Politico is a new website that is being set up to compete in the mainstream. They hired away Washington Post heavyweight Jim VandeHei and others. What kind of product can we expect from them? More right-wing crap. Apparently Hillary Clinton is already our nominee and she is unbeatable.

What many conservatives regard as the nightmare scenario — President Hillary Rodham Clinton — is increasingly seen by veteran Republican politicians and strategists as virtual inevitability.

In GOP circles, the Democratic front-runner is seen as so strong, and the political climate for Republicans so hostile, that many influential voices — including current and former lawmakers, and veterans of President Bush’s campaigns — have grown despairing. These partisans describe a political equivalent of the stages of grief, starting with denial, then resentment and ending with acceptance.

For now, these Republicans say the party needs good luck, including a change of fortune in Iraq, and a revival of organization and leadership in the conservative movement to avert another Clinton presidency.

This will stir up support for a bankrupt Republican Party but beyond that it ignores that Hillary is polling at around 4% in the netroots. Write us off if you want. It remains to be seen whether we have real influence. Less than one out of twenty-six netroots Democrats wants Hillary to be our nominee.

Think about it.