This is just a quick note to let everyone know that I have received the output of the group that worked to hash out new rules and that it will take me some time to work through it all, think about its strengths, weaknesses, and feasibility. I’m not sure when I will be done with that because I’ve got some other things going on right now, but any delay does not mean I am ignoring it.
Thank you to the whole group for your interest and commitment to making this a better place.
Thanks, Booman.
Seriously, thank you.
That’s good to hear. Thanks.
BooMan (I’ll try to remember to capitalize that properly from now on), you did the right thing, on both counts. I think you were right to show extraordinary compassion to a woman who had been through so much. But you were also right to ultimately put the good of the community over the protection of one individual.
I wish those who left had had more compassion to understand where MT was coming from, and more faith and patience to give you the time to do what you ultimately did – the right thing.
I am sorry to see people go, and very happy to see so many more choose to stay.
And mostly, I’m happy that these meta posts are moving off the recommended list so we can get back to the real business at hand – trying to save lives and make the world a better place through progressive activism and the gathering of true knowledge.
Feingold: “It’s Time To Play Hardball” On Iraq War
God I love Feingold!!!
Comment of the day, to Joe Klein:
Plus, Klein’s wrong about that one time blunder thing.
go see what Arianna had to say to Joe, it’s a GREAT beatdown.
From the AP today:
More at the link above.
I wrote something similar to this to you in an email, but will reiterate it here since it seems appropriate.
I’ve been a member of your site since day one, but if I started crossing the lines of decency, I fully expect you to call me on it and give me a time out or banned, if necessary. The rules should apply to everyone regardless of friendships or alliances.
What has caused the biggest irritation lately, now that I’ve gone back and read the entire trainwreck, is that the rules were not applied equally, imo. I say rules because the “Don’t be a prick” thing is actually a small part of a longer litany, which can be found below:
As someone who has met a decent amount of folks from this site in real life, and consider many of them kindred spirits, I know how hard it can be to publicly put that bond on the line by calling out the obvious. But it must be done if the situation warrants it. And it has.
On the meta side, I have no interest in being a part of a council nor the creation of one, but do think there needs to be an in-between timeout option to cut off comments in case a bar fight does erupt. 24/48 hours perhaps?
Anywho, what a mess. It appears that we are all going to have to take a deep breath and decide what part we’ll play in moving forward. I wish you well on your deliberations from the committee suggestions over the weekend. They came from people who obviously care about this place. I do too, the FSM save me.
I’ve never been one who embraced a rigid adherence to “rules”, and this is especially true when where transgression of said rules is determined primarily by the opinion of those claiming to be aggrieved.
Similarly, presuming we are all adults here with at least a meaningful level of emotional fortitude, the argument that, for the good of our “community”, need protection from the words of a solitary individual strikes me as quite pathetic.
In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve never met MT, I’ve never had a private conversation with her, but at a timewhen I thought I was very near death, (and it turned out I actually was near death again), I read her moving story of the titanium rib and was so inspired that I credit her with being of significant help in strengthening my psyche in a way that helped me survive.
So I will always be biased towards embracing her, whether she rants and is mean to me or not.
And she wanted me to tell you thanks and she’s okay.
Thank you very much for telling me this SN. It means a great deal to me, and I’m really happy to learn she’s doing OK.
I’m going to put up an email address for myself on my member page here for a couple of days. If MT (or you) have the urge to communicate directly please don’t hesitate to do so.