FamilyMan I just added a link to your blog on mine and will also add Olivia’s later tonight. I have to get several from here in the pond added. I am putting them in order by political first of course- national, texas, GLBT, then personal blogs of interest. Anyone that wants theirs listed need to let me know.
Thank you!!!! I guess when Miss Andi gets back in town I will volunteer for a day that is not hosted instead of just being a fill in. LOL That way I will not steal anyone’s night like tonight.
You don’t have to wait for me to get back. Saturday and Sunday are open and if we can get Manny the Lurker to declare himself on whether he is permanently moving to Wednesday to do the welcome wagon/question of the day, we can figure out whether it’s Tuesday or Wednesday that’s unhosted.
let’s go with Tuesdays open. I hadn’t really thought about it till now. But that will work better for me as I have regular meetings on Tues. nights for the next few months.
Groggy? Once you’re a seasoned napper you’ll be able to be wide awake in a few seconds.
It was a 3 layer carmel cake. It had Happy B’day to both FMom and me and had two candles on it. There was plenty of food and family and it was a lot of fun and very tiring.
The newest Grandniece is doing fine. Her parents on the other hand are worn out. She seems to like to stay awake all night and they’ve tried everything the can think of to get her to sleep. Ah the joys of parenthood.
ROTFLMAO!!!! You can download audacity which is a free program and record a podcast very quickly. I always save my files as mp3s. Talking about podcast, I sent an email to the edwards campaign to see if he would be willing to be interviewed. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I was thinking more of the happy hour/evening cafe when I’d be home … Seems like the day is covered with your diary in the AMs. I do try to check in through-out the day on Tuesdays though. We can leave as is if that works better … I’m easy.
just that I could be around to open a happy hour cafe if need be … but seeing how much work it is just explaining it, I’m not sure I’m for actually doing it … lol.
with the friendly folks at the Froggy Bottom Lounge.
I’ll take 27 beers to start and then we’ll talk about some real alcohol.
OMG!!! Hi FamilyMan!!!!!! I hope the birthday bash weekend was a great success!!!!!
Hi Refinish.
Everything was really nice. Just got rid of family yesterday and I’m still worn completely out.
I’ve only had a chance to look in every now and then. By the way congrats on your first hosting on Sun. I wish I could have been there.
Now that the relatives are gone, will we get a new post at your place?
Yep. I was working on one while the electricity has been out most of the day. The great thing about laptops is a battery.
The relatives left and took the power with them?
FamilyMan I just added a link to your blog on mine and will also add Olivia’s later tonight. I have to get several from here in the pond added. I am putting them in order by political first of course- national, texas, GLBT, then personal blogs of interest. Anyone that wants theirs listed need to let me know.
Thank you RF, I’m sure Olivia will be very happy with that also.
Your welcome and I just added Latino Pilitco to my more politics section. LOL The blog roll is going to wind up being very long I think. LOL
for the linkage refi!
No Problem. I feel like we all need to help each other out. That is what the blogging community is suppose to be about as far as I am concerned.
Thank you!!!! I guess when Miss Andi gets back in town I will volunteer for a day that is not hosted instead of just being a fill in. LOL That way I will not steal anyone’s night like tonight.
I think you make a great host.
Thank you!!!!
Actually I’ve been waiting for you to be a host. You’re always cheerful and funny and that’s what the cafe needs.
What a sweet compliment. Thank you again.
You welcomed again. I’m trying to get FMom and myself back on a routine, so I’ve got to make dinner, but I’ll be back in a little while.
See ya later.
Have a good dinner and give FMom a hug from me.
You don’t have to wait for me to get back. Saturday and Sunday are open and if we can get Manny the Lurker to declare himself on whether he is permanently moving to Wednesday to do the welcome wagon/question of the day, we can figure out whether it’s Tuesday or Wednesday that’s unhosted.
let’s go with Tuesdays open. I hadn’t really thought about it till now. But that will work better for me as I have regular meetings on Tues. nights for the next few months.
I didn’t figure you wanted to do 2 days.
I can do Saturdays with no problem. When elections cycle goes through the roof, I will give fair warning on days I will be unavailable. LOL
the proud host of the Saturday FBC.
Great!!!!! I will try and do you proud.
If you need someone to do Tuesday afternoon, maybe I should volunteer … you know, it is the flower day.
Oh, and afternoon all! I just woke up from an impromptu after work nap … Musta sensed FM’s presence tonight.
Hi Olivia.
Good to see ya. Yep my presence has been know to put poeple to sleep.
How’ve you been doing?
but otherwise okay.
So, what kind of cake?
Groggy? Once you’re a seasoned napper you’ll be able to be wide awake in a few seconds.
It was a 3 layer carmel cake. It had Happy B’day to both FMom and me and had two candles on it. There was plenty of food and family and it was a lot of fun and very tiring.
And very tiring.
How’s the grandniece?
The newest Grandniece is doing fine. Her parents on the other hand are worn out. She seems to like to stay awake all night and they’ve tried everything the can think of to get her to sleep. Ah the joys of parenthood.
I’ll have to take your word for it.
Good to hear she’s doing fine.
Thanks. I’m sure they’ll all get into a routine soon enough.
HI Miss Olivia!!!!!!
Thanks for linkage …
Now, if I could just get the podcast thing figured out.
ROTFLMAO!!!! You can download audacity which is a free program and record a podcast very quickly. I always save my files as mp3s. Talking about podcast, I sent an email to the edwards campaign to see if he would be willing to be interviewed. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Any luck convincing FM to do that threeway podcast?
LOL Not so far. but you never know.
As I’ve said when I hear the first Olivia podcast, then I’ll consider a three way podcast.
You two come up with the lamest excuses. LOL
Can you do a cafe from work?
I was thinking more of the happy hour/evening cafe when I’d be home … Seems like the day is covered with your diary in the AMs. I do try to check in through-out the day on Tuesdays though. We can leave as is if that works better … I’m easy.
we could have two flower cafes? That would be nice.
(Don’t answer now; my brain is no longer processing information and I’ve decided to fog out for the evening.)
just that I could be around to open a happy hour cafe if need be … but seeing how much work it is just explaining it, I’m not sure I’m for actually doing it … lol.
well since I’m no longer thinking I am only recognizing your earlier offer to do a cafe.
If you bring it up later, I’ll say you were dreaming …
but I was here and know she wasn’t LOL
We got your back Miss Andi!!!!!! Olivia ain’t getting way with this one.
Okay … have a good evening you all. I’ve got a hot date w/ a couple of fishies (read: water changes).
See ya.
Have fun. LOL
and oops I took second natures night. I am so sorry!!!! I forgot to check the roster. I am a bad boy.
Check the roster? I’ve never seen one.
LOL I can send you my copy.
Her night is Monday. This was Manny’s but I think he’s switched to Wednesday so you’re good.
Hi Andi.
Are you enjoying yourself in the metropolis?
Good things about being in Bridgeport —
— there’s wifi
— there’s wifi
Well I guess at least you’ve got wi-fi.
Wifi! Try these vids:
These are great!!!!!
That singing kid reminds of every single boy who is in the drama dept with my kids. I love drama kids!
Well, I was a drama major. LOL
I recently found out that i’m a drama queen, so we have something in common.
How’re ya doing tonight?
Building up the drama I see.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! That is too funny.
Yeah I think SN is more a comedy queen than drama.
Thanks, I needed that.
I loved the start up sound prank.
I am working on a doctorate in Lurking.
Lurking seems like a good thing lately. I know I will be except for Froggybottom. LOL
So how does the oral exam work?
and lots of burning around the lips. A tactic that has been perfected for over 6000 years.
Now that’s a real incentive to getting your phd.
And to have a lot of beer to drink.
Hi Manny.
I hope things have been going good with you. Down here we reached up to the 70’s today. Gonna be a hot summer.
happy belated birthday! things are….alright…here. We’ve also been hovering around 70. While it’s nice, I am also dreading the summer to come.
Yep this summer is going to be bad, but with global warming at least the beach will be closer. Bad joke.
LOL Good. I was feeling really guilty. Having fun in … oh never mind I know the answer. LOL
off to meetings that I’d rather not be at…but there will be a few cold one’s when it’s over…
trash the place…let’s see if the night shift shows up…Ha!
march on the pentagon: 3.17.07
Draft Al Gore: 2008
Have fun!!!!!
Hi dada.
There should be a few cold one before, during and after. That’s the kind of meeting people want to go to.
In keeping with my getting back into my routine, I’m calling it a night.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
sweet dreams!!!!!