Finally, Chris Matthews said something I agree with.
“We love good mayors because we love our cities and Giuliani is the city guy, and I’m so sick of southern guys with ranches running this country. I want a guy to run for president who doesn’t have a fucking — I’m sorry, a ranch. Wouldn’t that be good, Don, a guy who wasn’t on the ranch during Katrina, he was on the street corner answering questions?”- Chris Matthews on Imus in the Morning.
They deleted the f-bomb from the radio but not from the MSNBC simulcast. Maybe Matthews is finally done toying around with Republicanism. He fell in love with Ronald Reagan for some reason that I never quite understood. He seemed to fall for that city-on-a-hill stuff and restoring American greatness or whatever the hell it was that appealed to a lot of guys that started off idolizing Kennedy only to lose faith in the Democrats after the trauma of Vietnam and the wobbly presidency of Jimmy Carter. I hope he is on the way to a complete cure.
My biggest problem with Matthews remains that he lacked the courage of his convictions. He saw his buddy Phil Donahue get knee-capped and he turned into a chicken about opposing this war. He never thought it was a good idea but no sooner than the President declared Mission Accomplished he started singing his praises.
“Everybody sort of likes the president, except for the real whack-jobs, maybe on the left,” adding, “I mean, like him personally.”
I don’t know if Matthews is phony or if he just drifts with the prevailing winds. Is there a difference? I hope, for his sake, that he stays home.
Matthews is sexually attracted to power. That’s his greatest value, and hence his affections for strongman Presidents, mayors, anyone who can get away with murder and come out clean.
you think he wants to sleep with Bush?
what’s to say he hasn’t already? If you ever watch his show you know he loves the guy.
P.S. he’s probably seen Olberman’s Nielsen rating or Arbitron numbers….making most people want to give up on the rancher
No, but he probably uses fantasies about him exerting the power of the Unitary Executive as he plays hardball in the shower each morning.
ich lieber der fuhrerprinzip
and no doubt this is also why Tweety still loves Tom Delay.
I’m not sure about the sexual thing referred to above, but he’s definitely addicted to power, or being within the spheres of power. It’s a drug, just as much as any chemical substance, and people will do anything to keep getting their fix.
He was actually a halfway decent writer back in the day when he covered Washington for the old Hearst-owned San Francisco Examiner…but he got the national stage and that access to power went to his head.
Maybe he’s seen the ratings of the show following his (Countdown) and realized that you don’t have to kiss the arse of the Powers That Be to be a success…but I just think he’s following the prevailing winds — if that Gulf of Tonkin incident occurs somewhere along the Iraq/Iran border and we bomb Tehran, he’ll be right back on the Bush bandwagon…
CM’s theme song:
I have no idea whether Tweety is a drinker or not, but his mentality is that of a barroom drunk. Empty sentimentality gets him all weepy but ideas and logic are too bothersome to try. So you end up with the shallowest kind of patriotism, personal loyalty, and easy belief in whatever Hallmark card image is floating around this week. Basically he’s not just in love with Bush, he’s his clone.
I do not know what tweety was like back in the old days, I do not like him since I have been watching msnbc and he was there. He is a sick man in more ways than one. He was in the hospital not too long ago for diabetes and I know he drinks by the way he speaks and acts…thinking back to 2004. He is sick mentally and that we all know…:o) I am not sure about the sexual thing. I do not care to know either…it just might make me sick…Maybe jeff gannon can tell us…;o)
he’d better damn well not be drinking — I’ve had one glass of wine since I got hit with Type 2, and that’s it (other than occasional sips of wine or beer)…that worries me…
I am not so sure, BooMan, that I even know what his convictions are. I know he can’t be a stupid man but how can anyone who has risen to his level continue to say so many illogical and contradictory things with absolutely no consequences. He revels in half-truths and innuendos. Ignores well established facts. Has a BIG JONES for anything Clinton related, as long as it is petty, irrelevant and can be turned into anything remotely related to sex. Sure, he sometimes rises to the top and hits the nail on the head. But, generally speaking, he has been just as much a facilitator of this administration as any of the pseudo-Democrats that cowed down to Bush out of fear during this last six years. His teen-like gushing about how macho Bush looked in his flight suit on “Mission Accomplished Day” was one surreal moment to any of us who take seriously this war and all the needless death that has occurred because of the lies our media helped this administration perpetrate.
So to hang your hat on Matthew’s occassional flirting with reality is, I believe, a bit naive.
The scary part to me is that there are still quite a few people who watch him. Maybe that is why there are so many people ready and willing to believe lies. He, along with so many of today’s pundits, don’t do this country any favors with their childish and illiterate framing to issues of life and death. I’ll maintain my avoidance of the likes of Mr. Matthews and his cohorts in the majority of television and radio. They are, in my opinion, junk food to a critical, thinking mind. It is truly a shame that they drive the discourse in this country. But the American people are more than willing and we are certainly none the better for it.
I agree with you on the flight suit incident. Watching Matthews cover that event was like watching a one-man porn show. It was creepy. Creepy.
I think Tweety’s words fall under the law of unintended consequences meaning he makes his living talking so a few times a year something falls out of his mouth that might be half way true.
Message to Tweety: Owning a hobby farm in Texas does not make a person a “rancher.” Neither LBJ nor W were ranchers, although LBJ came a lot closer than W ever will. Bush is a city kid that bought some land. As they say down that way, all hat and no cattle. But in Bush’s case, it’s literally true.
“I don’t know if Matthews is phony or if he just drifts with the prevailing winds. Is there a difference? I hope, for his sake, that he stays home.”
Booman, perhaps the answer to your question can be found in the dialogue between he and DeLay, unwittingly captured on air during his “Softball” show some time ago. They were bashing Hillary (I think.) I don’t have the link, sorry, but suffice it to say, this douche most definitely drifts with the prevailing winds. In other words, I get the impression that he is “buddy-buddy” with whoever seems to be in power.
By the way, I’m a first time poster and I’m proud to be a member of this community. I must admit that my loyalty to DKos has been waning for some time now, and I look forward to spending my online time on this site. Hello to all!