Bobby Jindal plans on completing the Southern Strategy by running for Governor of Louisiana in 2007.  He will raise millions, and he will rely on Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)’s leadership PAC in order to run smear ads against his Democratic opponents.
Bobby Jindal is an extermist.  In fact, Bobby Jindal is lauded by the Christian Coalition for sponsoring legislation that would allow prayer to be said before local school board meetings.  Bobby Jindal claims he wants to eliminate corruption in government, but Bobby Jindal has received money tied to disgraced lobbyist Jack Ambramoff, Tom DeLay and lobbyist Bob Livingston, a former Republican representative from Louisiana.  Bobby Jindal must be stopped, and I ask you to join me in my campaign to Google bom Bobby Jindal.  Here are some links with which you can bomb Bobby Jindal:

Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal

If you have other links on Bobby Jindal, please type them in the comments. But be sure to properly embed them, as I want to ensure the reputation of Bobby Jindal is tarnished.