(click on pics for larger images…)
Can you believe there were Brownback supporters here?
I think ManEe and ejmw were separated at birth or something…they even had matching shoes on!
Lots and lots of people…no matter what the AP says.
And what photodiary would be complete without a chicken picture for maryb?
Random march photos of great signs and cute kids:
From making the word “IMPEACH” on the mall…I’ll update when they post a photo on their site.
Great photo’s CG, and it’s good to see that all you east coasters finally got to meet maneegee…..how ya’ll doing.
OK, that chicken is really creepy. (But you knew I’d say that didn’t you?)
Luv the shoe picture 😉
Thanks for the pics. And for going.
or in SF…I promised EJ that I’d fly back East for the impeachment parties, though… 🙂
Well done to all those who marched, wherever they marched…
This IS what democracy looks like!
(if I can ever give up my Olbermann quote, that may be my new sig…)
Great pix! I’ll upload mine tonight or tomorrow after I re-connect the laptop wires to my veins.
so sorry to have missed you.
i’m already back in NYC, what a long day, 4 hours each way but it was worth it.
sorry that we weren’t able to meetup but glad that you were there! The weather really cooperated with us, dontchathink?
The picture of you and ej? Best. Photo. Ever.
(Something tells me you’ll pack a coat and mittens next time – but let’s all hope there’s no need for a “next time”)
Blessings to all of the marchers and please stay safe. (/”mom worrying”)
That egee–ej picture is a classic. Notice Booman dresses up for a march, but when he went to that Law firm in Philly he was in jeans and a t-shirt.
It’s a shame. The orange hat with the pom pom would have made quite a fashion statement at the firm.
Just so happens that I too noted the disparity in attire, A4L … but I didn’t want to misbehave. Thank you for doing so, and thanks for the much appreciated Sunday morning chuckles. 😀
No need to worry, I think there were four layers under the green shell. Plus I had a backpack with gloves and another sweatshirt at the ready, but truly didn’t need them as the weather was perfect. My jacket was deliberately left at my friend’s place where I stayed so I could blind everyone with my green shirt 🙂
Fabulous pictures!!!!! Thank you so much for posting these and being there. You know I was there in spirit.
Booman supports Brownback? I always knew there was something fishy about him. 😛
And a multitude of thanks to all of you who marched and made your voices heard today! As someone else said, let’s hope this doesn’t have to be done again, but I’m doubtful at this point… expect that many more thousands will have to take to the streets before this nightmare is ended…
Great pics CG!! You all did us proud. Just saw myself on the 11PM news. Our rally and march here was about 2500 strong. The news estimated between 1000-2500. It was an energizing day will write about it tomorrow. Only have pics from my phone. Anyone know how to get those to the computer. Its a new phone.
So glad you all got to meetup! Where’s Supersoling?
Great to hear about your turnout … will look forward to your diary!
You can check online for uploading your pix from your phone. I don’t have a camphone but would assume there’s a cable that came w/ it? Try googling.
thanks for the tips. Nope, no cable. I think the only way to do it is email myself? The pics from this phone are pretty crummy to be honest!
that sounds like it might work!
What a great photodiary CabinGirl! Thanks! And thanks to all of you who came out for the day – all over the country.
Thanks for the great photos for all those who couldn’t attend. But BooMan for Brownback? Who could have known?
Great photos! The Brownbackers are your typical Republicans aren’t they? All fresh scrubbed and elite looking.
and I kind of feel ripped off. Someone passed out, I know it, I feel it in my bones……you guys are protecting someone.
Wonderful pictures …I’d say the only good thing to come out of this rotten gdamn administration is the friendship and camraderie fostered by our Internet community. Thanks to all of you for making me feel like I’m not so alone in my feelings, thoughts, hopes and desires for our country.
What else can I say, except great pictures!
Especially of Boo Brownback, the twins, man eeg and ej,
and that great Pez-Bush placard!
Wish I were there. But I was there in spirit, at least.
…they’re even better in person.
It was great to see all those people, and it was even better to see ej, Man eegee, CabinGirl, Super, Bro feld and of course, the Boo himself. (Boo, to me, is part geek–which I say lovingly b/c the hubby is too–and part professor with a dash of cuddly. I think it’s the hair. He’ll probably kill me for this :<) )
You’ll likely get your chance to participate in other actions. It will take more.
BTW, did you see that Sen. Obama and Holy Joe went down to New Orleans along with Sen. Landrieu? It was on NBC. I don’t know if it’s at all meaningful, but at least they acknowledge that New Orleans exists.
God, to think it’s coming down wishing for mere acknowledgment.
Talking ’bout a revolution
Out of Iraq and into PEACE!