“After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness – and a conspiracy theorist can say what they will – but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this matter. Why? Because Gerry Ford put his name on it and Gerry Ford’s word was always good.”- George Herbert Walker Bush, speaking at Ford’s funeral.
was indeed correct. Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone. Everything else is wild conspiracy buff fantasy. The hard evidence all points to Oswald and only Oswald.
See the Discovery Channel’s “Beyond the Magic Bullet”. It debunks the nuttery, from the “magic” bullet to the dictabelt “evidence”.
Oh Christ. Not again.
Have fun.
Some people sure do like to stir the pot around here so they can get their outrage fix. To me, it seems exactly like alcoholics who need another drink to make them feel alive. Maybe there is something to that term rage-a-holic.
you think?
I hated middle school the first time.
I was feenin’ for fresh pretzels in D.C., I made it over to Capitol City Brewing Co. on Monday for lunch before hitting the train to the airport. I also picked up my new favorite tshirt
Love that shirt!
Thanks for going to D.C. I may try to go in March.
yup, growin’ up was pretty hard, wasn’t it?
Many years ago, I had such a serious anger control problem I ended up spending 12 full weeks in intensive anger management therapy. (the only woman in a group of 15 very angry, agressive men, which made for some pretty dynamic sessions, believe me!)We all had to develop individual anger management plans, and they all began with learning our own internal signals that big anger was beginning to build, and taking a time out period BEFORE letting it fly.
Flinging anger outward online is so easy: such a tempting outlet. There you are, safely at sitting at home behind a screen and a screen name. Why NOT let it fly? All that stored up anger at the wife, the husband, the kids, the boss, at life miseries, and suddenly, on the screen, appears a JUSTIFIABLE TARGET! Hey! That SOB INSULTED ME! KABOOM!..and we’re off. (I’d bet a fair percentage of the rage spewed on line is projected anger.)
If I start feeling really angry at anyone online, notice myself hunched tensely over my keyboard for hours, pounding out my own bitingly nasty responses, well, it’s past time for me to shut the damned thing off and get a life.
Same when I find myself totally fascinated by some exciting flame war and HAVING to keep checking in to read all the latest ugliness. This can really get addictive for me, and in NO WAY is this healthy way for to spend my life energy. Plus I always end up feeling like I need a shower, badly.
I’m very glad for you. I’m glad you are here to brighten my existence with your light! I don’t agree with everything on that web page, but the vast majority of it is very good, imho.
I have not been guilty of projecting anger, I think, for the most part. That is because I have been on the receiving end of too much of it in my lifetime. I have learned to recognize it and when it comes from someone I care about in my personal life, I have been able to help.
Much can be done to help the perpetrators and the victims of rage-a-holism, but it always has to begin with recognition and with self-awareness. It’s hard to spend an hour (or twelve weeks!) of one’s time in front of a mirror, but I heartily recommend it to everyone who wants to make progress in life.
I followed this set of flames because I care about the community and out of a clinical interest. We can find lessons for our own lives wherever we look, if we really do look hard enough and with a will to improve ourselves. That is not to say that I am not human and that I did not have some smidgin of a prurient, unhealthy fascination, because to say otherwise would be lying to myself and to you. But that was the smaller part, I believe, and hope, of my motivation. If it were otherwise, I think I would’ve stopped reading the trash as you suggest.
I refrained from commenting while it was still in full flame, as is my usual practice, because I found no good reason to jump in the middle to try to make peace or otherwise. The damn thing had to just play itself out until there were winners and losers, which is really sad, but part of the gig for some, I suppose. I don’t agree with the particular outcome(s) of this recent series of squabbles, but I can accept it and move “ONward”.
Hugs to you, scribe, you are a brave and lovely person.
Forty odd years ago all my friends thought I was nuts thinking that Oswald either didn’t do it or, if he did, he had help. Now, none of them think he had anyting to do with it beyond being, at best, a patsy.
Now we come to 9/11/01: Did the administration let it happen or actually cause it to happen? What’s striking to me is the astonishingly large percentage of the population who reject both of these conspiracy theories while simultaneously accepting the administration’s own conspiracy theory, which is bound to be cut to pieces in the coming decadel.
“Date: November 29, 1963
To: Director Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of State
From: John Edgar Hoover, Director
The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963, by Mr. W.T. Forsyth of this Bureau.”—
“On November 22, 1963 Mr. GEORGE H.W. BUSH, 5525 Briar, Houston, Texas, telephonically advised that he wanted to relate some hear say that he had heard in recent weeks, date and source unknown.
From my diary:
GHW Bush – Gannon & JFK ¶ Bay of Pigs 1962 vs. GW Bush – Gannon & JFK ¶ SBVT 2004
Zapata oil drilling and Operation Zapata
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Gerry Ford told the world, way back when, that he pardoned Nixon for the good of the country.
And Gerry Ford told the world — “but sit on it until I’m safely dead” — that he didn’t pardon Nixon for the good of the country but rather because Nixon was a friend. (Ewww.)
And GHWB told the world that “Gerry Ford’s word was always good.”
Which word?
Thank you Arlen Specter, the gift that keeps on giving…