The candidates are starting to take Nevada seriously. After Bill Richardson, Barack Obama is the second candidate to hire a staff in Nevada.

And not just any staff. His campaign in Nevada will be run by former Nevada Democratic Party executive director Alyson Schwartz and former Jill Derby campaign manager David Cohen (AP).
In my opinion, this is a coup for Obama. Especially David Cohen will bring valuable insights to Obama’s campaign having run one of the best campaigns in Nevada last year. He ran a smart and witty campaign for Jill Derby’s run for Congress which was so successful that it drew national attention and almost cost the Republicans to lose one of their safest seats in the country.

This (yet very small) team is strong enough to not only help Obama win the caucus in Nevada but might be much more valuable should he win the Democratic nomination, as David Cohen knows how to win votes in the rural areas of Nevada. Should Obama be the nominee, Schwartz and Cohen will be an assett for winning the state in the general election.

Cross posted at Nevada Caucus 2008