Let us know what is going on in the world outside the beltway.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The guy that did the S.F. Impeach on the Beach thing is organizing one at the Washington Monument today at 11:50 am. It’s up on the Orange site, in case you all are interested.
I guess I could have picked a better title but my diary about it is over on the right… posted last night about it as dsb on kos too…
For those in the Bay Area who want to work on impeachment activism, keep an eye on Brad Newsham’s Gone By April 1 blog and get on his mailing list. He’s a writer, cab driver, activist and nice guy and the Beach Impeach and Mall Impeach organizer. He’s rented a storefront in Oakland down the block from the Grand Lake theater and he’s busy with a master plan.
I hope they pull it off.
Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out great. The place where they were setting it up was way too far away from where everyone was gathering on the mall.
Front Page of the NYTimes online has this picture with the caption: War opponents preparing for today’s protest on the National Mall. The shoes and names written on the box represent civilians killed in Iraq
Here is the AP story that goes with the picture:
There’s a Movement given little press and little chance but
Edging Impeachment Back Onto the Table
(emphasis added)
Just got back from the rally in Albuquerque where Oriz y Pino and one of his co-sponsors spoke. He says they need support or the measure will die in committee without ever reaching a vote. If you have friends or family in New Mexico ask them to call their State Senator and State Representaive and express their support for SJR-5.
You’ll be glad you did.
Thirty die in Iraq bombings.
Russia’s Putin denounces with US space weapons programs:
I heard this morning via Auntie Beeb that the Russian Foreign Minister is coming over here next week to get an explanation as to why more troops are going into the Middle East. Apparently some of our friends aren’t happy with the idea of performing escallatio on the Iraqis.
They run the same story from AP’s Larry Margasak about the anti-war protest in DC today except for one interesting difference. Here’s one version I found:
And here’s the other version at CNN:
Some online news sites go with one version, some with the other. My question? Which version came first?
The Forgotten American Dead
Rural America Pays the President’s Price in Iraq
– by Tom Engelhardt
George, Iraq is not just a cracked egg.
He’s 81. He may be released today, depending on his condition.
Remember — use the links. 🙂
Actually it’s easier to do it like this:
Here’s how to [post a link to your story. http://www.example.com/story%5D
I read about this on the BBC web site when I was looking for something else. He apparently just finished a “farewell tour” of Europe. The guy is a national treasure, but at 81 and battling diabetes, he’s living on borrowed time (and doing a mighty good job of it).
The cancer has returned “with a vengeance” right after her radiation treatments.
Houston Chronicle article
Editor and Publisher article
Dallas Morning News article
(reposted on behalf of Blksista. Nobody, not even Booman, can edit comments. We can only delete, which is why the original comment and the replies to it have disappeared. Credit for this should go to Blksista, not me. I’m just trying to help.)
I’m very sorry to hear that Molly is back in the hospital. She’s one of the best. Our Sunday paper was missing her column last week and I wondered if she had become worse.
Beware repeated viewing of this most unhip of hop past minute seven…
You have been warned…
Brisk and sunny in Albuquerque for the march. About a thousand people in the street. (Media will probably report “dozens.”)
Police were not confrontational nor in riot gear. (Quite a change from Chicago.)
Code Pink unfurled a 30 foot long banner from the balcony of the Hotel across the street from the rally site. The Albuquerque “Raging Grannies” performed.
A sorry little contingent of pro-war activists dogged our steps. One young man held a sign which read “Peace is Impossible.” It was a truly sad sight to see.
We stopped at the offices of Heather Wilson, Pete Domenice, and Jeff Bingaman as well as the military induction center where an Iraq Vet gave a moving speech.
I’m glad I got off my butt and drove down there.