It’s kind of amusing to read Hot Air’s response to Jack Murtha’s slow bleed plan for ending the war. It boils down to this:

Murtha is going to try to make it impossible for the President to find the troops he would need to maintain the war in Iraq. He will try to do this by attaching amendments to the ‘upcoming $93 billion supplemental spending bill for Iraq and Afghanistan.’ Multiple deployments will be capped, units will have to meet equipment and manpower requirements to deploy, etc.

Now, the right-wing is seeing this as some kind of treason. And they want Democrats to simply cut off funding if they oppose the war, not strangle the deployment process. I would actually sympathize with their argument if we could actually overcome a Republican filibuster and cut off funding. But we can’t, so this is the only option for ending the war. And that is just the way it is.