“I see the imminent death of 20,000 men,
That, for a fantasy and trick of fame,
Go to their graves like beds …
O, from this time forth,
My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth.”
When I was sentenced to Texas Tech for the first time, my Philadelphia accent and East Coast style of play on the basketball court stood out. A kid from a small New Mexico town asked me if I was from England. When I told him I was from Philadelphia, he asked what city in Philadelphia?
To be fair, we became pretty good friends. I went to his house one time and was mystified by his family’s evaporative cooler until he showed my how it worked. Later, we went for walk around the place and I was stunned when a rattler blocked our way. His younger sister blew its head off with what I thought was the world’s largest pistol. She was a year younger than me, (the sister, not the snake), and I had a terrific crush on her (once again, the sister, not the snake.) Her possession of a pistol, her fearlessness of the snake, and the accuracy of her shot gave me pause to consider acting on my attraction. Turns out his mother thought I was a nice kid, but kinda slow, and steered his sister away from me. No doubt for the best all the way around.
That is lovely, K’head. When I’ve stitched photos together, it looks like Frankenstein’s monster. I must practice once I get new software (current stuff doesn’t work on my intel mac.
By the way, the moon picture printed out very nicely also in a couple of test prints. I’ve got to play around with different papers, however, and do some tweaking of our laser printer.
I know what you mean Kidspeak. This was supposed to be a flower garden. Just Kidding. What I do Is make a large canvas, sized to accomodate all the images, then drag each image onto it creating 7 layers on that canvas. I reduce opacity on two adjoining ones & move one around to try & put then both in register. I then erase the delineator line between them, on one or the other & follow down the line of the images. These shots were taken with a little “Powershot” Cannon that some one left at my house. The shots are taken handheld on the hillside at my house. The hard part about knitting these together is that as I swing around taking the shots, the sky is darker & darker, so the camera adjusts itself contrairily to what I would do if I knew how to operate that camera. I used it for the first time today. It`s part of my self imposed exercises I create to learn more. Thank you also. Here`s another one I worked on.
These shots were taken vertically.
for whoever is around.
can we all raise a glass to Mitch McConnell, an American patriot?
I’m doing laundry.
What a place. I`ve always wanted to skip around in an empty ballroom. wheeee
“I see the imminent death of 20,000 men,
That, for a fantasy and trick of fame,
Go to their graves like beds …
O, from this time forth,
My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth.”
Hamlet, Act IV
An excuse for a drink, indeed.
And putting here because I want to, so there.
Inspired by KS’s goat-roper comment:
When I was sentenced to Texas Tech for the first time, my Philadelphia accent and East Coast style of play on the basketball court stood out. A kid from a small New Mexico town asked me if I was from England. When I told him I was from Philadelphia, he asked what city in Philadelphia?
To be fair, we became pretty good friends. I went to his house one time and was mystified by his family’s evaporative cooler until he showed my how it worked. Later, we went for walk around the place and I was stunned when a rattler blocked our way. His younger sister blew its head off with what I thought was the world’s largest pistol. She was a year younger than me, (the sister, not the snake), and I had a terrific crush on her (once again, the sister, not the snake.) Her possession of a pistol, her fearlessness of the snake, and the accuracy of her shot gave me pause to consider acting on my attraction. Turns out his mother thought I was a nice kid, but kinda slow, and steered his sister away from me. No doubt for the best all the way around.
Thanks for telling us who was who. Here`s a sunset to end your day. It`s made from 7 shots taken tonight that I knitted together.

That is lovely, K’head. When I’ve stitched photos together, it looks like Frankenstein’s monster. I must practice once I get new software (current stuff doesn’t work on my intel mac.
By the way, the moon picture printed out very nicely also in a couple of test prints. I’ve got to play around with different papers, however, and do some tweaking of our laser printer.
I know what you mean Kidspeak. This was supposed to be a flower garden. Just Kidding. What I do Is make a large canvas, sized to accomodate all the images, then drag each image onto it creating 7 layers on that canvas. I reduce opacity on two adjoining ones & move one around to try & put then both in register. I then erase the delineator line between them, on one or the other & follow down the line of the images. These shots were taken with a little “Powershot” Cannon that some one left at my house. The shots are taken handheld on the hillside at my house. The hard part about knitting these together is that as I swing around taking the shots, the sky is darker & darker, so the camera adjusts itself contrairily to what I would do if I knew how to operate that camera. I used it for the first time today. It`s part of my self imposed exercises I create to learn more. Thank you also. Here`s another one I worked on.

These shots were taken vertically.
I think people need to relax a play a game..to much…going on at this site recently.