Defense Secretary Robert Gates testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2007, before the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on funding for the war in Iraq. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)
WASHINGTON — Africa has moved up significantly in the Bush administration’s global game-planning. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday the Pentagon will set up a new command to oversee its operations there.
Nice photo, Dennis.
Surprised they didn’t arrest you for photo editorialization.
MAN, he ugly!!!
More below.
“This command will enable us to have a more effective and integrated approach than the current arrangement of dividing Africa between Central Command and European Command, an outdated arrangement left over from the Cold War,” Gates said.
The various types of operations are aimed at building partnerships and strengthening the ability of African governments and militaries to do their jobs. The hope is that the activities will make nations there less vulnerable to the recruiting efforts of terrorists and help catch those already using it as a safe haven.
Time to retrench.
Them Africans cain’t stop us nohow.
Too weak from all’a them AIDS problems an’ eatin’ chemicalized crap an’ shit like that there.
Why, boy howdy!!!
We kin use our robots an’ drones an’stuff an’ STILL keep the heat up on them ragheads!!!
Let’s see ’em deliver them improvised explosive devices a thousand miles or so!!!
We kin win the war in Africa.
Blitzkrieg, American style.
Whadda buncha maroons!!!
I got yer recs, right HERE!!!
What on earth is wrong with these people?
Are they going to have to get their asses kicked on every continent of the planet before they realize that they are whipped?
Let’s whip ’em right here before they incinerate all of us.
This is the first I’ve heard of the creation of this new command structure.
Particularly interesting:
Of course they want it somewhere in Africa.
This is just mainstream corporate gentrification writ large.
Can’t trust OR afford anyplace in “Christian” Europe.
CERTAINLY don’t want to be near any freakin’ Muslims.
None that have any power or money, anyway.
Short of building a floating base somewhere or locating it in outer space…both too expensive…the only “underdeveloped neighborhood” LEFT is Africa.
Just like in the cities of the U.S.
Keep them natives barefoot and either sick and/or pregnant. Preferably both. Then when you need some housing adjacent to a “desirable” spot…why just kick them the fuck off.
The whole system is rotten.
As above, so below.
Giuliani would understand.
So would Bloomberg.
That’s how they got to be “America’s mayors”.
They are shills for real estate.
Harlem, Brooklyn OR Africa.
Location, location, location.
DisneyWorld, v.Guantanamo 2007.
Business As Usual.
Good and scary find, Arthur.
I suspect this is about preparing in advance for future oil wars in Africa.
Oh…no doubt.
don’t git all the oil from Niger too.
Too many chinamen running round those parts lately. Don’t they know Africa’s a game park for us and our friends the brits? Safari and mountain gorillas and all that. Dick Cheney can go shootin there.