On C-SPAN3 Lee Hamilton and James Baker are testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Chuck Hagel just had a sharp exchange with Baker. Use this thread to discuss the testimony.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Chris Dodd is up, let’s see if her can advance his Presidential hopes.
Please, what did Hagel say? I am at the office, no sound.
OT but your story the other day nailed the Ashura attack scenario, which is being played out as we speak.
He’s got little to do with this…
I watched this hearing, but what really caught my eye was the new strategy that the repubs are evidently proposing that was casually put forth by that sly fox, Jim Baker. Remember it was Baker who led the attack against any recount by Gore in 2000, so Baker has a lot to answer to for putting this buffoon in charge of our country leading to what we have now!
Baker would like to make this Iraq problem or solution a bipartisan effort, similar to the social security solution effort he led back in the 1980s when in the Reagan administration. He said today that by doing that high level bipartisian summit type thingy, difficult problems can get solved. Some of the Senators called it leadership, and admitted that such leadership was absent now. Baker again said that by getting together in a bi-partisan summit manner, similar to the social security effort, an Iraq solution that may be more acceptable to Americans might be found.
Now if I were Baker, this is exactly the deflective strategy I would try. Get the Dems to be sucked into the solution so that the accountability for how we got here is diluted. It would be similar to a murderer deflecting his guilt by asking if we wouldn’t all be better off forgiving everyone and going forward. The problem is that victims would not receive justice, and that is exactly what Baker is proposing, namely that thousands of victims of this Repub regime get no justice so George Bush and Jim Baker can keep face and maybe keep out of jail.
Most Dem senators said nothing, and the repub senators sounded nostalgic for the days of good Baker leadership. HOWEVER, Sen Casey from PA, not my favorite senator on potential social issues, did step up to the plate on this foreign policy blunder issue. Casey did not directly call out Baker for trying to divert justice from being done, but he did make mention of the lack of any coherent policy for the last 3 years that would have ended this mess. He seemingly said that thousands of troops have been killed and put in harms way, and for this administration to now call for some kind of unified policy was just too late and sheer incompetence. What about what has been going on for the last 3 years.
It would be nice to find a foreign policy that would get us out of Iraq and keep a regional meltdown from happening. However, the crimes of omission, incompetence, and lack of truthfulness of the Bush administration over the last 3 years need to be brought forward somehow, and social justice needs to be levied both as a deterrent to future administrations and as outright punishment to the Bushies. Now Jim Baker, how is that going to be achieved???????????????????????