Mr. Sharpton said that when Mr. Biden called him to apologize, Mr. Sharpton started off the conversation reassuring Mr. Biden about his hygienic practices. “I told him I take a bath every day,” Mr. Sharpton said.
Biden campaign…over.
Shortest ever.
Mr. Sharpton said that when Mr. Biden called him to apologize, Mr. Sharpton started off the conversation reassuring Mr. Biden about his hygienic practices. “I told him I take a bath every day,” Mr. Sharpton said.
Biden campaign…over.
Shortest ever.
Biden said Jon’s make-up lady helped him get ready for the show. I suspect talking about it helped him over his nervousness. There being the usual air of levity.
Poor Joe…he just doesn’t know when to stop. I’ve always liked Biden, and I still do, but he needs to keep those feet on the ground and out of his mouth.
I missed this if someone already blogged about it:
The Doomsday Clock, a fixture since the dawn of the nuclear age of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, has shifted:
What a maroon!
Maybe Joe should look into getting foot reductions so they fit better into his bloviating big mouth. Hell, the hair plugs haven’t worked out that well, have they Joe?
Didn’t like his schtick in 88, much less now. If he lasts till the caucuses on 1/14/08, I’ll be really intrigued to see what buffoons show up in his corner.
And Boo, btw, I don’t think he uttered racialist type remarks today, just unadulterated idiocy.
Darwin was right.
than trying to be so politically correct that we can’t figure out the difference between candidates. I would vote for Biden; this too will pass.
Biden doesn’t have it.
Neither do Edwards, Gore, Clark, Kerry or any of the other people running/”not” running for the Dem nomination.
Except Clinton and Obama.
Real talent?
It just stands there as the less talented bounce off of it like birds off of a well washed window.
Poor birdies!!!
They don’t even SEE the window.
And then, in full ego flight…
“WHUT HIT ME!!!???
And y’all wonder why I predict Clinton and Obama will be the only ones left standing after all the foofaraw is over.
It’s just an intelligence test.
And those two have the best native political intelligence.
It’s a gift.
Short of either running a front man/game show host like Butchie Boy/Ronnie “Bedtime For Bonzo” Reagan or ARRRGHING someone with talent OUT of a race because he threatens the status quo (And REAL talent will NOT be arrrghed. Too subtle.), that’s the way it works.
“Class tells”, say the racetrack guys.
P.S. Biden is just another white supremacist in PC clothing. Bet on it. Without the talent to even hide it. He is from Delaware. He is the Senator from MBNA. Delaware is a credit card state. Its only real industry is usury. Ever been in black Wilmington? A NASTY feel. A pre-civil rights feel. What was the quote, again?
“…articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
You could feel the breeze as long-suffering black people all over America read THAT one and shook their heads. “Oh Lord. ANOTHER one!!! Peckerwood motherfuckers been saying THAT shit since Frederick DOUGLASS!!!”
Sharpton pinned him.
Good on Sharpton.
(If only we could hear the subvocalizations of these fools!!!)
Frederick Douglass
Malcolm X
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Al Sharpton
AG on Biden
No other words will do quite as well.
“Peckerwood motherfucker.”
Biden’s subconscious on other black talent.

I resisted the, even more, sophomoric idea of putting one finger up his nose.
The more I think about it I should have put a finger in his eye. That’s more apt for the situation.
YOU know…searching for ideas and shit?
In one ear out the other?
Both of the above.
Joe Biden. A REAL Democrat. The real thing. Really.
Have fun…
Let’s all jump on the corporate media bandwagon and let’s all take Biden’s statement in the Worst. Possible. Light. And let’s all take turns beating the shit out of him for something he clearly did not mean.
Al Sharpton, God love him, is not mainstream. Jesse Jackson is not mainstream. He’d make a better president than anyone the Republicans have put up in half a century. But he’s not mainstream. Neither was Carol Mosely Braun. She was quite possibly the sanest candidate on the stage in any of those debates, but she was not mainstream. Neither is Dennis Kucinich, for that matter.
Charlie Rangell is mainstream, at least by my yardstick. John Conyers is mainstream by any definition that I would use for the term. Colin Powell is mainstream. He’d make a better president than any other Republican I know of, and better than a few Democrats I can think of.
It is clear enough to me what Biden meant. Barack Obama is a package. A very attractive package that includes a whole bunch of attractive qualities, not least that he is a black man who seems to be acceptable to a large swath of white America. You know, mainstream. And I take Chris Rock’s meaning, but that’s not what Biden meant either. Obama is an orator. He first caught my attention with that speech at the convention. I gather he caught a lot of people’s attention with that speech. He’s not just well-spoken for a black man. He’s a damned good speaker, a natural at the podium.
Oh, and he’s good looking, too. Hell, he’s prettier than John Edwards. Put all of that together and it makes a very attractive package. It’s a storybook, man. He markets well. The first black man who seems to have all the prerequisites for corporate America to get excited about. I just wish he had some positions that I could get excited about.
Over at DKos, dconrad has a short diary that sheds some light on what Biden really said, as opposed to the cleaned up quote that everyone’s so lathered up about.
Maybe not the best choice of words, but clearly not the blatant racist slur that some have made it out to be.
Even seen this way it really doesn’t look that much better. Racist or not, it is a bit disquieting.
At Blog Reload: Speaking of Joe Biden…
Steve Clemons points out that Joe Biden will be fielding questions tomorrow that can be emailed to him at ASKJOE@JOEBIDEN.COM. Here’s the question I just sent off:
“As a strong supporter of using mycoherbicides to combat the opium harvest in Afghanistan, which effect do you find most appealing; the hardship it would bring to opium farmers……” more
off Charleston Harbor. There, I’ve said it again. I’m glad we agree on this, Booman. This guy cannot survive this. Thank goodness.
has become the new minimum standard for a presidential candidate.
This is what happens when a blow job is an impeachable offense.