that you could find 20 senators that support the surge plan: NYT
Sen. Joseph Biden, the Democratic chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said senators’ widespread opposition to a troop buildup will become evident when they begin debating the measure this week.
”I will make you a bet, you will not find 20 percent of the Senate standing up and saying the president is headed in the right direction,” said Biden, D-Del.
During an early presidential campaign swing through Iowa, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said President Bush should ”extricate” the United States from Iraq before he leaves office, asserting it would be ”the height of irresponsibility” to pass the war along to the next commander in chief.
”This was his decision to go to war with an ill-conceived plan and an incompetently executed strategy,” Clinton, D-N.Y. said Sunday. ”We expect him to extricate our country from this before he leaves office” in January 2009.
The White House condemned Clinton’s comments as a partisan attack that undermines U.S. soldiers.
I see the MSM is doing their job, positioning Hillary as a major player in the war discussion, so that we can have her rammed down out throats in 2008…but I digress.
How many senators do you think will support the surge and follow Mitch McConnell off the cliff like little lemmings? Shall we start a pool?
CG, re Hillary. The MSM years ago made her front runner but we’re in a time when the grass roots will prevail. Hillary starts out with 40% saying she’ll not get their votes.
Fatigue will set in – a 2 year campaign, someone will stumble.
Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee in 2000 who won re-election as an independent last year, says he is open to supporting any party’s White House nominee in 2008.
”I’m going to do what most independents and a lot of Democrats and Republicans in America do, which is to take a look at all the candidates and then in the end, regardless of party, decide who I think will be best for the future of our country,” Lieberman said Sunday.
”So I’m open to supporting a Democrat, Republican or even an Independent, if there’s a strong one. Stay tuned,” said the three-term lawmaker who caucuses with Senate Democrats.
The article goes on to note that “Lieberman is an ally of GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona, a 2008 hopeful, and supports President Bush’s new Iraq strategy.”
I just love how his views are held up for all to see as a sign that there is ‘bipartisan’ support for Bush’s war…
Lieberman says he’ll be voting Republican in 2008.
Josh Marshall notes that does not mean he’ll leave the Democratic Party now because it’s likely he’d be in the minority come 2008.
“One thing that’s on the agenda for 2008: the fight for a Lieberman-proof majority in the senate….Will Lieberman switch parties over the next two years? …That would mean that if Lieberman switched parties and swung the chamber to the Republicans, he would likely go back into the minority in 2008 with a majority that would be committed as a major agenda item to screwing him in whichever way they could.
So Joe won’t switch because it’s not in his own interest to do so. “[.]
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will publish its report, the most complete overview of climate change science, in Paris on Feb. 2 after a final review to guide policy makers combating global warming. But details are starting to leak out. We’re going to be told again we “have 10 years” to make the big changes needed to avoid disaster. And this time they mean it!
[Personal note: Part of my trip this week was cancelled (Yay!) but I’ll still be out of pocket Friday and next Monday.]
“THE US wants the world’s scientists to develop technology to block sunlight as a last-ditch way to halt global warming.
It says research into techniques such as giant mirrors in space or reflective dust pumped into the atmosphere would be “important insurance” against rising emissions, and has lobbied for such a strategy to be recommended by a UN report on climate change, the first part of which is due out on Friday).
The US has also attempted to steer the UN report, prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), away from conclusions that would support a new worldwide climate treaty based on binding targets to reduce emissions. It has demanded a draft of the report be changed to emphasise the benefits of voluntary agreements and to include criticisms of the Kyoto Protocol, which the US opposes
[.] (h/t: TPM)
These guys ever heard of photosynthesis? Vitamin D? Food supply anyone. Anyone? Light affecting chickens laying eggs?
Isn’t that Feng Shui? Was that “W”‘s own personal idea ;)? Won’t the people in the mirror shade get cold or have a second night or something? What if we project so much heat back towards the sun that we cause it to blow itself up? James Bond does stuff like that all the time? What if we all decided to just stopped killing ourselves?
Oh for shits sake, is there no end to the depths of stupidity for this administration? If we are not a complete and utter laughing stock to the rest of the world(in between being thought a dangerous rouge administration)when he leaves office it will only be because the rest of the world will give a new administration the benefit of doubt and hope we bring science and sanity back into office.
Maybe we could get Superman to fly around the globe and turn the calendar back to the Coolidge administration. Things were so much brighter then.
Once they perfect the sun blocking technology, we can just use that lovely new ‘non-lethal’ weapon that makes you feel like you’re burning up on the crybabies.
…Microsoft’s newest operating system makes its retail debut tomorrow.
Will you switch? Vista’s legal fine print raises red flags
[W]hile those reviews have focused chiefly on Vista’s new functionality, for the past few months the legal and technical communities have dug into Vista’s “fine print.” Those communities have raised red flags about Vista’s legal terms and conditions as well as the technical limitations that have been incorporated into the software at the insistence of the motion picture industry.
Vista’s legal fine print includes extensive provisions granting Microsoft the right to regularly check the legitimacy of the software and holds the prospect of deleting certain programs without the user’s knowledge. During the installation process, users “activate” Vista by associating it with a particular computer or device and transmitting certain hardware information directly to Microsoft.
Even after installation, the legal agreement grants Microsoft the right to revalidate the software or to require users to reactivate it should they make changes to their computer components. In addition, it sets significant limits on the ability to copy or transfer the software, prohibiting anything more than a single backup copy and setting strict limits on transferring the software to different devices or users.[.]
And there’s more
[The] technical limitations have proven to be even more controversial than the legal ones.[.]
I just saw a video of the Anarchists breaking through the police line in front of the west wing. Did you guys see any of that? It was pretty intense. The Anarchists did a little street damage in front the hotel we stayed at last year and that seemed counter productive. Am I a bad person if I don’t mind they broke through the police line, tore down the fence, spray painted the west wing steps (they wash, they’re already clean today), and vandalized a Fox News van? I’m having a really hard time trying to squeeze out a tear for the Fox News van.
that you could find 20 senators that support the surge plan: NYT
I see the MSM is doing their job, positioning Hillary as a major player in the war discussion, so that we can have her rammed down out throats in 2008…but I digress.
How many senators do you think will support the surge and follow Mitch McConnell off the cliff like little lemmings? Shall we start a pool?
CG, re Hillary. The MSM years ago made her front runner but we’re in a time when the grass roots will prevail. Hillary starts out with 40% saying she’ll not get their votes.
Fatigue will set in – a 2 year campaign, someone will stumble.
There was a hit piece in Murdock’s, The Times of London,
The secrets of Obama family unlocked
countered by a charm piece in The Telegraph, UK,
The big hitter-The rise of Barack Obama,
at it again: NYT
The article goes on to note that “Lieberman is an ally of GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona, a 2008 hopeful, and supports President Bush’s new Iraq strategy.”
I just love how his views are held up for all to see as a sign that there is ‘bipartisan’ support for Bush’s war…
Only one party is united in its support for escalation – the Lieberman for Lieberman party.
Lieberman says he’ll be voting Republican in 2008.
Josh Marshall notes that does not mean he’ll leave the Democratic Party now because it’s likely he’d be in the minority come 2008.
“One thing that’s on the agenda for 2008: the fight for a Lieberman-proof majority in the senate….Will Lieberman switch parties over the next two years? …That would mean that if Lieberman switched parties and swung the chamber to the Republicans, he would likely go back into the minority in 2008 with a majority that would be committed as a major agenda item to screwing him in whichever way they could.
So Joe won’t switch because it’s not in his own interest to do so. “[.]
As dada coined … Party of One.
JL is a vile man.
Chalk up another evolutionary first for dinosaurs: a dinosaur called bambiraptor evolved opposable fingers 75 million years ago, long before our ancestors developed opposable thumbs. The predatory dinosaur, about as tall as a man’s knee, used these to grab and hold small prey, such as caterpillars.
Tine for a remake of “Industrial Disease?” Japanese researchers have found emphysema-like changes in the lungs of workers exposed to indium, a material used in the production of liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) and plasma display panels.
Astronomers surveying the nearby Andromeda galaxy have discovered an association of stars in its outskirts, which they believe to be part of a separate galaxy that merged with Andromeda about 700 million years ago.
In a novel experiment, moderate doses of carbon monoxide protected against the symptoms of multiple sclerosis in mice. Researchers believe that the poisonous gas prevents the development of symptoms, such as paralysis, by stopping harmful molecules called free radicals from forming in the nervous symptom.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will publish its report, the most complete overview of climate change science, in Paris on Feb. 2 after a final review to guide policy makers combating global warming. But details are starting to leak out. We’re going to be told again we “have 10 years” to make the big changes needed to avoid disaster. And this time they mean it!
[Personal note: Part of my trip this week was cancelled (Yay!) but I’ll still be out of pocket Friday and next Monday.]
Where’s KP when we need him?
Our answer to Climate change is: ..pass the envelope svp,
“US urges scientists to block out sun”
These guys ever heard of photosynthesis? Vitamin D? Food supply anyone. Anyone? Light affecting chickens laying eggs?
Perhaps they could just suspend the Earth’s rotation for a bit and have only those less desirable nations exposed to the sun.
That’s all we need — the decider deciding who gets sunlight and who doesn’t.
Isn’t that Feng Shui? Was that “W”‘s own personal idea ;)? Won’t the people in the mirror shade get cold or have a second night or something? What if we project so much heat back towards the sun that we cause it to blow itself up? James Bond does stuff like that all the time? What if we all decided to just stopped killing ourselves?
Oh for shits sake, is there no end to the depths of stupidity for this administration? If we are not a complete and utter laughing stock to the rest of the world(in between being thought a dangerous rouge administration)when he leaves office it will only be because the rest of the world will give a new administration the benefit of doubt and hope we bring science and sanity back into office.
Maybe we could get Superman to fly around the globe and turn the calendar back to the Coolidge administration. Things were so much brighter then.
Once they perfect the sun blocking technology, we can just use that lovely new ‘non-lethal’ weapon that makes you feel like you’re burning up on the crybabies.
I have ever had shoved in my face almost daily. This cry baby thing….can we start by picking the cry babies we have right now?
…Microsoft’s newest operating system makes its retail debut tomorrow.
Will you switch? Vista’s legal fine print raises red flags
I just saw a video of the Anarchists breaking through the police line in front of the west wing. Did you guys see any of that? It was pretty intense. The Anarchists did a little street damage in front the hotel we stayed at last year and that seemed counter productive. Am I a bad person if I don’t mind they broke through the police line, tore down the fence, spray painted the west wing steps (they wash, they’re already clean today), and vandalized a Fox News van? I’m having a really hard time trying to squeeze out a tear for the Fox News van.
I don’t know how to do the embed youtube thing but perhaps this will work.