Out of 120+ pics shot today, here’s the cream of the crop. I’ve omitted some dupes of signs that CG shot as well.

I’m disappointed to report the human-form “IMPEACH!” on the grounds of the Monument did not come off spectacularly. It was based at the far end of the Mall from the rally & stepping-off point, and wasn’t well-advertised to boot. Not enough people showed up, and some of those that did ended up wandering off due to the delay in getting the shot. The organizers ended up scrunching us into a smaller set of letters. Nonetheless, I’m proud to note that the exclamation point of “IMPEACH!” is composed entirely of Tribbers. Without further ado (click thumbnail to see larger version):

The Gang in Orange in front of Big Coffee. ManE kneeling on left in green, Tampopo standing at his left shoulder.

Waitin’ to form a letter. ManE on right, emjw behind him, CG to the left, JanetT in MD with unknown Kossack in the background.

Supersoling, tampopo, CG, and a monument to someone-or-other. My feet in the foreground.

emjw & ManE checking camera settings.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Warriors for peace. Peaciors?

This young peacenik is head & shoulders above the rest of us!

Crowds just as the march gets going.

Some Hollywood types kick off the march.

CodePink, God bless ’em.

Yours truly with Niece the Elder, holding homemade signs.

Now we see his true colors!