I was on a conference call today with former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack who was intereviewed by Jonathan Singer of MyDD. One thing that stood out in the interview was Vilsack’s stand against the Iraq War. Vilsack, who currently ranks in the top four in Iowa polls, appears to be clearly planning to compete for those Democratic voters who rank the Iraq war as one of their primary issues. The anti-war faction of the Democratic Party appears so far to be largely split between Sen. Barack Obama, Cong. Dennis Kucinich, and former Sen. Mike Gravel.

Vilsack was praised for his anti-war positions this past week by Sen. Russ Feingold who had a large amount of support from in the anti-war faction of the party and a large amount of netroots support before he dropped out of the 2008 presidential race.

Washingtonian this past week mentioned Vilsack as a possibility as a candidate who could emerge from the second tier (along with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on the GOP side).