the deer will take off and the dogs will chase them for a couple of minutes and then come back — it’s as if it would be insulting to all involved if they didn’t act like dogs and deer when in the ‘wild’.
we rarely get them in town…once in a great ehile a moose will wander in…usually deer and their main predator the mtn lions…and a lot of bears, esp in the fall
bit of a prob w/ the DOW policies…
and all the other urban critters: skunks, coyotes, foxes and the damn coons & squirrels…
wolves, and panthers around here but they were all gone by 1920s. We’re a little low on large predators which is why the deer and turkey are so plentiful.
But coyotes have been around for a few years now and now bobcats have been sighted. Maybe the wolves will come back from Michigan (very, very doubtful but still nice to think about).
Mostly cloudy. Scattered snow showers in the evening. Areas of blowing snow in the evening. Lows 5 to 10 below. Brisk. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 20 percent. Wind chill readings 19 below to 29 below zero.
hence, have not been out the front door today as yet.
Hi O. I have been trying for a while to leave comments on your B. Don’t know why but I have been unable to dulpicate the feat of yesterday. Cyberamazement.
Actually, that is yesterday’s bread! João the baker had fresh little ones ready for breakfast this morning but I failed to photogrpah them before they were devoured.
Truer words were never spoken. João the baker is also my personal trainer. He rousts me out of bed every morning with a horsewhip to do my exercise, so I’m usually not in the mood for artistic exploits– just mumbling and grumbling. It’s a tough life.
Hmm, my dogs generally roust me out of bed (let us out, there’s something out there we must go chase) but they’ve never rewarded with warm bread and concerns for my health — clearly I am doing something wrong.
I come running down the hall at 6 a.m. to find them panting and leaping and crying to get out the front door.As I open he door, I always say (in my half-wakened stupor:) “This better be important.” but, of course, it never is– the street dog or potential burglar having long since passed. I always chastise them and good, but by tomorrow morning they will have forgotten. Naturally.
in the woods so there’s always something out there. But in fairness I rarely sleep past 5:00 so they aren’t actually waking me up, just getting me out of the bed.
Hi Keres, In case you`re interested, McNaught who discovered the comet that can be seen in the southern hemisphere, at least one could last week, was finaly able to take this shot of “his” comet.
Like I mentioned, this was taken by McNaught the discoverer of the comet. When I was taking pictures of it up here, he could not yet see it down under. As far as photo shop, that`s a hard one to do. At first I wondered about it. If it was a timed lapse series, the stars would be tracking. I will look into it more, but sometimes nature just shows her beauty. I tend to think this is not manipulated.
Big Discovery
Robert McNaught, the Australian who discovered comet McNaught that bears his name, finally got to photograph it this week when it became visible from the Southern Hemisphere.
Photo Credit: Robert McNaught
It`s not photoshopped, I`m positive he would have mentioned it.
Not to mention that he had to see other people`s photos of it before he could take one himself. I have dozens of shots of the comet taken from around the world. His is the most spectacular imo.
OT: CS sent early this AM
That’s a great photo. I love the sprinkling of starts across the sky with the comet. I can believe it’s not photoshopped. I’ve seen northern lights somewhat similar to this, with stars out and a bit of light over the mountin when I lived between the Greens and the Whites in Northern NEngland.
A tiny passenger train steams out of the history Shrubsville station and begins to move slowly along the wind track in the direction of Shooterville (formerly Scooterville.) Spring is almost here. The beauty flowers are just beginning to bloom. Sleep dogs stretch and yawn lazily under a cloud sky. The passengers look out the dust windows at the fresh-plow fields. Red Rhodes, the curmudgeon engineer peers out from under the bill of his stripe cap. Red is a very tradition man. He remembers the glory days of the Republic Party–the Contract-With-America days– when the Democrat Party knew its place in the scheme of things. “We’ve come a long ways from Doleton and Gingrichburg,” he thinks to himself.
I have watched and listened and waited for BooMan to come to his senses. His endorsement of Sen. Brownback is the final straw. I have waited for him to explain himself, but he refuses. I am shocked and saddened at BooMan’s cowardly actions.
Sen. Brownback is wrong for America. He is wrong on Education. (He’s pro-Literacy.) He is wrong on defense. (He’s against refuses to endorse random nuclear attacks to project our power internationally.) He is wrong on Transubstantiation. (That is indeed the Blood of Christ in the Communion Cup.) He is wrong on Geography.(He says the Earth is a flat square, when in fact it is a disk sitting on the back of four gigantic elephants that glide through space on back of an even more hugemongous turtle.) He is wrong on Cosmology. (He claims the world was created 4,668 years, 7 months, 5 days, 3 minutes and 17 seconds ago, +- 5 minutes, when it was clearly created 4,866 years, 7 months, 5 days, 3 minutes and 17 seconds ago, +- 2 minutes.) He is wrong on his favorite color. (It is beige, not off-white.) He is wrong on the Middle East. (The rise of Israel is the breaking of the Sixth Seal, not the Fifth Seal.) He is wrong on the Economy. (Ethanol is not the answer to all our economic problems. Spinning wheat into gold is.) He is wrong on Terrorism. (The problem is not the Heathen Muslims intent of converting the world with a blood-stained scimitar. Terrorism is the initial foray of Isengard against Middle Earth.) Sen. Brownback is just plain wrong. He is a liberal masquerading as a True Believer.
If Booman does not come to his senses and endorse the only candidate who truly sits on the right hand of the Lord, Former Senator Richard (The Lion-Hearted) Santorum, than this is my last entry in this God-forsaken blog. If Booman does not come to his senses and change his endorsement, then Goodbye Cruel World. You have heard the last of Teach666313.
Just a quickie Hi from the in-laws; they’re finishing dinner, then we’ll have cake/ice cream and present opening — mom-in-law is 75 today! 🙂 (Since my own mom only made it to 77, feeling a little bittersweet here.)
Dad-in-law has a Dell with WinXP and IE; feeling a bit culture shocked tech-wise…
I’ve decided I need a smaller camera rather than a bigger one, at least right now. I was sitting in the car waiting for the spouse, when a cat walked along the roof of the carport; the shadow made a great contrast on the sound wall between our complex and the parking lot that I wished I had a camera with me to capture it. (When I took some digital photography sessions at MacWorld ’06, the instructor talked about having a small camera along at all times for those serendipitous moments.)
Hope everyone has a great evening…time for me to go back out and be sociable…
It’s a shame that work interferes with us doing things we enjoy and are good at 🙂
Seriously, I hear you. I wish you had time to do another installment of the back stories. I loved what you did the last time with writing it in “report” style. You’re very creative.
Someone I used to work with wrote mystery novels. He’s had 5 or 6 published. While he worked full time AND raised 5 kids. I never could figure out how he did it. But he said he just set himself a goal to write for an hour each night and it all added up over time.
Neither am I, which is why I’m still up when I swore I’d be in bed reading at 9. I need to go. You should read supersoling’s diary that he just posted. ‘Night.
glad Monday is almost over?
I’m ready to get up on the table …
don’t think I wanta comment on that pic…:{)
how bout horny instead…the old buck and his shadow:
clik images to enlarge
alas, I think I’ve annoyed them as they didn’t come round today…
wuzzup yawl
feel about the deer — the Pack is completely blase about the ones that come up to our house.
she’s real good [blase] about it even if we’re out walking…
the deer will take off and the dogs will chase them for a couple of minutes and then come back — it’s as if it would be insulting to all involved if they didn’t act like dogs and deer when in the ‘wild’.
and chasing them is seriously frowned upon…
the elk herd pretty well had the run of the town — they were particularly fond of the golf course.
we rarely get them in town…once in a great ehile a moose will wander in…usually deer and their main predator the mtn lions…and a lot of bears, esp in the fall
bit of a prob w/ the DOW policies…
and all the other urban critters: skunks, coyotes, foxes and the damn coons & squirrels…
rather interesting most of the time…:{)
wolves, and panthers around here but they were all gone by 1920s. We’re a little low on large predators which is why the deer and turkey are so plentiful.
But coyotes have been around for a few years now and now bobcats have been sighted. Maybe the wolves will come back from Michigan (very, very doubtful but still nice to think about).
those horns … 😉
is a pretty impressive muley….one of the biggest racks I’ve ever seen…he’s got a radio collar and ear tags, so someone is keeping tabs on him….
place d, didn’t ya see the little camera on the collar?
nice lookin’ deer ya got there, don’t leave the doors open on the house for long ya might have 4-legged company
It’s the BNF!
just a machine for producing hair on furniture?
how ya doin ND?
Mostly cloudy. Scattered snow showers in the evening. Areas of blowing snow in the evening. Lows 5 to 10 below. Brisk. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 20 percent. Wind chill readings 19 below to 29 below zero.
hence, have not been out the front door today as yet.
decling hi temps leading to 9º Hi by fri…benn a shit-kickin’ winter so far and showing no sign of easing up
stay warm
I definitely wanna know the story behind this shot!
Good evening.
How’s the beach today?
Love that technique …
Just some stupid photoshop thingamajiggys. Nothing special.
How ya doing tonight?
Hi O. I have been trying for a while to leave comments on your B. Don’t know why but I have been unable to dulpicate the feat of yesterday. Cyberamazement.
so don’t conclude it’s something you’re doing wrong just yet … 🙂
Lemme know.
Is there lovely bread for dinner tonight?
bread and beer and beaches — you are really set.
Actually, that is yesterday’s bread! João the baker had fresh little ones ready for breakfast this morning but I failed to photogrpah them before they were devoured.
I think it’s standard behavior to prefer to eat breakfast rather than photograph it. 🙂
Truer words were never spoken. João the baker is also my personal trainer. He rousts me out of bed every morning with a horsewhip to do my exercise, so I’m usually not in the mood for artistic exploits– just mumbling and grumbling. It’s a tough life.
Hmm, my dogs generally roust me out of bed (let us out, there’s something out there we must go chase) but they’ve never rewarded with warm bread and concerns for my health — clearly I am doing something wrong.
I come running down the hall at 6 a.m. to find them panting and leaping and crying to get out the front door.As I open he door, I always say (in my half-wakened stupor:) “This better be important.” but, of course, it never is– the street dog or potential burglar having long since passed. I always chastise them and good, but by tomorrow morning they will have forgotten. Naturally.
in the woods so there’s always something out there. But in fairness I rarely sleep past 5:00 so they aren’t actually waking me up, just getting me out of the bed.
but I’m busy busy busy with putting together Green Tasmania Magazine.
I should be finished by sometime Thursday – just in time to post the next Dog Blog
Hi dada. Thanks again for your comment last night. I got the message this morning.
Does the magazine have a website?
Hi Keres, In case you`re interested, McNaught who discovered the comet that can be seen in the southern hemisphere, at least one could last week, was finaly able to take this shot of “his” comet.

that is a spectucular shot…tell me it’s not photoshopped….
Like I mentioned, this was taken by McNaught the discoverer of the comet. When I was taking pictures of it up here, he could not yet see it down under. As far as photo shop, that`s a hard one to do. At first I wondered about it. If it was a timed lapse series, the stars would be tracking. I will look into it more, but sometimes nature just shows her beauty. I tend to think this is not manipulated.
Big Discovery
Robert McNaught, the Australian who discovered comet McNaught that bears his name, finally got to photograph it this week when it became visible from the Southern Hemisphere.
Photo Credit: Robert McNaught
It`s not photoshopped, I`m positive he would have mentioned it.
that’s a once in a lifetime shot…kudos to McNaught…to capture that image of something that you discovered must be an exhilarating experience.
Not to mention that he had to see other people`s photos of it before he could take one himself. I have dozens of shots of the comet taken from around the world. His is the most spectacular imo.
OT: CS sent early this AM
That’s a great photo. I love the sprinkling of starts across the sky with the comet. I can believe it’s not photoshopped. I’ve seen northern lights somewhat similar to this, with stars out and a bit of light over the mountin when I lived between the Greens and the Whites in Northern NEngland.
Hey Kidspeak,
Did you want me to send that file of your flight?
Yes, this is a terrific shot & also reminded me of the Northern Lights.
Yes, I would very much like to have that picture! My e-mail is in my info, now, but you can send to Teach, too and I’ll get it, of course.
Sorry I’m always responding late, these days, with a new term and difficult students.
Nevermind– got it figured out now– have to choose “other” since I don’t have a password for blogger. duh!!
Slow but sure
Republic Grammer.
Chapter 1.
A tiny passenger train steams out of the history Shrubsville station and begins to move slowly along the wind track in the direction of Shooterville (formerly Scooterville.) Spring is almost here. The beauty flowers are just beginning to bloom. Sleep dogs stretch and yawn lazily under a cloud sky. The passengers look out the dust windows at the fresh-plow fields. Red Rhodes, the curmudgeon engineer peers out from under the bill of his stripe cap. Red is a very tradition man. He remembers the glory days of the Republic Party–the Contract-With-America days– when the Democrat Party knew its place in the scheme of things. “We’ve come a long ways from Doleton and Gingrichburg,” he thinks to himself.
Tomorrow, Chapter 2. Shooterville
Looks like happy hour is over. See youse guys tomorrow. G’night.
I have watched and listened and waited for BooMan to come to his senses. His endorsement of Sen. Brownback is the final straw. I have waited for him to explain himself, but he refuses. I am shocked and saddened at BooMan’s cowardly actions.
Sen. Brownback is wrong for America. He is wrong on Education. (He’s pro-Literacy.) He is wrong on defense. (He’s against refuses to endorse random nuclear attacks to project our power internationally.) He is wrong on Transubstantiation. (That is indeed the Blood of Christ in the Communion Cup.) He is wrong on Geography.(He says the Earth is a flat square, when in fact it is a disk sitting on the back of four gigantic elephants that glide through space on back of an even more hugemongous turtle.) He is wrong on Cosmology. (He claims the world was created 4,668 years, 7 months, 5 days, 3 minutes and 17 seconds ago, +- 5 minutes, when it was clearly created 4,866 years, 7 months, 5 days, 3 minutes and 17 seconds ago, +- 2 minutes.) He is wrong on his favorite color. (It is beige, not off-white.) He is wrong on the Middle East. (The rise of Israel is the breaking of the Sixth Seal, not the Fifth Seal.) He is wrong on the Economy. (Ethanol is not the answer to all our economic problems. Spinning wheat into gold is.) He is wrong on Terrorism. (The problem is not the Heathen Muslims intent of converting the world with a blood-stained scimitar. Terrorism is the initial foray of Isengard against Middle Earth.) Sen. Brownback is just plain wrong. He is a liberal masquerading as a True Believer.
If Booman does not come to his senses and endorse the only candidate who truly sits on the right hand of the Lord, Former Senator Richard (The Lion-Hearted) Santorum, than this is my last entry in this God-forsaken blog. If Booman does not come to his senses and change his endorsement, then Goodbye Cruel World. You have heard the last of Teach
666313.Just a quickie Hi from the in-laws; they’re finishing dinner, then we’ll have cake/ice cream and present opening — mom-in-law is 75 today! 🙂 (Since my own mom only made it to 77, feeling a little bittersweet here.)
Dad-in-law has a Dell with WinXP and IE; feeling a bit culture shocked tech-wise…
I’ve decided I need a smaller camera rather than a bigger one, at least right now. I was sitting in the car waiting for the spouse, when a cat walked along the roof of the carport; the shadow made a great contrast on the sound wall between our complex and the parking lot that I wished I had a camera with me to capture it. (When I took some digital photography sessions at MacWorld ’06, the instructor talked about having a small camera along at all times for those serendipitous moments.)
Hope everyone has a great evening…time for me to go back out and be sociable…
As long as I’ve blown ALL my blogging resolutions for the day, I might as well say hi to the cafe.
Hi 🙂
I didn’t think you were blogging with Booman. I thought you were advising.
Thanks. But I think one should never delude oneself.
How are you?
Pretty good. I’ve been trying to work on some real writing, but I’m finding it difficult to do while working. What have you been up to?
It’s a shame that work interferes with us doing things we enjoy and are good at 🙂
Seriously, I hear you. I wish you had time to do another installment of the back stories. I loved what you did the last time with writing it in “report” style. You’re very creative.
Someone I used to work with wrote mystery novels. He’s had 5 or 6 published. While he worked full time AND raised 5 kids. I never could figure out how he did it. But he said he just set himself a goal to write for an hour each night and it all added up over time.
I’m not that disciplined 🙂
Neither am I, which is why I’m still up when I swore I’d be in bed reading at 9. I need to go. You should read supersoling’s diary that he just posted. ‘Night.