This blogroll project is a lot bigger than I anticipated. I will have it done soon. You might notice that there are two new ads: one from Kerry on ending this damn war and one from Dodd on restoring habeas corpus. The interesting thing about the ads is that you can use them to sign a petition. It’s a new technology rolled out by Blogads. I think it is pretty cool. If you support ending this stupid war and restoring habeas corpus please use the ads to sign their petitions.
There’s a snowstorm here in the Philly area. A lot more snow than our weatherpeople predicted. What’s going on in your neck of the woods?
Hi BooMan,
That storm is heading here…
Are you going to post a ‘badge’ (see the Kerry-site, blogger-link)?
Do you think there will be much turnout tonight at DL?
I am still hoping to go but it may be impossible since I am in suburbia at the moment.
Hmm, how do I submit my petition?
You can type right into the ad where it says ‘first name’ ‘last name’ etc.
We’re on our way to 65 today. I am not pleased, as that means certain death during the summer months around here.
okay..the web-site address should get everyone’s attention. How stupid are these republicans? Know they want to import the bird flu?
I am fucking bereft. I hate it when this happens.
And it always seems to happen when the traffic is kicking into high gear.
And I am helpless to do a goddamned thing about it.
And I have a complete diary ready to post.
Was going to crosspost it here, but it feels wrong to post it here first, for some reason. Like telling a stranger your big news before telling your husband, or something.
can you reboot your server?
Serves more than MLW. It’s troublesome. We’re working on a larger solution…
This is one of those gorgeous LA days – the kind that makes people move here in the first place. Unfortunately, I’m stuck enjoying it through an office window, a situation I’ll remedy in a few minutes when I head out for lunch.
I’m sorry re the snow. If I could have snow maybe a couple of weeks a year, that would be just perfect. More than that is just too much. Yeah, I’m a West Coast wimp in that regard!
It`ll be over 80 by Fri. so enjoy today as a cool one, in comparison.
I`m up the coast from you, in Malibu, & the clouds are beautiful all over the LA basin, don`t you think.
We have sleet here in DC – they are talking about 1/2″ of ice by the time it is done.
Working from home today on my laptop. Went out at lunchtime to get some things that are needed for tomorrow, and will stay in tonight. The roads are starting to get a little nasty, but I didn’t have any trouble.
Yep. Feds closed up at 2:00 today. The roads were pretty good earlier but I’m sure the drive home at normal rush hour would have been hell.
Also, reports that Rep. Charlie Norwood has died of lung cancer.
In terms of seat–I presume it’s a safe one. Don’t know. But FYI: “Under Georgia law, a special election will be held within 40 days to select Norwood’s replacement in the House.”
Today the kids had a day off from school due to snow. At my place of employment, we were sent home early, and I had the rather harrowing experience of losing control of the car several times as I drove home.
Posted this before heading out today: “Observe the Snow“.
I’m just glad you’re home…and safe.
Thanks. Exactly one week ago today we got our first big snow of the season, and this was on the heels of two days of weather deemed cold enough to close the schools. The snow was hitting not long before rush hour, so plows and salt trucks were out, also stuck in the rush hour traffic.
So I’m really glad they sent us home before rush hour today. Tomorrow is still a question mark as far as whether we’ll have work or not. I wanted to pick up a couple videos at the library, to help stave off stir-crazy fighting between the kids due to even more days stuck inside together. But the library was closed due to the weather. Momentarily, I considered driving to a video store, but I just couldn’t see driving any further than necessary at that point, and pressing my luck with the roads.
Good to be home, but still wish we had a movie. 😉
I know that’s right.
So…do you have anything with SpongeBob or Finding Nemo or such? We have DVDs of cartoons and movies on hand because we’d often have our nieces over and we don’t have cable or satellite.(When they were much younger–and geeze, I cannot believe I just wrote that. Who told them they could grow up???)
Oh, and BTW–I love what you write in your diaries! Keep ’em comin’ :<)
Our snow event is coming, and will last for some 24 hours. Ahh, the beautiful Hudson Valley, no wonder FDR wanted out.
Hey BooMan. Down here in the Baltimore-Washington area 100 miles to your southwest, we’ve got ice, sleet, snow, freezing rain and 5.6 million ignorant-ass Marylanders like myself incapable coping with any of the above.
Just having fun on my site Crablaw Maryland Weekly. A few of us progressive/liberal/civil liberties trouble makers down here are looking to set up a Maryland-specific community blog. Toss up between Scoop, SoapBlox and Drupal. SoapBlox is looking pretty good, despite the retail price; if I can get my ad revenue up from miniscule to very small, it will work.
Anyway, best wishes for continued success.
Crab Media
let me once again take time to compliment booman on the magnanimous gesture of adding the blogs which markos and duncan deleted to the tribune’s roll.
you are a mensch!
I join with Skippy in sending a valentine to BooMan! You’ve been on my blogroll since you first set up shop. (I don’t comment often, but I drop by regularly.) BMT is indeed a class act.