Rep Lewis was introduced last night in glowing terms when he stood to give his remarks on House Con Res 63, with words to the effect that he’d “supplied all the Special Forces” equipment, etc that was used in Afghanistan in the search for Osama bin Ladin. My mind drifted from the train of superlatives at that point. While all that congratulatory praise was being heaped on Lewis, where was the mention of the failure to press on to the capture, as we learn from Gary Berntsen’s Jawbreaker?

The decision not to supply the additional support that Gary requested, forces needed to complete the capture just as OBL was cornered in Tora Bora, has been explained as BushCo wanting to focus on Iraq instead.

But considering that a deliberate decision to abandon the capture has led to this lengthy war, and need for more and more equipment, I question the appropriateness of overlooking the failure to capture OBL, and wonder if Rep Lewis, or any of the other military suppliers and backers, contributed to the decision.