Update [2007-2-5 9:57:24 by Steven D]: I’ve decided to update the diary to include links to contact info for Limbaughs’ advertisers and to various media contacts. Hat tip to Real History Lisa for the idea.
Now some might think I’m off my rocker to herald our readers and BooTrib members with such a nefarious slur. Cockroaches, after all, are known for spreading filth and disease among human populations and millions (if not billions) of dollars are spent each year by businesses, landlords and homeowners to eradicate them. Nonetheless, I have it on good authority that liberals and progressives are kissin’ cousins to to these not so cute little vermin.
Whose authority, you may ask? Why only the Dean of conservative radio talk show hosts himself, the man with talent on loan from God (and we’re not talking Allah, baby) Rush Limbaugh (via Dave Neiwert at Orcinus):
[From the transcript of Limbaugh’s Friday radio broadcast] Yeah, we can dam a river and do all this sort of thing, but to actually affect the systems that keep the earth here, in whatever form, even if there are nuclear detonations left and right, life somewhere, somehow, will survive, and the whole process will begin again. We may not, cockroaches will. That means some liberals will.
I know this may seem rather standard right wing hate speech these days, but that’s just the point, isn’t it? We have allowed our country’s political discourse to descend into the gutter, at least if the person speaking has right wing or Republican credentials. Joe Biden can make some stupid airhead remarks about Barack Obama, and he gets pilloried in the media for being a closet bigot, but these far more outrageous and vile statements are made by Republican politicians, Fox News anchors, hate radio jocks and right wing blogs every single fucking day without any condemnation from the punditocracy. [Note to the the acolytes of Higher Broderism: Yes, I used the “F” word; sorry to have offended your delicate sensibilities, and violated the rigid rules of civility applicable only those whose politics lean the least bit to the left of Jerry Falwell].
Indeed, Limbaugh is allowed special airtime on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, and the equally bigoted and foul mouthed Glenn Beck has his own show on CNN’s Headline News, and a new gig with ABC to boot. Not to mention Bill O’Reilly, Joe Scarborough, Tucker Carleson, Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto and John Gibson, all who have a long record of demonizing liberal and progressive voices in or out of the Democratic Party. Hell, they even go tooth and nail after DLC Cover Girl Hillary Clinton regardless of how often she veers rightward in her quest for the Democratic nomination. And let’s not bother repeating the ridiculous smears they spread about centrist Democrats like John Kerry in 2004, and Barack Obama just last month.
Yet, nothing is ever said about the increasingly eliminationist rhetoric espoused by these stalwarts of radio and TV broadcasting. No David Broder calls them on the carpet for the dangerous level of bile and hatred they spew each and every day toward the Left, or as they call us, the “Far Left Fringe.” A group that includes by their definition people as diverse as Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, John Conyers, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Al Franken, Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, John Edwards, Jon Stewart, Hollywood celebrities in general, George Soros, anyone who reads or posts at a liberal blog, Markos Moulitsas, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
We are called Fifth columnists, America Haters, Moonbats, Terrorist sympathizers, Islamofascist Appeasers, Baby Killers, Traitors, Scum, Vermin, Rats (including the ever clever little “DemoRat” variation) and now, thanks to Limbaugh, Cockroaches.
Cockroaches, by the way, were a favorite anti-semetic slur used by the Nazis for the Jews, and more recently in Rwanda by prominent Hutus to refer to the Tutsi minority just prior to the genocidal slaughter which was instigated by hate speech radio broadcasts. So the term, when used to refer to other human beings, has a rather despicable history.
It may seem a little thing, but it’s not. Words have power. This is why Democratic politicians run scared even though their views and policies are favored by a majority of Americans. Because they fear the power of these words that are broadcast incessantly by the Right Wing Noise machine. I wish they were all brave enough to fight back against the media attacks on their honor and characters, but too often they, like most of us become intimidated. This is why we need to raise a stink each and every time one of these right wing blowhards who has been gifted with a media platform utters these filthy, racist, negative and venomous attacks which demonize not only our leaders, but each and every one of us.
It matters.
Here’s a link to some of Limbaugh’s advertisers with phone numbers to call.
Let them know, politely, that Mr. Limbaugh is using the term “cockroaches” to refer to liberals, a slur that has been used in the past to refer to Jews and other people who have subsequently been the victims of genocide. Remind them that many, many of their customers just happen to be “liberals” or, at the very least, people who would be horrified to learn that they are associating their fine products with a program where the host, Mr. Limbaugh uses such vile and hateful speech, a slur employed by genocidal killers and racists of all stripes, to describe fellow Americans. As I said, be polite, but let them know you expect that their company would condemn such behavior, and perhaps reconsider decision to advertise on Limbaugh’s program, before his negative behavior becomes associated in the public’s mind with their brand name, as well.
In addition, write letters to your local paper, describing this hate speech, and asking that the editors of the paper condemn Limbaugh for this publicly on their op-ed page. Probably wouldn’t hurt to pass that letter on to a few media contacts, such as the ones you can find at this Link.
Just a thought, if you are so inclined.
For much too long we liberal/progressive/Dem types have let the opposition call us names and then respond. The time has come to take the helm and turn the scene the other way. For too long we have sat quietly in front of the boob tube and let those fools rant and rave. The time is here to stop their egregious behavior.
We can still criticize our fellows, but we cannot allow the other side any leeway whatsoever. We should be shouting from the rooftops every time we hear racist or other inflammatory remarks. The more light we shine in their dark little caves, the better the chance of ending their influence. We need to start right now, today and not let up until the outrageous sound bytes stop.
that no one in the MSM takes these folks seriously…the only one who calls out the Right for their hate speech on a regular basis is Keith Olbermann through his “Worst Person In The World”, which invites people to make fun of the right-wing talking heads even more. And that bothers the hell out of them — the only thing worse to them than being ignored is being ridiculed…
They take them seriously enough to give them jobs at CNN, MsNBC, ABC, etc. Look at the coverage of the Kerry “joke” or Biden’s latest foolish remarks? Then compare that to the complete lack of coverage of anything these people say. The only negative coverage I’ve seen lately of any of these deviants is when Limbaugh attacked Michael J. Fox for faking his symptoms. And if it hadn’t been someone like Fox who was so beloved and respected by most Americans, and whose illness is so devastating, I doubt they would have covered that idiocy by him.
No, the media lets these people get away from it either out of fear and intimidation or the profit motive. They don’t do it because these people are insignificant. If they were insignificant cretins like Glenn Beck would be working as a bartender in some seedy little dive bloviating to a bunch of drunks who would be ignoring him, instaed of having his hate and moronic biases broadcast every weeknight. And Limbaugh would be a third rate sportscaster somewhere.
You know what else matters?
This matters –
I should have heard boos, instead I hear laughter & applause. Who are the idiots on the Left applauding this fucking jerk & letting him off the hook like that??
“I have problems with the English language.” WTF???
Fucker might as well have said “I’m a sociopath, you can’t hold me to the same standards.”
It frosts my ass big time to see these people let Bush walk all over them & then let him get away with this disingenuous “apology”.
I could not have said it any better.
Junior calls them…calls US…everything but a child of God and even when he’s on the losing end, still sneaks in a pejorative and they invite him anyway? All to look “nice”???
Are they kidding me? Seriously? There are things you let go in life but sometimes, there are things that you do not. He’s being “nice” now because he must. He answered pointed questions in a private meeting? Whatever. Make the sniveling bastard answer some questions in a public hearing, and for once in his coddled life, face the consequences of his actions.
Oh my god…I hope this diary drops out of sight..I have a true paranoia/full blown phobia of those ‘things’ and can’t even see the word without literally becoming sick. I’ll be twitching and jumpy for the rest of the day thinking I see them in my apt..
Me too. But the only way to get rid of cockroaches is to shine a light on them. And the only way to get rid of this hateful use of of the word “cockroaches” (and all the other nasty words) to describe you and I is to shine a light on those, like Limbaugh, who dare to use it in such an immoral and dangerous manner.
I know that but I’m not kidding about my phobia. I can not say that word out loud even and anyone who knows me knows they can’t say that word around me. Even buying the motels at the store for them means I have to carefully pick up the box so my hands don’t touch the picture of them…so no matter how good this diary is I really can’t wait until it will be gone so I won’t have to see that word in the title.
Phobias are such awful irrational things and no matter how much I’ve talked to myself over the years about this it hasn’t abated at all.
Why do you think he uses that word? For all the people just like you. It’s truly horrible.
It’s the same rhetoric the Nazis used before eliminating the Jews. Steven is so right. Words are serious weapons, and we should demand they be wielded with more respect.
I’d like to propose a Booman Tribune project. Let’s list Rush Limbaugh’s advertisers and then draft letters to them, and get MoveOn to help spread the word. Can you imagine how uncomfortable a CEO gets when a few thousand, or better yet, a few hundred thousand letters cross his desk with polite, genuine, and understandable objections to this?
Corporations fear the turning of public opinion against them. It’s time to really take this to the streets.
Indeed. The term “Jewish bacilli” comes to mind.
As said by an earlier poster: You’re Damned Right It Matters!
I have been ranting for a long time about how Right Wing Radio and TV hosts (hostesses) get away with pure unadulterated hate day-in and day-out. I was hoping we could do something about it once we took the house and Senate but I think we’re going to have to control the executive before we can make changes at the FCC….
BTW, The Fairness doctrine won’t help…this is beyond that….
Ahem, did you notice that the first poster, possum, put it mildly, saying “darned right”?
Actually, “cockroach” (inyenzi) is the precise word that was used by Hutu Power to refer to their Tutsi “enemies” before and during the Rwandan genocide.
Not a nice word.
Although the Nazi’s Holocaust remains mostly incomprehensible, one sees clear parallels in the systematic tactics behind the organisation of the two genocides. First, the future victims were stripped off their human dignity, official propaganda labelling them “pigs” (Nazi Germany) or “cockroaches” (Rwanda), creatures without a right to live. Hate is systematically spread, the “unworthy” being responsible for all the ills of society. Radicals and hardliners are carefully picked to organise the killings. Others are given tasks slowly making them more and more involved in the actions to come. Suddenly, there exists a nation of perpetuators.
And (Aryan) women were told they could not use birth control, but instead must constantly bear children for the Reich!
Is that true? That’s new to me. Ugh, is there no end to the subjugation of the many to serve the few?
I had a Republican friend who used it all the time, about 10 years ago, in a more generic sense, as in “when the cockroaches take over the world.” I don’t think he was intimating Democrats, but could I have been mistaken?
I personally like to address dubya as coward dubya. It seems so fitting to me…Good diary, Steven. Good comments too.
“Fuck” is a proud part of our English language heritage. All the fucking right-wingers standing up for “English only” but they never step up for the really useful words, eh?
Jokes aside, great post.
It’s time to wipe that slime right off the airwaves. In Michigan, the strongest station (WJR) sets Rush up right before the baseball game (or just after afternoon games) and forces him on a lot of people who actually think he’s sane.
Take the time to listen once in awhile, then use the quotes (won’t take long) in your complaints.
Photo: CDC