photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Morning Miss Andi!!! What a beautiful rose with it’s promise of beauty and richness in life. Thank you for posting such a lovely specimen of Miss Olivia’s work.
You’ll have to save some thanks for Olivia since she picks out all the flowers I post on Tuesdays.
And yes it is a gorgeous photo (I pridefully note that Olivia’s call this picture Andi’s Rose because I love it so much).
Okay, I will but I still say it expresses a lot of feelings I am having this am.
I hope you are keeping warm. LOL
I just meant the thought behind the flower was Olivia’s and the kind of feelings it evokes had a lot to do with her picking it.
And it’s effing cold here (-1). And about 5″ of snow is one its way.
LOL sorry about the cold and the snow. I guess today will be a day to huddle by the woodstove.
Hi Refinish. You described that rose so well. The softness, the color, the gentle shapes all really have an emotional impact. Beautiful.
Morning Nag. Thank you. That picture gives me hope.
I’m glad you like it. 🙂
No Thank you!!!!
Good to see you both …
Saw that FM had returned last night … 🙂 And I missed onealbear’s bday?!
If you see this onealbear, happy bday!
We’re having an odd combination of weather today — bitterly cold arctic air and snow. Maybe we were spirited away to Canada overnight, eh?
Hi ANdi, O, Fm, and whoever else might have come in while I was typing.
It is sub-a** cold here this morning.
So maybe this cold weather is there to make CBtE think that his Texas hiking weather was quite balmy?
I guess. He has my bronchitis. Doctor visit today…
Oh, CG, I’m so sorry to hear that. OK, I’m sending you and your son some healing energy. (Either that or I’m constipated again)
Hope you both feel better soon.
Morning Cabingirl!!! Sorry your son is not feeling well. I hope you both feel better soon.
It’s too cold here today as well.
So does that mean more fleece-fingered-photography? 🙂
Morning CG.
Yesterday, it was only 5° F at noon (wind chill was something like -10) so I didn’t go at all.
But I think the dogs will never forgive me if we don’t go two days in a row.
You better bundle up!!!! I hate to think of you getting frost bite whil walking the pack.
Hi olivia. I love the rose photo!
Do you guys at least get snow with your cold weather?
Usually when it’s so bitter cold like it is, the skies are bright blue and sunny — a bit of a trade-off I suppose.
Sorry to hear that CBtE is now sick!
Mornin’ O… I agree with Andi and Refinish… absolutely georgous rose. It’s so beautiful. I’m so glad that you’re here to share your incredible talents.
You know, I actually saw a pic on CNN last week of a guy holding a snowball… and they put it on. I was thinking of taking some pics like ‘here’s my grill with snow on it’, or ‘here’s frost on my windows’ and send them to CNN saying I live in Florida. Or maybe I should do a closeup of frozen nosehairs. Eww, never mind.
Point is, everything’s relative.
you got your battery and I can be expecting some horse pictures?
Um, no. Not yet. Maybe I’ll dig out an old pic that was never posted.
My vote is for that Nag. I love the velvety softness of their noses. It would make a great closeup, or how about some horsey eyelashes … 😉
Their noses are particularly fuzzy this time of year. Our gelding loves to nuzzle with his upper lip… he’s a riot.
Oooo… I’ll be back shortly.
I don’t know, it doesn’t look that inviting to me. 🙂
Love it … Thanks Nag!
It’s no sweet smelling flower, (more like big and stinky) but you’re welcome. 🙂
Glad the horse didn’t sneeze on you or your camera. LOL
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been sneezed on by a horse. Glad to say no cameras were slimed in the making of this photo.
of the tactile sensation of rubbing a horse’s nose.
If you are familiar with horsie body language, you can tell that that lip is pursed and ready to go. His lips never stop when in close proximity with people. He LOVES to kiss necks, faces, and hands or chew your hair, gloves or coat. Every shirt or jacket that my hubby wears out to the barn gets slobbered. I grab his muzzle, hold his lips shut and squarely kiss those lips. He loves it. (the horse, that is)
Hi Andi, I heard that somewhere in the snowbands of upstate New York they got almost 4 feet of snow yesterday! And it’s cooooold.
We really don’t have much of a snowpack… just an inch or two. No snowpack increases the chances for an early spring. I’m sorry you’re having poopy weather.
It’s nosehair freezing cold here again today. Even the horses aren’t coming out until it hits at least 10. They actually loose weight daily in this stuff, even if they can get out of the wind.
Hi Miss Olivia!!!!!
A new design to share. This one is in response to Gavin Newsom’s troubles in San Francisco. LOL
Too bad there’s no rehab for being Republican.
LOL I think a few might be waking up and realizing their party os one built on lies.
OOPs just found out Newsom is a Democrat. Still doesn’t excuse him for his actions but I did take his name out of the write up at the web site. LOL
Hope all are well and still here…
Actually up and about at a reasonable hour — did oatmeal in the slowcooker (1 cup steel cut oats, 4 cups water, cook 6-8 hours on LOW), and it was delicious. Was too lazy to add any dried fruit (will do that next time), so just had milk and sugar-free maple syrup on mine (got the sweetness without too many calories/carbs). Dinner tonight is in the other slowcooker (yes, I’ve got two!) — finally going to do that chicken & mushroom stew.
Hopefully spouse will FINALLY get all his paperwork done and together so he can get his medical clearance from DMV. Hoping to tackle a couple of other projects today, as well as just stuffing junk into a couple of plastic boxes to sort through later. Ah, the joys of domesticity…
Howdy Cali!!!!
Cali Scribe forgot the salt. Just a pinch, but try it.