From the New York Times:
“If our troops get actionable intelligence that agents are going to cause our troops or Iraqi citizens harm, they’re going to take whatever force protections that are necessary,” said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Agency.
But of course:
But Mr. Bush said any notion that the United States wants to widen its military campaign beyond the borders of Iraq “simply is not accurate.” The president and his top aides have said several times in recent weeks that there are no plans to pursue Iranian agents into Iran.
Of course Bush rolls this out on a Friday when the media and public aren’t paying attention either.
Does this remind anyone else of Tom Hanks’ efforts to start a fire in Castaway?
Sooner or later, Bush is going to light the spark that sets the Iran plan in motion if we don’t impeach him!!!
The next phase in Bush’s drive to spread “democracy” around the world.
MEK terrorists have been fighting dirty for us in Iran already since last year.
The war against Iran started when Bush included them in the Axis of Evil speech. This is just the exact same pattern of lies used for the drumbeat to Iraq invasion….and the media is going along once again. The most laughable(not that there is anything funny about the neocons)part of bush’s statement is that he said he was working to solve problems with Iran diplomatically….and it would have been nice for some reporter to ask him specifically just when or what he was doing diplomatically.
It’s very doubtful he even understands the definition of the word….diplomacy doesn’t mean my way or the highway.