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Question for everyone:
which city is your favorite and why?
which city is your favorite and why?
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My answer to the question: I’m livin’ in it – Tucson, Arizona. It has great food, plenty of cultural events to attend all year long, and is surrounded by mountains with plenty of hiking. The sunsets are a great perk too:
Hi Man Eegee
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"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
thx for the links š
Where’s your favorite spot on this globe?
I’m easy going, just anywhere west of the Mississippi River and nowhere near a large metropolitan area. Loved growing up (and getting some education) in the suburban area of St. Louis (Creve Coeur). I always had a pleasant stay traveling along old Route 66 and in California I love the coastal Highway 1. Beautiful region of Monterrey and Santa Barbara.
I can find my way around in Paris or London, less in nearby Amsterdam, but love living in The Hague. Place of birth behind the dunes near the tulip fields of Holland. Weathered the great storm of 1953.
Holland is a great country to raise kids, says UNICEF.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
My favorite place is Prescott, just a bit north of you..it took me 25 years to get my ass out of the midwest and you’re spot on about the gorgeous sunsets!
been to Prescott many times, managed to catch a few art fairs in front of the courthouse.
hope you’re having a good Wednesday!
Hi Manny,
Favorite city? That’s a tricky one – at the moment, I’d say Barcelona. Art, architecture and a vibrant life right there on the Mediterranean (icy sleet coming down here in NY right now).
Anyway, time to head home on this important day. See you later!
planning a backpacking trip to Europe, I’m sure my top spot will be immediately be changed once that happens.
Say hello to curly!
This summer? You’ll have a blast. I’m afraid I’ve become too much of a comfort creature, my backpacking days are over, unless it’s for hiking in the forests/mountains.
Heading for curly’s and will bring the greetings.
Hi Man Eegee – Happy Valentine’s Day to you! Hope you’re having some delicious dark chocolate loaded with antioxidants.
My favorite city is of course, my hometown nyc, but it is really good to get away and be romantic in Paris, and “happy” in Amsterdam. Venice, Barcelona, Madrid and let’s not forget Sydney – love Sydney lots and lots too!
you connected to a spycam? I just finished wolfing down two pieces of Russel Stover.
Happy Valentine’s Day back!
Wake up! Big sister is watching you! Nothing is private
any longer! Sorry to burst your bubble. (what flavors
did you have?)
Big Sister were truly watching me, we would have to worry about her staying awake as my life is a paragon of boredom š
Dark chocolate with coconut filling. mmmmm
Your comment about wolfing down pieces of Russell Stover sounded pretty provocative.
But then I’m someone who, upon reading of Marie Callender’s death in the paper, immediately thought, “The next time I see a box in the frozen food section labeled ‘Marie Callender’s Liver,’ I’m moving away.”
this was the nut-less variety of Russell Stover, for the record. š
My favorite city is New York City. Paris ain’t half bad either.
Then let’s see you here more often š
Perhaps the Natural History Museum?
Well, that’s what I hear. Any tentative schedule?
heh…you’re asking the wrong person on that one. I’m too scatterbrained to remember that latest on that.
ach! Men, you’re all alike when it comes to making plans to leave the cave! I guess it’s up to the girls to pull this one together. I hope it happens – out of town friends are the only way to get ask to do anything cultural like museums, plays, or concerts – hence our meet up at the clearwater festival. Please get CG on the line!
How’s the first weekend in March look? We’re still getting over bronchitis and stuff here, but should be better by then.
Hi CB!
We have plans on Saturday, but Sunday is good. Been wanting
to revisit the butterfly conservatory, and isn’t there
an exhibit about neanderthal men? (ha! – that sounds funny for some ironic reason)
I’m going to mark that Sunday on my calendar for NYC then (I’ll send an email shortly too.)
The butterfly thing sounds good…I have to go check out their website because I’ve never been there before. Don’t they have a good planetarium or something?
(LOL on the neanderthal men…)
Hi CG,
just back on.
The Hayden Planetarium is quite an experience.
Plan to be there early, lines tend to grow fast.
This morning I woke up, and on my way to the bus stop I got to look out at the mountains, over the water.
Then once I got to the bus stop, there were the mountains in the other direction, over another body of water, all presided over by Mount Rainier. During this morning’s commute my bus drove, literally, over the top of the water on the world’s longest pontoon bridge.
Trees, mountains, water, a climate that’s neither too hot in the summer nor too cold in the winter (this past winter excepted), a high-tech climate where I can make a decent living, my kids and grandkids are all here . . . and the politics are as blue as you’re going to get outside San Francisco. What’s not to like about Seattle?
Oh sure, we have Tim Eyman, high housing and food prices, the nation’s fourth-worst traffic, a 9.5% sales tax and the occasional earthquake, but what would paradise be without the occasional snake?
If I had to choose a city outside of Seattle I think I’d choose Victoria, BC. Different enough that you know you’re in another country, familiar enough to be somewhat comfortable. And if I had to choose one outside my own geographic region, I’d probably have to choose Austin, Texas, which when I lived there 15 years ago was an oasis of sanity in . . . well, in Texas.
haven’t run into you recently, hope things are going well in the top-left corner of the U.S. Yours is the only region I haven’t been to yet, but will be rectifying that at the end of March with a trip to Portland. Can’t wait! I’ve only heard great things about the Pac NW.
I don’t have a favorite city, but I do miss the New Orleans that was and could have been.
I’ve never been to the Crescent City, but certainly share your sentiments. I had an opportunity to talk to my Congressman recently in an informal setting and asked him why Congress wasn’t doing more for the gulf coast now that the Dems were in power. I was assured there would be movement. Still waiting…
Hi hens teeth
I had been through New Orleans many time and to some plenty Mardi Gras too. I remember how vibrant and full of life it was and can only hope it becomes that way again.
User ID #: 4500
Country: United States of America
Nevertheless: WELCOME to the pond!
Welcome Wagon Diary
Looking for User ID #: 1500
≈ Cross-posted from hens teeth’s diary — No space left unsold ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
It was a unique place, but with more than its share of problems. For a little while, it looked like some of them might get fixed.
with Seattle — probably my favorite vacation destination. It’s relatively easy to get around without a car (looking forward to the new light rail — there’s going to be a stop right by our usual Seattle headquarters!), you’ve got ferries on the Sound for a change of pace, great seafood (for the spouse, though I love me some good salmon), the scenery is amazing…I could go on. Still wish I could’ve talked the spouse into moving up there back in 1993-94, but then I’d be waxing nostalgic about San Francisco, I guess…
Hi! I’m posting to share my joy about the new flavor of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream:
Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream.
If it’s anywhere near as tasty as Colbert is, I can’t wait.
Oh yeah- also, I haven’t to that many cities so it’s hard to say. I’m sure NYC would be my favorite if I’d ever been there. I really do love Los Angeles. I know that’s probably laughable to most people, but it’s my hometown and I adore it.
It’s a great city with lots to do, and not far from the ocean so not laughable in my book! We have quite a few SoCal BooTribbers here, maybe they’ll find their way over to the thread and say hello.
San Francisco wins hands down. I lived there for 8 years and still miss it. I loved the culture, the different neighborhoods, the fabulous restaurants, the people, the theatre, the ballet, the symphony,the museums, the parks, … the list goes on and on. If I ever win the lottery I am moving back.
and environs…actually, the entirety of coastal california starting at Santa Barbara, up thru St. Luis Obispo, Big Sur, Monterry, SF, north to Calistoga and the Napa and Sonoma Valleys…spectular country, ocean, cities, each with their own special flavours.
Here’s a great gallery of photos of SF from SFGate photographer Fredrick Larson…beautiful work!
now…where’s the bartender and the hookah?
march on the pentagon: 3.17.07
Draft Al Gore: 2008
gracias amigo….now, keep an eye out for the marmot, he has a habit of hoggin’ the pipe
march on the pentagon: 3.17.07
Draft Al Gore: 2008
I’ll second San Francisco. I moved just 30 miles away and I miss living there. Got an email today alterting me to the annual Valentines Day pillow fight at Justin Herman Plaza, just starting now. Where else?
Where else would you find a plaque on a wall commemorating a fictional event (the plaque marking the spot where Brigid O’Shaughnessey did in Miles Archer in The Maltese Falcon.) Or where else would the theft of a movie prop (the falcon itself) be front-page news?
And best of all, where else could you find a pickup baseball (not softball, mind you, baseball) game where on any given Sunday afternoon you might have an infield comprising an 18-year-old third baseman, a 40-year-old shortstop, a 12-year-old second baseman, and a 60-year-old first baseman? And on New Year’s Eve?
Hi, Man Eegee,
Thank you for your recommendations. They’re a boost. I always read your diaries.
My favorite city is Monterey. It’s in a beautiful spot, with easy driving to a lot of other places (I like a lot of Northern California) — of course, there’s the Monterey Bay Aquarium, which attracts a lot of tourists but is still fascinating, changing every month.
Latanawi is a quechua word meaning imploring eyes (for example, what you see on the face of a child or dog behaving very well and wanting that treat in your hand).
the kind words, latanawi – and I’m glad to see the language of the Incas blazing onward through time. Have a great Thursday. paz
I don’t know if you saw the posting by caribeyandino suggesting a Spanish section to the BT (“el Homebre Boo”) to attract more readers and ads.
I said I had just bought via Powell’s the book you recommended, Translation Nation and wondered if it’s been published in Spanish, too.
the diary but missed your question about the book. Not sure if it’s been published en español. I’ll look around and see, talk about irony if it wasn’t…