All’s well here. One of our dogs had surgery for skin cancer this week but he’s doing fine.
I don’t want to be a shill for the ENT profession but have you been checked for polyps? I haven’t had a single sinus infection since I had the surgery to remove mine, also I have almost no sinus problems (no stuffed up nose, no runny nose, no headaches) and my asthma hasn’t flared up since either.
My sinuses have always been a little iffy, but ever since the ENT stuck a scope up my nose to look at my throat I’ve had the worst pain, dryness, bleeding, inability to breathe. I swear I think he punctured something. Being checked for polyps – how does that work? Can they just look up there or does it involve cramming something in there?
Hi AndiF and keres! I think my boy is going to graduate from Outward Bound Intercept this morning. An incredible accomplishment, IMO.
I am so proud of him. He hiked 100 miles through the desert in 21 days (with a weeklong hail/icestorm), 30-foot visibility, he seems to have my same bronchitis-y cough, went rock climbing and canyoneering, swam in a tinaja, completed a 6-mile run and wasn’t the last one finished, and learned alot about himself and his relationships with others. One of the kids on their team quit 9 days in and went home, but the rest of them stuck it out.
I dashed out early for the newspaper, but that’s been the extent of my outdoor activity today. Later I have to go to renew the geezermeds for the month. Not looking forward to it.
Yeah, when it gets like this here, I usually ask myself, “Why, why, why did you ever move back up here from south Florida?” I have the answer every time Andi puts another photo up. These are the enchanted forests of my youth and despite the “weather inconveniences”, I feel comfortably “at home”.
Nevertheless, I do envy you your 51 just a little bit;-)
Thank you and thank you for the link. I am better now but I never know when one of the attcks wil hit and I will be strabded somewhere. Lickily today was a low traffic day and getting off the highway was easy.
Busy week ahead — spouse needs to get up early so that he can get to the clinic when it opens; the doctor left off a few things on his medical form. Then he heads to the DMV to get the paperwork processed, then he returns home to call the union office and let them know he’s cleared. Most likely he’ll have to head into the union office to meet with his union rep, or it might be at district headquarters; we’re thinking that’ll be Tuesday. So if all goes well, he’ll be starting his retraining Wednesday, and be back behind the wheel sometime next week!
Will be glad to have this crisis behind us — then we can start tackling some of the other issues this situation brought up…
ReFi — hope you feel better soon, hon…
KB — glad to see you! Got to wander over to E4T one of these days…
CG — congrats on CBtE’s successful completion of his program! Hope it makes a difference in his outlook…
Here’s another of the photos I took at the Farmer’s Market last weekend. I didn’t get out this weekend, yesterday I had a massage and today just hung around and tried to catch up around the house. It was unseasonably hot for February….
Not much else to report. I’m trying not to think about a very unpleasant interaction with my “new” boss that happened on Friday afternoon. Trying to stay positive and picture myself being successful as my own “boss” someday soon and also be grateful for what I have which is a great family and pleasant though getting somewhat rundown house.
My Good Morning froze in mid-breath.
Don’t know the outside temp, but I’m wearing shorts and a tee-shirt and it’s 11pm.
When I win the lottery I’ll just swap hemispheres whenever winter gets to be a bit too much.
Hi Andi!
How good to see you. Hope everything is going good with you and yours.
Good to see you here kb!
You spoil us w/ these lovely images Andi.
Well I’m spoiled by getting to take them so that seems fair.
Aside from my going on 3 month sinus infection, everything & everyone is fine. How about you?
All’s well here. One of our dogs had surgery for skin cancer this week but he’s doing fine.
I don’t want to be a shill for the ENT profession but have you been checked for polyps? I haven’t had a single sinus infection since I had the surgery to remove mine, also I have almost no sinus problems (no stuffed up nose, no runny nose, no headaches) and my asthma hasn’t flared up since either.
My sinuses have always been a little iffy, but ever since the ENT stuck a scope up my nose to look at my throat I’ve had the worst pain, dryness, bleeding, inability to breathe. I swear I think he punctured something. Being checked for polyps – how does that work? Can they just look up there or does it involve cramming something in there?
They found some just by looking with a scope and then I had a cat scan which revealed that my sinuses were very nearly filled with polyps.
Hi AndiF and keres! I think my boy is going to graduate from Outward Bound Intercept this morning. An incredible accomplishment, IMO.
I am so proud of him. He hiked 100 miles through the desert in 21 days (with a weeklong hail/icestorm), 30-foot visibility, he seems to have my same bronchitis-y cough, went rock climbing and canyoneering, swam in a tinaja, completed a 6-mile run and wasn’t the last one finished, and learned alot about himself and his relationships with others. One of the kids on their team quit 9 days in and went home, but the rest of them stuck it out.
Andi, the pictures he took are amazing.
That is just fantastic! Major congrats to him.
Can’t wait to see the pictures.
That is great news, CG. He must feel so proud of himself and that can’t help but change a person.
Very good news for your son, and for you.
that’s exactly how I feel when the last load of laundry is done.
CabinGirl, That’s wonderful. I really envy him for that experience. Can you share some of the photos?
A lovely good morning to you Katie bird.
Andi, another beautiful reflection on your avocation.
It’s always nice when the sun pops out at just the perfect moment.
It’s a lovely morning here, I hope it is where you are too.
You both should be proud – those are great accomplishments. 🙂
I hope he’ll share some of those pix w/ us.
Good morning all (what little’s left of it)! Congratulations to the CabinBoy on his great adventure!
Good afternoon Indianadem!
Hi olivia! I’ve just returned from a trip to the past via the BooMan time machine to visit an old infidelpig diary, The Two Wolves Within.
As Andi mentioned above, its not much of an outdoor day here.
It’s one of the best diaries here … 🙂
Hope you’re all keeping warm.
I did bundle up and take the dogs for a short walk but around 30 minutes was about all I could take.
I dashed out early for the newspaper, but that’s been the extent of my outdoor activity today. Later I have to go to renew the geezermeds for the month. Not looking forward to it.
Heh – it’s 51 here. I’m just sayin…
yeah, yeah … we’ll give you plenty of sympathy when it’s 85 degrees and 85 humidity in April.
Yeah, when it gets like this here, I usually ask myself, “Why, why, why did you ever move back up here from south Florida?” I have the answer every time Andi puts another photo up. These are the enchanted forests of my youth and despite the “weather inconveniences”, I feel comfortably “at home”.
Nevertheless, I do envy you your 51 just a little bit;-)
I have to milk it all I can while I can. Because I despise June through September and wish I lived back up there.
I gues everyone is watching the came as I watch cartoons. LOL
I was vacuuming and changing the bedding. Cartoons sounds funnier.
LOL I need to be cleaning the house.
Did you go to the Molly Ivins celebration?
I had a major panick attach while driving there and wound up sitting in a parking lot for two hours unable to drive so I missed it.
but I am getting help so I will get over this. Once I got vack home I got busy on some designs for candidates to get over it.
Edwards 2008 Button
I have both of these designs done for Biden, Hillary, Edwards and Obama.
Jeez that`s a real bummer. I hope you feel better. I`m just about to read about her gathering now. It talks about lots of laughs & clapping. Here`s the link, although I haven`t read it yet.
Thank you and thank you for the link. I am better now but I never know when one of the attcks wil hit and I will be strabded somewhere. Lickily today was a low traffic day and getting off the highway was easy.
Keep fighting it, RF. It’s tough,but with help, you can beat it. Keep my email handy if you want to talk.
Busy week ahead — spouse needs to get up early so that he can get to the clinic when it opens; the doctor left off a few things on his medical form. Then he heads to the DMV to get the paperwork processed, then he returns home to call the union office and let them know he’s cleared. Most likely he’ll have to head into the union office to meet with his union rep, or it might be at district headquarters; we’re thinking that’ll be Tuesday. So if all goes well, he’ll be starting his retraining Wednesday, and be back behind the wheel sometime next week!
Will be glad to have this crisis behind us — then we can start tackling some of the other issues this situation brought up…
ReFi — hope you feel better soon, hon…
KB — glad to see you! Got to wander over to E4T one of these days…
CG — congrats on CBtE’s successful completion of his program! Hope it makes a difference in his outlook…
Everyone else — take care of yourselves, will ya?
Here’s another of the photos I took at the Farmer’s Market last weekend. I didn’t get out this weekend, yesterday I had a massage and today just hung around and tried to catch up around the house. It was unseasonably hot for February….
Not much else to report. I’m trying not to think about a very unpleasant interaction with my “new” boss that happened on Friday afternoon. Trying to stay positive and picture myself being successful as my own “boss” someday soon and also be grateful for what I have which is a great family and pleasant though getting somewhat rundown house.