I was going to write this in the morning but the thoughts are whirling around my head and I can’t sleep so I will write it now.

I am shortly going to take a break from this site, but before I do that I feel the need, as one who has stood beside you, behind you and for you  these many months since the site began, to give you my frank assessment of the site and it’s problems.

My assessment is that the continuing problems have been as result of several things, your inability to handle situations before they get out of hand, your contributions to situations that help them get out of hand and your lack of having and enforcing firm rules.

I still wanted to give it the good old college try this weekend and see if I could help you come up with a better method of handling things here, so I did the diary and spent hours and hours on it yesterday. I hope you will find some things of value in the comments and the contributions from members.

By the way, the current rule ‘Don’t be a Prick’ (and especially if you keep it as such)  is in my mind pretty sad that a group of educated people cannot use a non gender biased genitalia pejorative to determine errant behavior, so I sure do hope you change that if nothing else.

I have an observation about swearing on sites that I want to share, that if people are using swearing to express themselves in their comments, then it’s pretty easy to take that same swearing and toss it around a little bit and have it come out loaded with venom aimed at other members.  

Also I must tell you I have a great problem with the recent fracas and your handling of the situation, your treatment of 2 members of the site that I thought was far beyond the pale and a horrible example of the site over something which you should have taken off site in the first place.  I think you need to reflect on all of that and hopefully  you will some day apologize to both the site and to those with whom you were so offensive.  This more than anything is leading me to take this leave.

Over these last few days I have had to weigh whether I could be on such a site or not and I find it difficult at this time to be involved based on the above mentioned fracas, so I am taking a break.  

Not being one to easily give up, I gave it a last ditch effort to help you bring some order to the site in the diary I did Sat. but now I am done.  I hope you find some value in the contributions members made.
I am just too tired of going through this and spending nights when I cannot sleep because I’m writing this kind of diary in my head.

I gotta tell you tho Boo, you are losing the heart of the site, bit by bit and I really hate to see that happen.

So, after four or five days of intense concentration and way to much typing on this site I think that will about do it and I can go and rest now.

Well I wish you and all members of this site well and hope you can solve these problems.