I want to hear those words Actually, I need to hear those words.
This should be coming out of every Senator’s mouths. That includes you, Specter, Brownback, Warner and Hagel. And it includes you too, Kennedy, Biden, Boxer, Obama and yes, Clinton. This should be the only discussion when it comes to Iran.
They fucked up Afghanistan in less than a year. They fucked up Iraq before they even went in. They fucked up the Israel/Palestine situation. They fucked up North Korea and Iran already.
Neoconservatives who are forcing the dialogue on how dangerous Iran is and why “nothing is off the table” have not only been wrong on every single prediction and count, but they have been wrong on such a tremendous level on every single thing for so long that it would be laughable if lives weren’t at stake.
This administration, as well as the revolving door of sycophants, war criminals recycled from the Ford administration, looters, polluters and just plain greedy bastards that it has consistently surrounded itself with will not stop in their quest for whatever the hell their quest is.
These people do not deserve the responsibility of wiping their own ass (sorry for the visual), let alone wiping entire cities off the face of the earth. And we are to “trust them” that they won’t go ahead and just do it? The reasons why we “have to keep all options on the table” are word for fucking word the same as the dubious, twisted, incorrect, misleading and bullshit reasons why we “had to bomb Iraq NOW”.
The evidence? In the words of the LA Times, “scant”. The proof if Iran meddling in Iraq? Can’t be proven. But don’t trust the LA Times. Ask National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley:
“The truth is, quite frankly, we thought the briefing overstated, and we sent it back to get it narrowed and focused on the facts,” national security advisor Stephen J. Hadley said Friday.
Not good enough? How about new Secretary of Defense Robert Gates:
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates seemed to concede Friday that U.S. officials can’t say for sure whether the Iranian government is involved in assisting the attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq.
“I don’t know that we know the answer to that question,” Gates said.
Game over. No evidence. Unsure of any connection. But let’s try to move the Overton Window while we are at it.
This is absurd. How the hell is this happening? How are these madmen (and women – need to be equal opportunity) not being told point blank that their ideas on bombing Iran are nothing more than delusional fantasies? Where is all the screaming about the fact that Ahmadinejad is nothing more than a blowhard figurehead (kind of like some of our Senators)?
Where is the absolute dismissive mocking laughter about the complete insanity of this “plan”? I want to hear, “An attack on Iran? With what Army?”
These criminals should have been removed from office long ago. With their backs up against the wall, they will be more brazen. They need to go. The world community deserves to know that these insane so called leaders who are hell bent on bringing on the end of civilization will be removed from office if they take this one step further. And the future of the United States of America demands nothing less.
also in orange and at My Left Wing
no doubt. Absolutely no doubt. I’ve been saying it for a long time and I’m taking a break from saying it so I don’t start to sound like one-trick pony broken record. But it needs to be said by as many voices as possible.
Just remember who is pushing for this war on Iran to happen, but don’t want to be held accountable for the consequences – just as in the case of Iraq:
Hey, what would an American geneal know about the use of the US military anyway? How dare he express an informed opinion that the Lobby don’t approve of?
It’s true, AIPAC is behind all the heavy handed rhetoric on Iran. If you google History of Zionism you find that these radical Zionists are the same as the Damn neo-cons we have in this country. What they have cleverly done is try and morph Judism, a religion and expression of one relationship with their God, with Zionism, with the country of Israel.
Well many Jews are neither Zionists nor living in Israel. However, the Government of Ariel Sharon, now Ehud Olmert, is no different than the lunatics we have in our Administration. AIPAC serves as the Israel Governments lobbying group as well as “Think Tank” on American soil. If you look up a “Clean Break”, you may note it is interesting that the members of that Israeli think tank now work for our American Administration.
I am so sick of this. Sorry for not providing links, but I am heartsick at our troops being sent into a meat grinder without even proper equipment. If a fire chief in any city sent his men into burning buildings without proper equipment he would be held and tried for 2nd degree murder and attempted murder for the wounded for every firefighter killed or maimed. I fail to see why the same principle does not apply to this Administration and complicit Senators and Congresspeople.
The time is past for academic discussions about presidential perogative and executive privelege and power. The Bush administration (and I will make a disinction between the Bush II and Republicans at large) are madmen charting a course of destruction that they’re hoping to be able to buy or flee their way out of.
In a better world, we’d remove them from office before they attack Iran. Like tomorrow.
Not only won’t our congressional “leaders” say this, there will not be a single major media editorial board to come out unequivocally against an attack on Iran until such an attack is already a fait accompli.
The deadly combination of failed political leadershiop and courage, a corporate “press” utterly failing to perform the essential duties for which it received constitutional protection, and the utter insanity of the neocon agenda; all of this has brought our country and perhaps modern western civilization itself to the edge of a catastrophe from which we’ll never be able to recover.
why wait till after they start another friggin war??
It may be that the only real firewall between Bush and a war with Iran is the US military. The Congress can make statements, pass resolutions, threaten, whine, and actually be “shrill” (No! Not that! Anything but that!) but if tomorrow morning GW gives the order, it’s only the military that can stop it by refusing to obey the order. If the plan includes the use of tactical nukes–they just might refuse.
In a world that’s constantly on hair trigger, perhaps we need to revisit our Constitution to provide some clarity and direction.
Let us not forget that Hillary Clinton and John Edwards were for bombing Iran (2007) before they were against it(2008?)…ah, sorry, they were for “all options are on the table”, wink-wink, nudge-nudge. Pathetic losers.
We can talk about this all we want but it won’t change the fact that bombing Iran is in our future. The only people who can stop this from happening is bushco themselves..if for some strange reason the decide not to bomb Iran.
As for Congress..no way are they going to stand up and be counted against this..hell they can’t even stand up against this surge except for the idiotic non-binding resolution they are voting on….even that was like pulling teeth and does absolutely nothing anyway. This non binding crap is farce of the highest order. Either actually do something substantial to block bushco or admit you’re chickenshit cowards who have rolled over for bush from day one.
And as long as the media continues with their ongoing propaganda concerning Iran we’re just doubly screwed over.
I’m sorry but I just can’t see any ray of light concerning the bombing of Iran no matter what anyone does. That doesn’t mean I think we should give up writing our Congresspeople, marching etc because we should be on record as protesting this horror show. Or maybe the culmination of our protests will finally take it’s toll on enough people in congress so that a few to stand up and be counted and try to stop all this madness. It takes more than just Feingold or Kucinich talking and trying to do something.
…they can’t even drum up the political will to send a simple letter of no confidence to the White House. How do you expect to expel them from office?
And are you saying that what they’ve done in Iraq isn’t worth expelling those criminals from office?
Time to stop blogging and start kicking a little…