick, tell CBS, there’s Al-Jazeera english. Have they forgotten? Guess they’re still scared cats, and after Wolf’s interview with Cheney
Patrick Cockburn’s front page story in The Independent, UK
Inside Baghdad: ‘This is mayhem beyond the comprehension of George Bush and Tony Blair’
and she’s been the best reporter in Iraq for a while now.
Here’s part of another account of the Haifa street surge. This from the NYT:
Corrected. Thanks. I always need an editor.
If you had an editor, your stuff would read like most of what’s on CBS.
This is the power of the Net. This video may reach more people this way than any other way. Time to flex the muscle of the Netroots and make sure that the truth is disseminated.
A few years ago only a small fraction of computer users had broadband. Now the majority do. Once, the monopolistic network news agencies were people’s main source of information. Now, for people under 30, there are many alternatives. The is their main source–with Jon Stewart and YouTube struggling for dominance!
In the 2008 elections, MSM will not be able to control the news. Time to practice.
I wish I hadn’t seen that Channel 4 video. But I also wish every cocksucker out there who keeps blathering about supporting the troops was required to see it.
I don’t support these troops. Leave them in Iraq. I don’t want these fuckers coming back to live in my neighborhood. Let them rot in the desert.