Predict the score. Closest gets to gloat. Any word on funky commercials or scheduled wardrobe malfunctions? Any players been arrested yet?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
21 (Bears) to 13.
Indianapolis 24, Chicago 21 — comes down yet again to Vinatieri’s foot, as it did so many times in New England.
But I’m still pissed that Ray Guy got snubbed for the Hall of Fame yet again…if any punter deserves to be the first one enshrined, it’s Guy.
USA Today had a great rundown of the planned ads. They didn’t have quite all of them; I heard that Apple made an ad buy, but the contents are of course top secret (rumors have it as anything from a preview of the upcoming Leopard operating system to an announcement of a deal with Apple Corps putting the Beatles on the iTunes Store and a Beatles-themed iPod).
I’ve already seen the K-Fed ad for Nationwide — fast food restaurant groups are pissed because they think it’s making fun of fast food workers. They don’t get it — it’s K-Fed that’s the butt of the joke (and to his credit, he’s willing to play along…for the appropriate cash payment, of course).
Halftime will likely be fairly tame — Prince has “got religion” and from what I’ve heard doesn’t even perform most of his old raunchy hits (and I’d would’ve loved to see how the FCC dealt with “Erotic City”, dammit).
Should be a decent game…as long as it’s not a blowout I’ll be happy regardless of who wins…
38-17 Colts. Close till halftime, then the Colts run away with it.
Dungy over the student…
Bears 16, Colts 10.
27-23 Bears.
Great piece on Walter Payton and Brian Piccolo — two Bears who left the world waaaay too damn soon.
Now where did I leave that Kleenex box?
I’ll be watching the game with friends but I am ashamed to admit I didn’t even know who was playing before today, so no way can I make a prediction!
I am frightfully ignorant of sports I’m afraid.
Just for cosmic sake however I’ll guess the final score will be 11-7.
Both teams certainly earned the right to be there. If I had to pick one I would say Colts 24, Bears 17. I’m personally rooting for Manning to finally get the press off his back, but if the Bears win that will be fine with me too.
I just got this in the mail, and wish we were hearing about THIS on TV today:
Lisa, thanks for putting this up. The battle for equal rights for any group or minority is a long fought battle and never ever just happens serendipitously.
To be honest, I was shocked to turn on the TV and hear people commenting on the color of the skin of the coaches. That just seems to retro – so 60s. I wouldn’t have even noticed, if they weren’t making such a big deal about it.
Whoever wins today, it’s still a big victory against racism in the NFL. I hope that trend continues, in all areas of life.
34 Bears 6 Colts…..believe it or not
Woohoo – that’s very bold. That’s so bold I hope you’re right! I have no horse in this race. I just hope to hear a good game while I get other stuff done today…!
well that way we can watch the commercials
Iraqis; 683,586, US; 3,089, but it`s only halftime. The second squad may come in with 48,000, new players soon & the US score may end up being not so low. I hate high scoring games, & please let`s hope the game ends soon.
Thinkprogress notes VoteVets Ad to run during Superbowl opposing Bush’s escalation policy
willair in DC MN and Maine
Thanks, iredit, I`m going to check that now.
iredit, On The Other Hand, I saw that ad the other day. Very good one.
Here are the startups that couldn’t afford the Superbowl spot, but tried to shoot for the stars in any case:
Colts 34 – 17
I’m gonna gloat no matter what. I have had a chance to gloat in a while.
Nice going teach! If you look upstream, I believe that I was five pts. low on the Colts, while you were five pts. high. Notice the time of my prediction (prior to kickoff). So if I invoke the tiebreaker clause (remembering the rules of “the price is right”) I believe that my prediction came closest with out going over the actual score………
:-)) But I wouldn’t be soo petty as to invoke the price is right tiebreaker clause with a good friend. That might get me put on double secret probation or something. Seriously though, I am glad that Manning finally won the big one so ESPN experts can hopefully find another equally compelling story line to ramble on and on and on about for the next decade.
Maybe something like “who is the worst QB who never started in a Superbowl game but should have?” That ought to keep them going for a while eh?
Prince electrocuted while playing electric guitar in the rain. Pat Robertson says, “God struck down the midget sinner.”
Whooo Hooo!!!!