This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Self-serve food and drinks.
The management wants you to know that lewd, rude, and crude behavior is fervently desired.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
whoever you might be.
Well, I planned on dropping in earlier, but Molly Ivins’ death and the exchanges over Jo Biden’s fool mouth took me astray. In between I found out that my brother-in-law’s oldest brother dropped dead from a massive coronary. Looks like one of those days that will have a mental black border around them in one’s memory.
Sorry to have missed those who’ve gone to bed. I think I’ll join them. (Move over and keep your cold feet to yourself.) Sweet dreams, fair Ponders, I sleep, perchance to dream, ah, there’s the rub. (Geez, I asked you not to rub those cold feet on me.)
I can relate — today was the 2nd anniversary of my mom’s death; for some reason it affected me more than did my dad’s death when I was 11. Maybe it’s because I’m an adult (allegedly) and so I can comprehend it better (allegedly).
And today I found out that the spouse didn’t tell me something he was supposed to tell me…so I’m extremely pissed off at him. The good news is that he actually may be returning to work this coming Monday — his new glasses are in, and he just has to have the optometrist fill out the eye exam portion of the form. (Optometrist wasn’t in today, so we left it at his office to fill out tomorrow; he’ll call us when it’s ready to pick up.) Then a trip to DMV to turn it in, and he’s back to work (and I get my freakin’ life back!)!
Wonder if I can tackle a few things while he’s out erranding…
A friend’s mother is dying of cancer. She was a lovely woman who really loved her children. My heart is breaking for the friend.
I think Ice Cream should always be FREE ; )
Children should be allowed to be children again.
Naps should be mandatory in the afternoon.
Today as the sun sets, shake someone’s hand, hug a loved one, say hello to a stranger, and most important, SMILE
sleep is good!
I should get more of it
You’re up awful early bro…fixin’ up a big pot o…
clik to enlarge
peace bro
naw, not early, normal time for me 4:30 am, just start’n the day, hav’n my coffee, and off to the project this morn’n
good to hear from ya friend. and DO take a nappy-nap today ; )
peace bro.
ps. the Gator Stu is this weekend….Hoooooooo Laawwwwd