Well, thanks to Investor’s Business Weekly, we know what we are in for.
War On Terror: The party of John Murtha shamelessly seeks to defund and defeat U.S. troops on the battlefield and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The Congress the terrorists wanted is doing their bidding.
I’d like to know where those jaws of victory are. Anyone seen the jaws of victory? Paging the jaws of victory. Helloooo!?!
Now it’s the House of Representatives’ turn, led by Rep. John Murtha, who believes the fine young men and women we send to defeat terror and our sworn enemies are cold-blooded killers.
Wow. Is this thing written by Mean Jean Schmidt?
We find it scary that the Democratic and terrorist game plans are indistinguishable.
That’s odd. I tend to find it strangely convenient for the war effort.
It’s not that the Democrats think we’re losing or that the war is unwinnable. They simply don’t want to win it
I guess the author doesn’t read blogs. Or The Nation. Or any other progressive source that figured out the war was lost sometime in 2003 or 2004…or before it began, in many cases.
We’d have to go back to Benedict Arnold to find Americans as eager as Murtha & Co. to see an American defeat on the battlefield.
They are working on the game plan of al-Qaida’s No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Would it be okay if I was offended by this?
Well, I’m certainly offended by it. It was just a day or two ago that my repug friend told me that she thinks that I (and liberals in general) want us to lose in Iraq. That’s the equivalent of saying that I am unpatriotic. I attribute her opinion to Fox poisoning.
I find it interesting that a magazine for investors is arguing to keep the war going.
I should HOPE you’re offended by it. It’s about as offensive as it gets. And absurd.
Personally, I think we should be more concerned over the war profiteering game plan…
Either is “okay” (i.e. permissible). I would recommend taking comfort.
Desperateness like this is a sign that the author and the people the author speaks for are losing, and they know it.
This article makes Baghdad Bob’s most infamous minutes look like straight reporting.
Take comfort.
Just my take, and offered only because you asked.
haven’t we seen this episode before … ?
Let me offer an alternative take on the line “They simply don’t want to win it.”
If I had a relative who decided to rob a bank, should I wish him success? Just because he is a relative? And once he gets into it and things go wrong and a bank guard gets killed, should I criticize the police who then gun down my relative?
“Well wait a minute,” they say. “Robbing a bank is against the law but invading Iraq is, uh, um… Never mind.”
The US invasion of Iraq is illegal under international law. We have no right to success there.
Of course it is offensive. According to an AP poll from last week:
“Do you think the war in Iraq is a worthy cause or a hopeless cause?”
Worthy 39%
Hopeless 56%
Both (vol.) 2%
Neither (vol.) 2%
Unsure 1%
56% of our nation think this is hopeless, and now some rag is saying all of us are unpatriotic terrorists.
I would love to see a Dem that is running for the WH write a letter to the editor ripping into them. The DC Dems have a knack of reading this kind of nonsense and getting intimidated into trying to find a middle ground.
What they need to do is stand up and hit back with both fists.
No. Because if you are it means you are a traitor who should be exiled or sentenced to death. Preferably by firing squad, on TV. Check this discourse out:
Slouching Towards Armageddon
George W. Bush claims that he disagrees with such statements about liberals and their views on the conduct of his War in Iraq. Why hasn’t he issued an honest denunciation of statements like the one made by Investors Business Weekly and definitively called for them to stop, period. Hello, anybody home?
…and nonsensical talk as well. But the incognizant right still buys it.
The war and its escalation are too a victory. A victory for the vultures who run Investor’s Business Weekly and the asswipes who read it. Nobody ever said that permanent war is not a win-win for the military-corporate complex.
And of course it’s obvious who has seen to it that every Al Qaida hope has been met and exceeded. His initials are GWB. They hate our freedom, remember?
Thinking further on this, it’s a perfect example of the strange malaise of the left. Who cares about offended? If we were rightwing crazies, we’d be buying or obtaining IBW’s subscriber list and sending its customers something like:
We’d have to go back to Benedict Arnold to find Americans as eager as Murtha & Co. to see an American defeat on the battlefield.
Aw, come on now. Do we really have to go that far back? I seem to remember similar charges just a couple of years ago toward John Kerry, who was such a traitor that he suggested we get a permission slip from the UN before we defend our freedom and liberty blah blah blah.
This is authoritarian propaganda in its worst form. I keep trying to be optimistic and think that we’re only a couple elections away from a Hitler/Mussolini scenario here in America… and then I read shit like this in respected news outlets in our own country. Maybe we’re already there.