In MilitaryTracy’s last diary two days ago, there was this exchange:
I had mentioned being upset by a prayer in church for the troops that was not combined with any prayer for civilians in Iraq nor for world peace. Someone demanded to know why I had not stood up and protested in church. Well, you just don’t do that in a large Catholic church, for many reasons, as several people pointed out. But I promised that I was going to write to the pastor.  Here is the letter I have just sent:

Dear Father x. and Father x.:

My wife x and I have been members of St. x for almost two years. We were honored as “benefactors” by the Cardinal. x teaches catechism at St. x.

I want to object to a prayer that is commonly said at Mass, and which was said in particular at the beautiful Sunday 6 p.m. Mass two days ago with Father x.  During common prayers, a prayer was said for the safety of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, with no related prayers.

I don’t mind a prayer for the safety of U.S. troops.  But frankly, I think it is obscene, un-Christian, idolatrous, sacreligious, and grossly militaristic to constantly say that prayer without EVER combining it with a prayer for the safety of the millions of people whose lives have been disrupted or destroyed by the U.S. invasions of those countries.  And it is equally unbalanced to constantly say that prayer without a call for world peace.

It is a tragedy that approximately 3,000 American soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan.  But all human beings are equally children of God.  That should especially be understood by the universal, Catholic church.  It is also true that many tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians have been killed by U.S. action in Iraq–credible scientific information puts that number in the HUNDREDS of thousands. I think it is shameful that in two years I have never seen a SINGLE sign of concern for that slaughter at St. x.  Jesus was not a Republican.

I would respectfully request your thoughts on this, and I hope you will please pass this message along to whomever it is that composes the common prayers for Mass.

UPDATE: I did get a response, in less than 24 hours. I’ll put it in a comment.