I have basically stayed out of this little brouhaha. I know and like some of the people involved on a personal level, have less than no knowledge about some of the others, and have NO idea why any of the participants think that they are “mad” at any of the others. I have not even read most of the meta posts. Really .
However, here is my own broader take on what is happening here.
When in a highly stressful situation, a group of people who have formed an alliance based on the desire to survive tend to bond very well. Very tightly. There is an effective outside enemy to be fought, and most negative emotions (At least as soon as the losers among the group have been eliminated…YOU know, the ones that truly threaten the success of the mission.) are directed at the enemy.
But once the enemy is defeated…which at least appears to be the case right now on any number of levels (More on that below.)…the normal flow of negative emotions that runs almost every human being on the planet demands to be redirected and suddenly the warts and body odors of the person next to you in the foxhole start to seem highly offensive.
So it goes.
Now you may take issue with the idea that the war against the right is over…I do not believe this to be the case, myself…but the general run of information currently flowing through the media is WAY over the top as far as what we could have expected as little as one year ago.
Things of which we could only dream then are now front page news.
Cheney is essentially on the edge of being on trial for treason. None dare use the word (yet), but there it is, hanging on the back of the tongue of all the asshole pundits while they watch Libby try to squirm out of his noose as he swings in the DC wind.
The Dems won in November. The vote was a referendum on Iraq, and the bad guys lost.
They will lose again in 2008. The Dems could not fuck this one up even if they ran a CORPSE. Or Small K kerry, whichever one was less attractive to the average voter.
Global warming is now an accepted “common wisdom” meme. Hell even DRUDGE has been forced to get neutral behind it.
Short of an attempt at a true coup that would assuredly meet with failure and/or a backdoor attempt at a nuke strike on Iran (Either by attack dog Israel or the 3 or 4 remaining high ranking members of the armed forces who are still living in some kind of Dr. Strangelove/Henry Kissinger dream) the Neos are through for the moment, and most of the money interests who backed them are scrambling around to find the least threatening set of candidates who show the most promise of winning on 2008 so that big money can continue its own “business as usual” program and get even MORE filthy rich.
So it goes.
And suddenly…fights break out in the foxholes of the presumptive winners.
“He’s a fucking liar!!!”
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
What a SURPRISE!!!
All over some REALLY bad beer.
C’mon folks.
Back to the trenches.
The war’s not even HALF over yet.
Don’t fool yourself.
We fight shapeshifters here.
BET on it.
Stop all of this.
They’re laughing at you.
That’s a better pic of scantily-clad-women-fighting-in-wet-stuff than the one that started the Pie Wars.
LOL Yes let’s rake up one other old fight that has never died cause people still pick at the scab. I think the dairy is great and I hope people will listen
Yes. Everyone needs to deal with what they need to deal with and move on.
Junior is patting himself on the back because the non-binding resolution failed on the cloture vote. And sure, while that’s not enough, he still cannot handle the word “no” nor can he handle the word “accountability.” We must continue to make his life hell–kinda to make up for the hell he’s put too many people through. There is much, much, MUCH more to do.
So…long ago (When 42nd St. was still funky. Still dangerous instead of DisneyStreet East. THAT long ago.) I was walking in that neighborhood with a very funny lesbian friend. There used to be an area not far from 42nd street where female impersonator whores would flash their artificially induced breasts at potential customers passing by in cars and the cops couldn’t do anything about it because there was no law against human beings with male sexual equipment taking off their shirts.
New York at its best. GOTTA love it.
Several of them ran that game across the street from us as we passed by and my friend screeched in her best Polly from Nebraska voice “Ohhhh LOOK!!! Models!!!”
I almost fell down laughing, and ever since then I have had a suspicion almost that ALL “models” of the tits and ass variety are really female impersonators. Even if blessed with female genitalia from birth.
Did you ever notice that Raquel Welch never EVER did a nude scene?
Ever wonder why?
“Whut’s THAT she’s packin’ down there, Hiram!!!???”
Raquel Welch.
The world’s GREATEST female impersonator.
Also the two lovelies above.
Bet on it.
You think it’s hard impersonating a woman if someone is actually male?
IMAGINE the problems one would have if you had to impersonate a woman while actually being one!!!
Existential dilemma cubed!!!
No WONDER so many of them are bulimic.
The tension!!!
That`s the name of that tune Mr Gilroy. It`s in the syncopation.
Because enquiring minds need to know Arthur, how would the earlier v1.0 version of this event, that occurred some time ago (well before the fight against the right was “won”), fit into your theory? Just askin’?
Which one?
You do realize that this is the second installment of this event, the first having occurred some time ago well before the election? If your theory is that the current event occurred in the wake of electoral change, how does the original event fit into this?
Which event? You mean the fight amongst these particular people?
No, I do NOT realize that.
Why should I?
You seem to, if your tone of “You DO realize” is any indication.
Like I should realize it and why don’t I, sounds like to me.
Could be, I suppose…like I said, I don’t pay much attention to meta.
Before, it apparently didn’t amount to much because no one left.
Now…with nothing better to do, some random complaints about others’ BO or personal outing habits have escalated to fragging incidents.
Or…I am absolutely wrong.
At which case…sue me.
I’ve got other things on my mind.
Either way…have fun.
I ask the question because your theory doesn’t account for the round one of some time ago, it only accounts for the current fight. Being as this fight started some months ago well before the election, I don’t believe that the current round 2 can be explained only as a product of electoral successes. There is considerably more here than your theory allows for.
I must be wrong, then.
Nevermind. (The Rosanna Dana Defense.)
of course when your not using it anymore!
You can have it now, if you want.
“A brain is a terrible thing to use.” (The REAL TV tag line.)
I think with…other parts of my equipment.
NOT just my brain.
I’d only be about 10% dumber than I am now if I gave the damned thing away.
I’ve had DOGS that were smarter than I am.