The Family Research Council has something to say about the protesters at the march in Washington last Saturday.
FRC has done some digging and uncovered more shocking details about the anti-war march in Washington this past weekend. For such a small crowd, the demonstrators were an interesting bunch of people – everything from actors and anarchists to the members of Congress who marched alongside them, including: Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Reps. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Maxine Waters (D-CA), Jerry Nadler (D-NY), and House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI). Also addressing the crowd from his prison cell was convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal. After talking to members of the Capitol Hill police, FRC discovered that one reason the officers held back from confronting one batch of protestors was because the anarchists threatened the officers with bottles of human urine. Additional damage done to both city and personal property includes a news truck pelted with rocks and spray-painted street signs. Although the demonstrators claimed they supported the troops but not the war, The New York Times reported that some of the protestors actually spat at war veterans as they marched by. Peaceful civil disobedience has an honorable history in the United States, yet many of those who protested last weekend were neither civil nor peaceful. Speaker Pelosi must respond to these actions, even though her party had connections to this shameful march. For a report from the Capitol steps, log on to and watch the video featuring FRC Radio’s Washington Correspondent, Bethanie Swendsen.
Typical bullshit. This one contains every canard in the book.
The only violence I remember from Saturday was our assault on the hotel bar’s keg of Yuengling.
I’m sure you were one of the most egregious perpetrators upon that poor, defenseless keg, weren’t you? Too bad I wasn’t there to help further the mayhem upon the keg… hehe.
Even if I could get access to it here, I doubt it would taste the same. The FSM knows how disheveling it can be to cross the country.
Looks like I’ll just have to make another trip. [insert twisting arm motion here]
Why does the Family Research Council hate Jesus?
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9 KJV
Whatta load of unadulterated hooey. I thought that whole “spitting on/at people” thing had been definitively debunked, but my, my naivete kicked in again, I guess.
Expected, I suppose, (“consider the source,” as my mom used to say) but still disheartening to see such bilious bloviation…
Conservatives have an argumentative technique where they deflect in general strong anti-conservative points by either trying to change the subject, or finding some small irrelevant point in the argument to side-tract the entire discussion of substance. A good example of this happens when conservatives are confronted by any Ted Kennedy discussion. No matter how correct Ted Kennedy might be on something today, the conservative tactic is to bring up his boozing and womanizing younger lifestyle, and somehow that negates the credibility of any current Kennedy actions. I’ve seen this over and over!
My recommendation when dealing with this type of conservative deflection is to not answer any conservative piece that deflects from the main point or that brings in personal insults. Say up front that you will ignore such deflective replies and insults, and then do it.
The people who fall for such tactics are beyond reach anyway so you would be wasting your time and effort responding anyway!
BooMan, that link, my eyes are burning.
From the New York Times
Yeah, there was a whole lot of spittin’ going on. Wouldn’t want to mislead anyone into thinking that there were just scores, maybe hundreds of protestors spitting. It was a regular water bath of phlegm.
I really don’t want to waste any more of my time picking through this load of BS that FRC put out. Though it would certainly be easy.
Why isn’t Bethanie Swendsen pregnant? She’s clearly in her prime childbearing years and could be gestating a ‘Snowflake’. A woman that age should be married with at least 4 children by now.
Anarchists? What was it, The Haymarket Rally on the Potomac? Couldn’t they fit in “bomb throwing” somewhere?
And dragging out the “spitting on veterans,” is nice. You got to love the old chestnuts.
By chance, I came across a link to Erik Prince, the former Navy SEAL who co-founded Blackwater, the $300 million no-bid contractor in Iraq. His father, Edgar Prince founded the Family Research Council with Gary Bauer.
My inquiry was prompted by hearing Chris Hedges refer to Erik Prince as a right-wing supporter. The Prince family support Bush handsomely and also distribute largess all over the US to institutions who follow their ideological bent. These are reported donations to the Family Research Council from the Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation:
It is also news to me that the sister of Erik Prince is the wife of the recent Repub candidate for Gov in Michigan, Dick De Vos. I’d say they “missed a bullet” in that state on Nov 7!
Well, for some reason, the Family Research Council history has no mention of the senior Prince’s involvement as a founder. Wishing to keep it hush, hush, on the QT?
It was only on the second or third visit that this banner sank in. I’d imagine there is an option for contacting congresscritters fairly often.